Friday 1 January 2016

The Real Cause of TMJ Disorders

The temporomandibular joint disorder, called the TMJ in short, is a fairly common disorder of the jaw which affects nearly sixty million people in the American population. People who suffer from this condition are likely to experience pain that may be temporary, but may also last for at least a few years. For those who are affected with this problem, it is important to understand what causes TMJ disorder in order to treat it. It can't be stated for certain exactly what causes TMJ disorder, although there are some standard contributing factors. These factors can be categorized into the following groups:

1. Dental issues: TMJ disorder is most commonly caused as a result of derangement of the jaws. This is a condition known as "malocclusion" wherein your teeth are no longer able to fit together the way they are supposed to. This condition can be a result of situations such as ill fitting dentures, tooth removal or any minor or major dental surgery, missing teeth, advent of pre molars and growth of wisdom teeth.

2. Trauma: About 99% of TMJ sufferers claim that their condition was a result of some sort of trauma or injury. Even minor blows on the head, face or jaw can result in trauma. Whiplash and traction appliances used in whiplash injuries or problems like ill fitting braces can also prove to be contributing factors.

3. Habits: Some of the things we unwittingly do in our daily lives result in TMJ disorder. A common cause is bruxism, or the habit of continually clenching one's teeth. Bruxism puts undue pressure on the teeth and jaw resulting in the damage of cartilage and ligaments in the TMJ area. Other bad habits include chewing on pens/pencils, biting finger nails, chronic gum chewing and bad postures that put pressure on your face and jaw, such as, sleeping on your stomach and holding the phone on your shoulder.

4. Social situations: Stress has been known to cause tension in the muscles. Prolonged tightening of the muscles affects the TM Joint by putting enormous pressure on it. Eventually the tense muscles tend to shorten and result in misalignment. Social situations like family problems, financial issues, legal hassles and health concerns are stress inducers and must be dealt with.

5. Emotions: Emotional upheavals resulting from depression, anxiety, fear or anger have adverse affects that can negatively affect your whole body including the TM Joint.

Certain simple precautions should be kept in mind in order to prevent a TMJ disorder. For instance, although yawning is a reflex action, one must take care to not open one's mouth fully but partially while yawning. Similarly, excessive chewing of bubble gum, habits like biting nails or chewing on pencils must be avoided at all costs. As the TM joint facilitates essential activities like talking, chewing and swallowing, it is important to take care of it.

Since the causes of TMJ disorder are so varied, the approach to treating it should also be multi dimensional. There is a wide variety of treatment available for the condition, ranging from simple exercises to complicated corrective surgeries. However, if you are looking for a permanent solution to your problem, it is best to adopt a holistic approach. In treating the condition holistically, you strengthen your body and equip it to heal all by itself. Not only can your body recover from the ailment; it can also prevent future occurrences of it. In the case of TMJ disorder therefore, combining relaxation therapies, which would help reduce stress, with jaw exercises, such as controlled TMJ rotation, and working on body postures that affect the head and neck, would provide a wholesome remedy for TMJ disorder. Only through holistic treatment can your body be restored to a state of well being.

This article is based on the book, "TMJ No More" by Sandra Carter. Sandra is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate TMJ disorders solution guaranteed to permanently reverse the root cause of TMJ and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life,  without the use prescription medication and without any surgical procedures. Learn more by visiting her website: Click Here

What is Hidradenitis Suppurativa?

Hidradenitis Suppurativa is a non-contagious skin disease that is also known as Acne Inversa. This condition affects areas of the body where there is skin to skin contact and where sweat or oil glands are present; common areas are the underarms, breasts, buttocks, anal region, and groin. It affects between 1 to 4% of the world's population, and is more likely to occur in females.


Hidradenitis Suppurativa is characterized by persistent abscesses, cysts (epidermoid, sebaceous, and pilonidal) and infections. The condition is chronic and often goes through alternating periods of remission and flare-ups. During flare-ups, the inflammation tends to be severe and patients may develop fever and be very fatigued. The pain can be unbearable and the person's movements will be very limited. The abscesses often drain pus and leave open wounds that may not heal. Eventually, abscesses may become interconnected through tunnels under skin and this makes the condition harder to treat.


The immediate cause of Hidradenitis Suppurativa is clogging of the apocrine glands, due to dead skin cells become trapped in the gland, over production of oil, or bacterial accumulation. This will cause the plug to swell with pus formation. What causes this simple blockage to progress into a full blow Hidradenitis Suppurativa case is still debated, however, possible theories include an auto-immune reaction, hormone imbalances and genetic disorders. It is also known that excessive sweating and being overweight will increase the risk of developing the condition. Furthermore, wearing tight clothing, excessive shaving, using lithium medications and hot humid climates have been identified as triggering factors.


Clinically, Hidradenitis Suppurativa is described to occur in three stages. Stage 1 is characterized by the presence of a single or multiple abscesses without scarring that may be misdiagnosed as acne. Stage 2 is characterized by recurrent abscesses, lesions and sinus tract formation. At this stage inflammation will limit the person's range of movement. Stage 3 is characterized by severe inflammation leading to swellings up to the size of baseballs. Scarring is prevalent, as are frequent infections.


Hidradenitis Suppurativa treatment will depend on the clinical presentation and extent of the condition. Antibiotics may be prescribed to treat any infections and for anti-inflammatory effect. Corticosteroids, NSAIDs and other anti-inflammatory drugs are also widely used. For some cases, surgery may be needed. In Europe, Electron Beam Radiotherapy is also sometimes used.

Unfortunately, medical treatments for Hidradenitis Suppurativa are of very limited effectiveness and may cause side effects. Lifestyle changes, dietary intervention and natural extracts are often more effective at controlling the condition and sending it into remission, and indeed a complete cure is possible without any medical intervention. Lifestyle changes include the use of hydrotherapy, balneotherapy and icing of the area. Dietary intervention includes the adoption of an anti-inflammatory diet, use of specific vitamin and mineral supplements, and the achievement of a healthy bodyweight.

For a complete guide on curing Hidradenitis Suppurativa through a natural and holistic approach, visit Therese Wilson's Fast Hidradenitis Suppurativa Cure™ Click Here. Wilson is a certified nutritionist, holistic health consultant and a Hidradenitis Suppurativa specialist.

