Friday, 8 January 2016

Excess Sweating Treatments

Doctors call it hyperhidrosis, but if you have problems with sweating too much, you probably have other names for it. The good news is there are excess sweating treatments you and your doctor can choose that have been quite successful in others. You don't need to just live with this condition. Working with your physician, you can explore the treatment modes and choose those which best fit your needs.

The name for this condition translates something like "above-normal sweating pathology" - "hyperhidrosis" certainly sounds more impressive, doesn't it? The most common areas affected are the hands, feet, face, and armpits. This excessive perspiring is usually independent of activity and emotional state. This over activity is generally caused by an overactive autonomic nervous system. The excessive wetness of these areas can be socially crippling and emotionally painful.

The area affected (hands, feet, arm pits, etc.) will in large measure affect which treatment approach is used. There are basically three approaches used in treatment: Topical (antiperspirants), medical (drugs that inhibit sweating), and surgical (reduction of sweat glands, direct disruption of their function [ablation, and curettage and suction]). It is important to trial the more conservative approaches first, before considering surgery.

Antiperspirants, usually an aluminum preparation, work by physically blocking and absorbing perspiration. These are available in both prescription and nonprescription strengths. For a mild to moderate case, these stronger antiperspirants might be the only thing needed. This is where most people should start their search for relief.

The medical approach centers on moderating the function of the sympathetic nervous system with the use of drugs from the anticholinergic functional class. These drugs are used for things like overactive bladder and muscle spasms and not specifically indicated in hyperhidrosis. The common side effect of dryness of the mouth, and other mucous structures and sweat glands is what is being traded on here.

The most common type of surgeries performed for this condition are sympathectomies. Mainly done endoscopically, the area most commonly worked on is on the inside of the chest wall. The endoscope has permitted many more of these to be done than when they were all done "open-chest". Severing this sympathetic connection removes the source of overstimulation. Other procedures use electrical stimulation of the sweat glands to disrupt them or lasers, curettage and suction to remove them.

Those that suffer from this embarrassing condition can take heart in the fact that there are options for excess sweating treatments that are effective and, like much of medicine, are always improving. You and your doctor can explore these treatment modes and find the correct one for you. Again, while surgery is often the ultimate option, it is best to exhaust the more conservative approaches first. I personally managed to get rid of all my sweat problems with a step by step sweat removal guide.

Do you want to learn Natural Excess Sweating Treatments? Ricky Wallick successfully managed to end his sweating problems for life within 2 weeks. See the Top 3 Stop Sweating Cures at his website CLICK HERE

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