What is Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis pilaris is a hereditary skin disorder which is common among adults. Although this illness doesn’t cause any harm on your health and to your well-being as a whole, this condition can be very itchy and visibly unappealing.  Still, there is no way to treat keratosis pilaris, but there are some treatment options which can aid you get rid of your skin bumps, especially those on your cheeks.

KP and follicular keratosis are also the common terms used to pertain to Keratosis pilaris. This illness forms once your skin produces extra epidermal skin in a procedure called keratinization. Once you have defective keratinization, the excess skin cells can start to pile up on your skin surface that causes clogging of your hair follicles. This subsidizes to the bumpy look of follicular keratosis which has given it the name chicken skin bumps. These skin bumps can be formed on your buttocks, cheeks, thighs, back though they are commonly formed on the back part of the arms.

Many individuals work to treat their Keratosis pilaris by undergoing mechanical procedure and chemical exfoliation to unblock the chicken bumps. Mechanical exfoliators like soaps and loofas together with scrubbing beads can aid to smooth away your bumps. There many chemical exfoliators which can aid you to treat the bumps such as;
  • Malic acid
  • Urea
  • Glycolic acid
  • Citric acid
  • Retinoic acid cure
  • Lactic acid
In this day and age, many people have started using immunomodulators to aid with curing keratosis pilaris. This cure is tropical cream prescribed by many doctors which is usually used to cure eczema. Besides the chicken white bumps, most people who have follicular keratosis can also stimulate skin itchiness, redness and inflamed skin because of their condition. In these situations, creams or moisturizers which contain hydrocortisone can aid to lessen the skin inflammation in order for your skin disorder to become painless and visible as well.

Unfortunately, once you stopped curing your KP or keratosis pilaris by means of exfoliation, your skin can regain quickly its bumpy look. Thus, it is essential to manage your skin daily condition.

All in all, KP or keratosis pilaris is defined as a skin condition of adolescence and childhood as well. Though most of the time it becomes much blown up at puberty, it normally improves with age.  Just about thirty up to fifty percent of patients have a family history. This is described as an autosomal dominant inheritance along with adaptable penetrance. Most of the time, personal variation is described, with development of indications during summer season. Dry skin during winter season tends to worsen the signs for most number of patients. Generally, keratosis pilaris or KP is self-limited and tends to get worse with age in most patients. Most patients have a lifelong follicular pilaris with stages of exacerbations and remissions. More extensive unusual cases might be disfiguring cosmetically and distressing psychologically.

Although you may not want the sandpaper feeling and looks of your skin, KP or keratosis pilaris is not serious and harmless and is not a long term health condition. In fact, in most cases, follicular pilaris normally disappears once you reached the age of thirty.

Treating Keratosis Pilaris may seem like an impossible challenge.  However, research shows that all-natural treatment systems,  Seek relief Click Here

Numbness,Tingling in Hands & Fingers - Symptom Diabetes

Before proceeding further, I would request you to answer the following questions

Do you wake up in the morning with tingling hands and feet?
Does your foot start to tingle each time you sit down?
Do you complain about sleeping feet and hands?
If you have answered yes to any one or more of the above mentioned questions then I'm glad that you have chosen this article for reading. The tingling or numbness in feet and hands is a warning sign. You are sitting down and spending few minutes to read this article depicts that you care for your health.

So proceed further!

Few other names of tingling and numbness are

Loss of sensation
Sensory loss
Restless leg syndrome
Diabetes sets in gradually. Most of the time the patients remain unaware that a chronic disease is setting in. It is a severe condition which causes the level of blood sugar to rise. The high levels of glucose in blood for a longer period of time start to damage various systems of the body. The nervous system of the body is the first victim of high sugar levels. The damage to the nerves of the body results in tingling and numbness sensation.

If somebody is still unsure whether he is diabetic or not, then he must look for the following signs of diabetes

Persistent numbness
Persistent tingling
Frequent urination
Excessive thirst
Increased hunger
Unexplained weight loss
Mood swings
Blurriness in vision
Recurrent infection
Slow healing wounds and cuts
Impotency in men
If a person is suffering from the above symptoms then it does not necessarily means that he is diabetic; however it is important that he should go for the initial screening for diabetes. It is good to keep the record when you feel the above mentioned symptoms. This will help the medical professional to diagnose the problem. It will also help you to answer the questions of the doctor vigilantly.

Generally the feelings of numbness and tingling are ignored because the sensation is more like hand or feet falling asleep. However the tingling or numbness sensation can better be described as inability to feel the touch on the skin.

It is critical to consult the doctor if a person is

Suffering from rash
Experiencing muscle pain or dizziness
Feeling tingling and numbness for no reason
Feeling tingling sensation in extremities that get even worse during walking
Feeling pain in fingers and fore arms
Tingling sensation are worst during night
If you are diagnosed with diabetes then it does not mean that your life is over. You are also not alone suffering from this severe problem. There are many who want to help you. It just needs your willpower. Here are key points for controlling the condition:
1--Eat healthy
2--Exercise regularly
3--Learn all you can learn about diabetes by checking Signs Of Diabetes 
4-- Monitor the levels of blood sugar with the help of best Diabetic Testing Supplies.

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Top 6 Natural Remedies In Curing Leaky Gut

Since leaky gut syndrome is caused by the leaking of toxins into the bloodstream, it doesn't make much sense to treat it with medication. Doctors often prescribe medication for the symptoms of the disorder, but you can treat your body in a kinder fashion by using herbal remedies instead.

Slippery Elm

There are a few ways that slippery elm can be used to treat leaky gut syndrome:

1. The mucilage inside slippery elm becomes a gel that coats internal surfaces when mixed with water. This mucilage gel will coat the intestines, which is where the inflammation and irritation that causes leaky gut syndrome originates from. You can soothe the condition when slippery elm is taken as an oral supplement.

2. The antioxidants in slippery elm fight off free radicals inside the body and help the immune system avoid infection. This gives the immune system some extra strength so it doesn't give out as easily.

This herb is commonly used outside the body to soothe burns and wounds, but you can find over-the-counter supplements that are orally taken as well.


Peppermint can help treat leaky gut syndrome in a few different ways:

1. Peppermint has a calming effect on the stomach which gives some relief to many of the symptoms of leaky gut syndrome.

2. This herb stimulates the flow of bile, which is essential to a healthy system.

3. Peppermint will attack and kill bacteria, which is a large part of the toxic matter leaking out of the intestines. This is a big help to the immune system, which would otherwise be on its own to attack the bacteria plus all other toxins.

Peppermint is typically taken in as a tea. This is a delicious way to soothe the stomach while relaxing from a hard day.


You can treat some of the symptoms of leaky gut syndrome with chamomile:

1. Chamomile will deflate excess gas.

2. Chamomile will help with pain and cramping from stomach distress.

3. Chamomile is typically consumed as a tea, so it helps overcome stress. Dealing poorly with stress happens to be a symptom of leaky gut syndrome, so this is a big benefit.

Chamomile tea is the typical form of chamomile to be consumed.

Marshmallow Root

There is just one benefit to using this herb for the treatment of leaky gut syndrome:

1. Marshmallow root has a calming effect on the digestive tract. Mucous membranes in the digestive tract can get very irritated with leaky gut syndrome, so being able to calm that will bring great relief.

You will need to search a bit harder to find this herb, but many health food stores will carry it. You can of course buy it online as well. Digestive tract inflammation has been treated with this herb for generations.


You have probably heard of this herb for many other medical conditions, but what can it do for leaky gut syndrome?

1. The immune system gets a big lift with this herb.

2. Inflammation is reduced throughout the body with Echinacea.

3. Echinacea includes antioxidants that can eliminate free radicals from the body.

You can find Echinacea supplements all over the Internet and in many local stores.


This is one of the major herbs used in supplements today. It can benefit your leaking, hurting gut in one big way:

1. Goldenseal helps easy any type of discomfort in the digestive tract.

This herb is extremely popular today. In fact, it is so popular it could soon join many animals on the extinct list.

Herbs vs. Prescription Medication

Remember, it never makes sense to pump prescription medication into your body for a condition caused by the leakage of toxic matter. Most doctors will prescribe antibiotics which are effective at killing off bacteria, but it's important to note that these medications will kill off the good bacteria along with the bad. While herbal treatments naturally soothe your symptoms and help eliminate leaky gut syndrome, antibiotics can actually make your symptoms worse and prolong your suffering with the condition.

For more information on Treatments For Leaky Gut, Click Here.

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How to Treat Vertigo

Vertigo is a disease which manifests sudden postural imbalance and dizziness. The person may suddenly feel the symptoms but will get back to their normal state after the episode of vertigo. However vertigo is a serious disease as it increases the risk factor for some of the serious disorders such as strokes and tumors. There are different types of vertigo such as peripheral vertigo, objective vertigo and central vertigo, hence, the treatment of the vertigo is a necessity as it may lead to severe imbalance problems.

The treatment strategy for vertigo is decided based on the diagnostic results which should show the cause of the disease. The disease is usually treated symptomatically since it will help to reduce the severity of manifestations. The problem is in the inner ear, which includes dislocation of calcium crystals and infections such as Benign Positional Paroxysmal Vertigo (BPPV) and can be treated with certain exercises such as physical maneuvers. However, brain damage or cardiac problems are more serious and hence have to be treated very carefully.

The drugs for the treatment of vertigo can be administrated orally, through intravenous injections or patches in the skin. In case of any bacterial infections, antibiotics are preferred to stop the further complications. Meclizine hydrochloride, Diphenhydramine, Promethazine Hydrochloride, Diazepam and Scopolamine transdermal patch are some of the commonly used for the treatment of vertigo.

Particle repositioning maneuver is a specific treatment for vertigo caused by mis-positioning of calcium carbonate crystals. In the treatment the head has to be moved in such a manner to reposition the crystals and to give relief from the symptoms of imbalance.

The exercises for vestibular rehabilitation are also used as remedy for vertigo in which the patient repeatedly undergoes the position change from lying state to sitting and vice versa. This is repeated until the patient has recovered completely and most often, the recurrence of the disease will not occur.

In serious cases, surgery in the inner eye to insert a plug is recommended to overcome the disorder. It has high success rate and only 5% of people have to repeat the treatment.

Alternative medicines also suggest many effective treatments for vertigo. Poppy seeds, dates and citrus fruits are recommended as good remedies for vertigo. Herbal supplements and specific treatments are also included in treatment.

Rest is the immediate solution to vertigo, as soon as the symptoms are felt. Use of a cane is also sometime necessary to retain steadiness and balance. A patient with a tendency for vertigo must be extremely careful to adjust their movements at a slow pace.
Click Here for more articles

Acute Urticaria (Hives) Treatment

Acute urticaria is a common skin problem that frequently prompts patients to seek treatment in the emergency room. Acute urticaria treatment is a very sensitive matter, as acute urticaria is the most common cutaneous disease treated in the emergency room. The outbreak is symptomatic and can be visible over many different parts of the skin.

The most common methods for acute urticaria treatment involve anti-itch treatments, calamine lotion, antihistamines, and corticosteroids.

Acute Urticaria

Acute urticaria is defined as the presence of momentary wheals, which mostly resolve within 6 weeks. If they remain for a longer period, it is chronic urticaria. It is believed that 15-20% of the population suffers acute urticaria at some point in their lives.

A few minutes after the person has been exposed to the allergen, acute urticaria becomes apparent. It may last several weeks in some cases, but mostly it vanishes within six weeks. Normally, the urticaria is a reaction to food; however, in 50% of the cases, the trigger is unknown. Besides foods, bee or wasp stings, or skin contact with certain fragrances can also be the triggers.

Acute Urticaria in Children

Acute urticaria mostly affects children. Causes of acute urticaria in children include Idiopathic (unknown) causes, allergen infections, foods, and drugs. Nearly half of the children with acute urticaria have evidence of functional autoantibodies.

If a child is suffering from acute urticaria, the causes should be avoided as much as possible. H1 antihistamines, i.e. classical and second generation can be used. In some cases, H2 antihistamines can also be given. Oral corticosteroids have also been found useful. Epinephrine should be given for anaphylaxis only; however, if the urticaria is hereditary, epinephrine may not be as useful.


How to Remove Moles on Face

What 7 Methods Can Be Used in the Removal of Skin Moles?

Skin moles are skin growths that may have a variety of colors, shapes and sizes. Although some may be regarded as beauty marks, many others are quite unsightly.

There are various methods that can help you remove skin moles.
  • Excision - This is a skin moles removal surgical procedure where local anesthesia is usually administered prior to the treatment. This method can be of two types namely excision with stitches and excision with cauterization. In the case of excision with stitches the growth is physically cut completely out. Stitches are then applied. In the case of excision with cauterization the growth is burned by an appropriate tool. Generally stitches may not be applied in this case.
  •  Cryosurgery - Liquid nitrogen is circulated into a tool in order to bring its temperature to very low levels. The cells of the skin mole are destroyed by the very low temperatures. The growth dies because the cells burst off with the low temperatures and because the supply of blood to the cells of the growth is interrupted.
  •  Shave biopsy - This skin moles removal procedure can be applied in the case where the skin mole is above the surface of the skin. An instrument is used to remove the part of the growth that is above the skin level.
  • Laser therapy - A concentrate beam of light is directed to the skin mole in order to destroy the cells its cells. Laser therapy may not be so efficient to treat growths that are deep inside the skin.
  •   Prescription medicine - Your physician may prescribe the appropriate medication depending on your particular case.
  •  Over the counter medication - Many of these medications are based on acids and therefore can cause a lot of scaring. Further more it is of the utmost important that the skin mole to be treated with over the counter medicine is not cancerous. If you are in doubt seek medical advice first. Never use over the counter medication on cancerous growths.
  •  Home treatment - Home treatments have been used for many years. These include the application of easily find ingredients such as garlic, baking soda, honey, cauliflower juice and other ingredients. It is very important that if you have a suspicious skin mole to seek medial advice immediately. Do not use any home treatment on cancerous growths.

All the above skin moles removal treatments have their advantages and disadvantages. The degree of scarring and healing time depends on many factors. Be well informed about all the characteristic and side effects of the treatments before undergoing any skin moles removal procedure.

click here for how to remove moles

Nasal Polyps Natural Treatment

Neither steroid therapy nor surgery is a permanent cure for nasal polyps. Polyps re-growth occurs in practically everyone using steroids, and occurs in about 75% of the patients undergoing surgery.  This is because the underlying cause of the polyps is still there - whatever is causing the nasal passages' cells to become irritated and inflamed is still there. Hence, after a while, fluid accumulates in these cells again, and soon enough these are pulled down resulting in nasal polyps.

The answer to getting rid of nasal polyps permanently is simple if you have understood the previous two sentences. All we need to do is to make sure that the nasal passages never get irritated and subsequently inflamed. We do this in two steps. First, we remove any possible factors that can irritate the cells - you manage allergies appropriately (e.g. did you know that you should NOT use aspirin if you are asthmatic?), you make sure that the air in your home is not too dry (get a humidifier), you avoid the use of certain colognes/perfumes and cosmetics, you avoid irritants in some common foods, etc…

The next and most important step is to make sure that the body is in an anti-inflammatory state. This will make it virtually impossible for nasal polyps to ever occur, because the cells in the body are not capable of excessive inflammation (which is required for polyps formation). This will not only guarantee that you will never experience polyps again, but will also keep you protected against chronic conditions such as heart disease and cancer. To ensure the body is in an anti-inflammatory state, you simply need to tweak your diet a bit (avoid some foods and limit others), add in one or two supplements (depending on what your diet is lacking), and add in a few minutes of breathing exercises per week.

Doing this will keep you nasal polyps free forever! Now, how do you get rid of nasal polyps in the first place? Thankfully, you can also achieve this safely, naturally, and without resorting to steroids or surgery. All you need to do is to apply some specific herbal extracts and inhale the vapour of herbal mixtures for a few minutes each day. Doing this, you will be able to cure your nasal polyps in as quickly as 4 days, especially if you incorporate some lifestyle and dietary changes. As you will be taking a natural route, you will have no risk of side effects and your polyps will shrink down faster than you ever thought possible!

For the complete, step-by-step guide on how to get rid of nasal polyps permanently, and safely, check out Manuel Richards' Nasal Polyps Cure system CLICK HERE. Thousands have been successful in treating their nasal polyps by following this system, and so can you!

Thursday 31 December 2015

Diabetic Neuropathy Treatment

Diabetic Neuropathy is damage to nerves caused by the prolonged effect of high sugar levels in the blood. High blood sugar is a consequence of having diabetes. Diabetics strive to manage their blood sugar levels by eating a healthy diet, exercising (and injecting insulin in some cases). It is believed that keeping blood sugar levels low or at least constant is the best way to manage diabetes and prevent further complications occurring. This article will outline the various types of neuropathy, why it is important to treat them and how they are treated.

Diabetic neuropathy can affect any nerve or system of nerves in the body and has be sub-classified by the parts of the body that they affect. The four types are :

Peripheral - that affects the extremities of the body, notably the feet.

Autonomic - that affects the autonomic nervous system that is responsible for the automatic processes that go on in the body. They manifest in the stomach generally.

Proximal - the areas affects are the hips, thighs and buttocks.

Focal - a focused group of nerves in any region of the body. This is characterized by sudden 'flare ups' of irritation or pain in a specific part of the body. They are as likely to 'flare down' or dissipate with treatment as they are to 'flare up'.

The most common form of neuropathy is peripheral neuropathy. It generally affects the feet but can move into the legs. It is also known to affect the hands and arms but is less common. The most obvious signs of peripheral neuropathy are numbness or tingling in the feet. As the nerves become more damaged the loss of feeling in the feet increases. This insensitivity is exacerbated because the feet of diabetics are prone to cuts and bruises. Without the sensation of pain that might accompany a cut the cut can be left untreated and fester. This can lead to gangrene and infection. In some cases people have had to have feet amputated.

This is why treatment and prevention are important for diabetic neuropathy.

Treatment of diabetic neuropathy is problematic because the symptoms can affect any part of the body. Therefore the treatment of neuropathy focuses on dealing with the immediate symptoms and then working on preventing the neuropathy from worsening.

The immediate symptoms may be any form of pain or irritation in the feet, for example. A pain killing medicine might be prescribed, a cream might be administered to the area most affected or a therapeutic course of action like acupuncture, might be followed.

In conjunction with this treatment of the immediate problem, a long term prevention strategy will be advised. Long term prevention means keeping the blood sugar level low or within a target range that is recommended by your doctor. The best way to do this would be to devise and stick to a diabetic diet, exercise regularly and take insulin replacement therapy to control the blood sugar levels before or after eating. This will require a fair amount of discipline from the diabetic but the complications of diabetic neuropathy will be far worse over time if allowed to worsen.

Learn more about diabetic diet plans at HERE . The site deals with diets and eating healthy foods. Find out the types of diabetic food you can eat and how they fit into the 2007 diabetic food pyramid . Adrian Whittle writes on issues related to diabetes including symptoms of diabetes, diabetic retinopathy and diabetic neuropathy.

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What You Need to Know About Baby Eczema

Eczema, also commonly referred to as atopic dermatitis is a skin condition that millions of Americans have.  Included in those numbers could be your new baby.  If you are the parent of a baby who was recently diagnosed as having eczema, you are likely to have many questions.

Eczema, baby eczema, baby eczema cures, is eczema contagious

Article Body:

Eczema, also commonly referred to as atopic dermatitis is a skin condition that millions of Americans deal with.  Included in those numbers could be your new baby.  If you are the parent of a baby who was recently diagnosed as having eczema, you are likely to have many questions.  Now is the time to get answers.

The Cause

There are many different causes for baby eczema.  Eczema can be hereditary, meaning if someone in your family has it, your child may too.  Although eczema is often compared to allergies, it is slightly different.  Certain allergens, including food and airborne allergens can bring on an eczema outbreak.  Another common cause is the chemicals found in laundry detergents and scented bath soaps.

The Treatment

In adults, there are many ways to treat eczema.  There are ways to manage and treat baby eczema too, but they can be more difficult to implement.  If you or a medical professional believes eczema flare-ups are caused by food, it can be difficult to change your baby’s diet if he or she is breastfed.  Actually, you are the one who needs to temporarily watch what you eat.

As stated above, there are many causes for atopic dermatitis in babies.  Two common causes are reactions to laundry detergents and soaps.  These products can irritate a baby’s skin, since the skin is so sensitive at a young age.  If you suspect these are causes, make changes.  Laundry detergents for babies, those with low chemicals, or all-natural products are best.  Scented bath products are great because they leave your baby smelling cute, but not if they irritate his or her skin.  Instead, opt for organic on non-scented products.

You now know some of the most common causes and ways to treat baby eczema, but now what?  There is good news.  Atopic dermatitis affects individuals of all ages, but it is common in the early years of life.  Luckily, most children outgrow it by their teens.

Research has shown that all-natural eczema treatment systems, including Eczema Free Forever, are successful.  You can learn more at Click Here

Diet for Hypothyroidism

Finding the “right” diet for hypothyroidism can be easier said than done. There are tons of diets that all claim to improve your thyroid health, however, they lack the science to back up their claims. And this can be dangerous, especially when many of these diets recommend foods that have been shown to negatively affect your thyroid.

Below I have laid out some general but useful tips that you need to consider when choosing the right diet for hypothyroidism. All of these tips are based on research that accounts for the nutrients required for your body to not only produce thyroid hormone but to also to convert it and deliver it successfully to your cells where it is used.

An Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Hypothyroidism

The best diet for hypothyroidism should be very anti-inflammatory by nature. And this is because inflammation from your diet or any other source, causes stress to your body and activates your body’s natural stress response.

The stress hormones involved with this stress response work against your thyroid to slow you metabolism as means of telling your body to conserve energy so that it can either overcome or outlast the source of the stress.

But when the stress becomes a continuous problem such as eating an inflammatory diet that places your body under daily stress then those stress hormones continuously slow your thyroid which causes many problems.

Do Grains Have a Place in a Diet for Hypothyroidism?

There are many sources of inflammation within your diet but one of the biggest and most common is from gluten containing grains such as wheat. And yes, all grains contain some form of gluten and in some amount. Wheat is just the one that gets the most attention.

Not only that but starchy grains contain sugar chains made up entirely of glucose. And glucose alone will have a much great impact on your blood sugar than many other forms of sugar. So it’s quite common for people who eat a heavy grain based diet to have blood sugar imbalances and oftentimes develop insulin sensitivity, or diabetes.

Anti-Inflammatory Proteins

Yes, protein is good for you and it needs to be a big part of any diet for hypothyroidism. But also keep in mind that not all protein is created equal.

More than a decade ago, our diet used to be quite different. We would make use of the entire animal that we ate instead of merely using a few different cuts of meat. And that included using the bones and organs as well.

Fast forward to today and all we eat are a few cuts of muscle meat which tend to be far less nutritious than other parts of the animal. But more importantly, muscle meats are higher in amino acids like tryptophan, cysteine, methionine, and histadine which tend to promote inflammation.

This is why I always recommend incorporating bone broths and gelatins into your diet for hypothyroidism in order to get plenty of the anti-inflammatory amino acids such as glycine.

Aside from that, the anti-inflammatory proteins have a host of other benefits. They help regulate fat metabolism. They improve your clotting factors. They have even been used for more than 100 years to treat diseases such as diabetes and arthritis.

Saturated Fats

Another very important component to any diet for hypothyroidism is saturated fats. The benefits of having saturated fats in your diet are enormous. But you have to break through the invalidated misinformation out there that has led so many people to wrongfully believe that saturated fats are bad.

For starters, saturated fats are easily metabolized. They inhibit the release of histamine which is responsible for much the inflammation within your body. They also counteract the effects of the inflammatory proteins I mentioned above.

But possibly most important to your thyroid, they promote availability of thyroid hormone receptors, allowing your cells to use T3 more efficiently.

Coconut oil is one of the best saturated fats that you can eat. It’s made up almost entirely of medium chain fatty acids such as Lauric acid, which are directly converted into usable energy, instead of being stored away as fat like some would like you to believe.

Butter is another great choice of fat in your diet. Butter contains plenty of nutrients such as vitamin A and vitamin D which are necessary for healthy hormone production.

A Hormone Supportive Diet for Hypothyroidism

Another very important aspect of the best diet for hypothyroidism is that it must support healthy hormone function. And I can’t emphasize this enough.

There are many different hormones within your body that all play different roles. But keep in mind that many of these hormones all interact with each other and many work to balance each other out. And when one hormone becomes out of balance then it can create a cascade of effects that effectively cause many other hormones to become imbalanced.

Take your thyroid hormone as a very simple example. Your body requires thyroid hormone along with vitamin A to convert cholesterol into the cascade of protective hormones including pregnenolone, progesterone, and DHEA.

But when you become hypothyroid and lack thyroid hormone then your body can’t produce enough of these protective hormones which protect your body from a number of different health issues, including cancer.

And I’ll also note that when you lack the thyroid hormone to convert cholesterol, then it should make perfect sense why your cholesterol becomes elevated. And using cholesterol lowering medication to drive your cholesterol lower in the absence of thyroid hormone is not doing you any good. But by following a good diet for hypothyroidism you can effectively increase your thyroid hormone production and naturally lower your cholesterol.


Selenium is one of the most important nutrients to your thyroid and the best diet for hypothyroidism will make sure that you eat plenty of foods that are high in selenium.

This nutrient is so important because it’s used readily by your liver to convert your non-active form of thyroid hormone to the active form that can be used by your cells. And if you don’t have enough selenium then you quickly become hypothyroid.

The most notable foods that are rich in selenium as well as other thyroid supportive nutrients is seafood such as shrimp, muscles, crab, etc.

Vitamin A

As I mentioned above, vitamin A plays a very important role in your hormone production. And it also plays an important role with your thyroid function.

Too little vitamin A will suppress your thyroid, making you hypothyroid. But too much will also do the same when it’s not properly balanced with thyroid hormone.

So it’s important to make sure that your diet for hypothyroidism allows you enough vitamin A to not only promote healthy thyroid function but to also ensure that your body is capable of producing the necessary protective hormones to keep your thyroid healthy.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E plays a little bit of a different role when it comes to supporting your thyroid. There are many foods that should be excluded from your hypothyroidism diet because they tend to directly affect your thyroid function.

One example of a food that will negatively affect your thyroid and should not be allowed as part of your diet for hypothyroidism is polyunsaturated fats. These fats work to suppress your thyroid and block the use of thyroid hormone by your cells. And vitamin E is one nutrient that can really help offset the anti-thyroid effects of polyunsaturated fats.

But it also does much more than that. It also helps balance the negative effects of estrogen which also works against your thyroid. It is anti-inflammatory, prevents the degeneration of organ and muscle tissue, and is a proven factor for preventing heart disease and miscarriages.

A good hypothyroid diet doesn’t have to be overly complicated. It just has to naturally support your body’s needs so that it can produce and utilize its thyroid hormone effectively and efficiently. And it should go without saying but it’s a necessary component of any good treatment for hypothyroidism.

The healthy functioning of your thyroid is essential for life. The healthier your thyroid, the longer and healthier life you will live. So regardless of whether or not you are experiencing any major symptoms of hypothyroidism, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of eating the right diet for hypothyroidism to not only reverse the various health problems you might have but to also ensure that you live a happy and healthy life.

To watch a video about Diet for Hypothyroidism Click here

Wednesday 30 December 2015

The Amazing Power of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

The Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT for short, has gained massive popularity over the past few years. The technique was developed by Gary Craig, and was build upon the work of Dr Roger Callahan called Thought Field Therapy (TFT). TFT was formed by combining ideas of quantum theory, kinesiology and acupuncture to create a modern healing technology.

Proof That the Emotional Freedom Technique Works

For all the logical brains out there I've compiled a short list of peer reviewed studies which prove the effects of EFT:

Elder, at al., 2007 proved the effects of EFT on maintaining weight loss;
Korber, at al., 202 proved the effects of EFT on anxiety, pain and elevated heart rate following injury;
Wells, et al., 2003 proved the effects of EFT on phobias.
A simple search on Google will also reveal a bunch of studies I missed out.

The point is this: EFT works! And, it's scientifically proven.

In my personal experience it's helped me tremendously with everything from a fear of heights to removing the thoughts and beliefs that block abundance.

How EFT works

The verdict on exactly how EFT works is still out. The current theory is that perturbations in the energy field cause negative emotions which can lead to negative physical side effects. By tapping on various points throughout the body, you can reset these fields, fix the energy disturbance and remove the negative emotions. The points used are typically the end points of various meridians as taught in Chinese medicine.

Uses for EFT

EFT has been proven to be successful at treating a wide range of problems, from physical to mental issues as well as more intangible issues such as harmful beliefs and thoughts.

My personal favorite use for EFT is to remove blocks to achieving goals and attracting abundance. It works like magic in that respect!

In order to work on physical issues, one would need to elicit the underlying psychological issues behind the physical symptom. This often involves asking questions such as: "If I knew what this back pain was related to, what would it be?"

You're looking for an emotional reason behind the physical symptom. That's where you can put EFT to work and create impressive improvements.

In terms of using the Emotional Freedom Technique to create abundance, one would pick a goal and use EFT to remove the charge behind the negative thoughts and beliefs that come up. Removing the emotional charge from this thoughts renders them powerless.

To go even deeper, one could investigate their deservingness and capability beliefs behind the goal. For example: "Why don't I deserve to have x?" could be used to elicit deservingness issues that could block abundance. The same could be said for beliefs around capability.

How To Do EFT

Unfortunately, EFT is much more effectively taught by demonstration, rather than explanation. In order to learn it as easily as possible, do a search on

EFT is an amazing tool for dealing with all kinds of problems from the physical to the psychological to the mental. It is my hope that this article has empowered you to use the Emotional Freedom Technique to improve your life.

And if you'd like the full, step-by-step, blueprint to attracting abundance take a look at my free video right here: Attracting Abundance Blueprint

Or visit Click Here where I provide the most effective information on attracting abundance on the planet!

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The Best Remedy For All Acne Ages

Many people get embarrassed by their facial appearance caused by acne. It doesn't matter how old they are. No one likes that rough and unpleasant face that acne displays to the world. Especially in this era when many other people have tried all forms of facial skincare remedies. It makes it quite uncomfortable to go out and have some fun with others. Some friends may not be nice to accept that this is just a skin condition that can affect anyone hence they may make some unpleasant jokes about you.

It is highly recommended that the moment you spot acne on your skin, you should take care of it immediately. It is argued that when you pimple treatment at n early stage, it gets away more easily than when you wait until it is actually in its severe stages. You just have to try your best to treat acne if you want to avoid acne scar treatment that may come about in later stages. However, these days you can get some of the best pimple scar treatment around. You just need to make sure you are getting medically approved substances. There is no need of panicking.

Before resorting to any sort of skincare products, it would be wise for you to consider the type of skin that you have. Some people have ended up buying products that only end up worsening their skin conditions. For example, in case you have a dark eye circles, don't just use a product you come across just because somebody else used it and it worked on them. Maybe their skin type was different from yours. There are pimple scar treatment products designed specifically for an oily skin and those meant only for the dry one. A person with a dry skin is not advised to use products for the oily skin type. If you are not sure of your skin type, take some time to consult a professional skincare doctor to advise you best.

The different stages of acne require different modes and types of treatment. There is however patience that comes with treatment of acne. There are people who will promise you the complete face lift overnight. But you should be aware that no one's skin can just change in one day. Acne sometimes forms skin sores that will need time to heel too. The different stages include the mild acne, the moderate stage and the severe stage. At some point you may even need the services of a dermatologist.

The mild acne is one that comes at the early stages of growth. It is not so developed that even natural treatments are enough to get rid of it. Some don't even need to be treated. Constant cleaning can just cure it within a few months. The moderate acne may have gone deeper that the mild one hence may take more time to heal. You may also be forced to use stronger products. The severe stages require more. It is full blown and you may have to use the most powerful acne treatment products on the market.

Our doctors have been treating pimples and acne extensively, and with thousands of patients treated by us, we are confident of solving the most difficult acne and pimple problems. For More info Click here

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Eliminate Candida Symptoms For Good

The one common problem amongst people who try to eliminate Candida symptoms for good using natural treatments is that they simply can't. Candida is a deep rooted condition that requires deep routed methods in order to fully alleviate it.

The 3 popular methods:

Normally when someone tries to eliminate Candida symptoms they will try 3 things.

1. Dietary Changes
2. Probiotics
3. Anti-fungals

Dietary Changes- These are key in preventing Candida from gaining a foothold over your health as well as allowing a Candida sufferer to eliminate their symptoms for good. By changing your diet you effectively change the terrain that the Candida is living on. Candida absolutely loves a toxic environment of processed foods, sugar, and a lack of fiber so food just sits in your body and rots. Fungus can't survive in high oxygen environments, when you leave food sitting in your bowels it rots, you need to up your fiber intake so Candida doesn't have this advantage. You need to eliminate sugar so it has nothing to feed on and you need to consume more live foods like vegetables so your body is constantly supplied with nutrients that will strengthen your immune system and allow your body to heal itself.

Probiotics - These beneficial bacteria are the direct enemy to Candida. They naturally produce a compound called hydrogen peroxide in minute amounts that oxidize Candida and allow your body to eliminate Candida and it's symptoms rapidly. Of course those who have had Candida for a while will require larger doses for longer periods of time.

Anti-Fungals - Naturally anti-fungal herbs such as Garlic, Oregano and Olive leaf are used to eliminate Candida and its symptoms. They are a staple in any Candida elimination protocol. Their downside though is that when you come off of them unless you have effectively eliminated the root cause you will be plagued with Candida once again.

So in the end if you want to eliminate Candida symptoms once and for all you need to attack the root cause and completely eliminate it. Only then can you experience true relief from Candida.

The Cure is here! Never before has a natural Candida and Yeast Infection system been as effective at targeting and eliminating the root causes of both Candida and Chronic yeast infections until now.

Click Here to read about this first of a kind natural cure.

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How to Power Up Your Brain

The brain is one of the body's most important organs. It sends signals to the various parts of the body to make them do their assigned tasks. If the brain is sluggish it will not function as it should and could adversely affect the rest of your body. Luckily you can learn how to power up your brain.

Sleep is important for the brain to stay at the top of its game. You need to rest it after each day so that it can function correctly the next day. Plan on getting 8 hours a sleep each night to increase brain power. Puzzle solving is a useful way to power up your brain. Many different puzzles are available today to help with this task. Sudoku crossword and jigsaw puzzles are just some that are used.

Word games are another way of to increase brain power. Scrabble is one of these games and it has been popular with people for years. You can find many variations of this game also are played. You eating a healthy diet is the most important thing to do for a more powerful brain. Junk food is low in nutrients and cannot provide nutrients that fresh fruits and vegetables lean protein and other healthy choices will. Take a moment each day to remember some fact or event from your life. This will improve your memory a very important part of your mind. You could help yourself at home or at work with this one.

Creating something by hand is an ideal activity to power up your brain. The left side of your brain controls creativity while the right side controls all the daily tasks. This means the more you exercise the left part of your brain the sharper your creativity will become. Avoiding as much stress as possible will help you think more effectively. Stress hampers the mind and makes it difficult for you to concentrate. It can also disrupt normal brain functioning in other areas.

Exercise improves your mind's cognitive abilities. It only takes 10 minutes for the effects of physical activity to show up in the brain. Take a walk go for a jog work out or play your favorite sport for to increase brain power. Writing is an effective activity for boosting the power of your mind. You could keep a journal write stories or just write letters to friends. The mind has to think of the words you want to write down and then signal the hands to write them.

Taking certain food supplements is helpful for the brain. Fish oil is one that helps to strengthen the focus capability of the mind as well as the emotional responses. Gingko Biloba helps increase circulation to the brain. The brain functions better because of the added oxygen.

You realize as you age how important it is to power up your brain. It keeps your mind sharper and less likely of having problems thinking clearly among other things. Remember you have just one brain and it must last you all your life. This is why it is important to take care of your mind. You need to charge up your brain today.

Meditation power has been helping people to harness their brain power through her various posts and online articles.

Meditation power believes that food and 'games' amongst other factors are the key to helping to power up your brain Click here


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Monday 28 December 2015

Stop Sleep Apnea - Prevention Techniques

If you have a tendency to snore, then left unchecked, snoring can flourish into a more serious condition known as sleep apnea. It is really in your vital, best interests to stop sleep apnea from developing. Sleep apnea is a serious health problem that can cause problems for you not only in the short term, but also lead to serious health problems in the long-term, including heart attack, stroke, and even premature death.

Sleep apnea is a syndrome in which you stop breathing several times during night at frequent intervals for several moments at a time.

So what can you do to stop sleep apnea, preventing it from occurring in the first place?

The best course of action to stop sleep apnea is strengthen your otolaryngologic muscles (the muscles in your mouth, nose, and throat) that are directly responsible for the blockage in your air passageways that results in both snoring and apnea, by performing a series of exercises.

These exercises are designed to condition your tongue, your jaws, the soft palate on the roof of your mouth, among various other related muscles, to remain rigid during sleep. Without exercising these muscles, they will be weak and flaccid. Therefore, when you fall asleep at night, they will passively succumb to the force of gravity and will fall into the path of your normal airflow, creating an obstruction.

Over time, as you perform these exercises, they will become stronger, and not only will your snoring be reduced if not completely eliminated, but your likelihood of encountering another apnea episode will diminish as well.

The best prevention techniques for apnea are to perform these exercises, a sample of which are listed below:

Tongue exercises - touch the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth and press upward. Also try curling your tongue.
Jaw exercises - Chew a stick of gum (or pretend to chew one if you do not have access to gum) slowly and gradually increase the intensity over the course of two to three minutes.
Palate exercises - Practice some of the same vocal singing techniques that professional singers use to help you strengthen the roof of your mouth.
The best way to cure apnea is to engage in preventative exercises like these above. Not only will they help cure your apnea but they will also permanently reduce and cure your tendency to snore as well.

Want to cure your sleep apnea problem permanently, once and for all?

Why haven't you tried these natural exercises Click here to stop sleep apnea

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How To Get Rid Of Man Boobs Naturally

When you know the secrets of how to get rid of man boobs naturally, it isn't that hard. Before you try however, I do advise you go and see your doctor to make sure there isn't any serious medical cause.

Most people have man boobs because they have too much of the female hormone estrogen, either from being overweight, or from estrogen in their environment. Estrogen is a sex hormone which is found in higher levels in women and causes them to develop breasts. High estrogen levels can also cause men to develop breasts.

Being overweight causes high estrogen because fat cells both store estrogen and convert the male hormone testosterone into estrogen. Not all fat guys have man boobs however, because their breast tissue just isn't as sensitive to estrogen as yours or mine.

Estrogen makes its way into your body from countless sources in your environment. This includes your water supply, the food you eat and even the air you breathe (estrogen-like particles are found in vehicle exhaust fumes).

How To Get Rid Of Man Boobs Step

1: Estrogen Avoidance

The first step is to avoid estrogen every way that you can. The list of avoidance tactics is endless. Some of the more important ones include:

Avoiding alcohol: by affecting the liver, alcohol reduces the amount of estrogen removed from your body. As a result, estrogen accumulate in your body.

Avoiding milk and dairy, or at least going organic: In many places around the world, cows are pumped with estrogen by farmers because it causes them to produce more milk. Going organic is great, but it's better to avoid milk and dairy altogether because you'll still be consuming the cow's own estrogen, which is extremely high when it's producing milk (this didn't used to be the case 100 years ago, but farming tactics have changed)

How To Get Rid Of Man Boobs Step

2: Dietary Tactics That Reduce Estrogen And Increase Testosterone

Testosterone is the male sex hormone, which gives men their increased muscle mass, broad shoulders, deep voice and other male features. It works against estrogen and fights against it to reduce male breast tissue. Some powerful dietary tactics for reducing man boobs include:

Increasing your intake of oats: People who eat oats are generally known to live longer. One of the many benefits of oats is its ability to increase the hormone testosterone in your body.

Eat small, frequent meals: If you go for longer than three hours without food, your body goes into a hunger state, where estrogen levels rise in comparison to testosterone.

How To Get Rid Of Man Boobs Step

3: Exercises That Actively Shrink Man Boobs

Certain exercises are known to shock the body into releasing a flood of good chemicals and hormones, creating a hormonal balance that gets to work almost immediately at burning off that excess chest fat. These hormones also signal your body to broaden your chest and build more muscle.

These are exercises that do two things: they stimulate the entire body by working out the body's largest muscle groups, and they work these muscle groups in a way that forces the body to release hormones that can change your body's frame and architecture.

One such exercise includes high intensity interval training (HIIT). Done only for a few minutes, HIIT (when you do it properly) can stimulate a huge surge of hormones that will get to work at reshaping your body, with effects from each workout lasting a good few days.

The above steps on how to get rid of man boobs naturally are all you need in order to get a perfectly flat chest fat in just a few short weeks. To find out about all the different estrogen avoidance, dietary and exercise tactics that have been shown to shrink male breasts right down, click here to visit How To Lose Man Boobs Naturally.
Next More Videos Click Here

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Natural Cold Sore Treatments

Getting a cold sore at the most troublesome times can certainly destroy your mood! No matter exactly how small it really is, to you, it feels like the Rock of Gibraltar. Handling a cold sore can be tough since if not treated appropriately, it can spread out even further.

I'm a little cynical about using acetate, i.e. nail polish remover to clear of cold sores. Understand that your skin is permeable and anything you put on your skin will certainly permeate into your body.

That said, there are people that advocate acetate and have actually proclaimed their cold sores have vanished in a much faster period of time then with other therapies.

Nail gloss has actually been an excellent success with some people, but again, show wonderful caution when utilizing chemicals that are not just hazardous but also have a wonderful potential for burning your skin. Burning your skin can easily lead to additional issues that you were not relying on.

Steps to Apply Nail Gloss Remover:

At the first indication of yet another cold sore beginning to form, take a bottle of acetate and a cotton swab.

Refrain from touching the cold sore, as once it's on your hands you can spread out the illness to other areas of your body. Never ever touch your eyes after can be found in contact with the cold sore. and always cleanse your hands right away afterward.

Wash your face and hands with cleaning agent and water. Cold sores are exceptionally contagious and for that reason will certainly spread.

Use just enough to cover the cold sore location and hold the swab in place for ten seconds. The cold sore will certainly start to dry and heal in a few days.

You might apply a small amount every few hours, if need be, but once more show caution, acetate is still in the poison family members.

Acetate and Isopropyl Liquor Cautions:

Acetate and alcohol are liquor and dangerous should tread must when using either one of these chemicals. There can also be other side effects that could occur by applying it to a cold sore.

Be Client:

As with any virus or germs, it will certainly take time to obtain rid of the root problem causing the cold sore to appear. Careful therapy and keeping the location clean are your finest bet for a speedy recovery.

Cold sore remedy

Getting a cold sore colder the most inconvenient times can definitely ruin absolutely mood! Refrain from touching the cold sore, as once it's on your hands you can easily spread out the illness to other locations of your body. Use just enough to cover the cold sore location and hold the swab in spot for ten seconds. There can also be other side results that might occur by applying it to a cold sore.

If you found this article about cold sore treatment Click here interesting you might like to read more at the Cold Sore Treatment Guide. For more information see Click here

The Secret of How to Gain Muscle Quickly

When people decide that they want to gain muscle mass, they always want to know how to gain muscle mass quickly. Gaining muscle quickly is easier than you might think once you understand the fundamentals of the process. It makes no difference whether you're blessed with the right genes or you're a hardgainer. Once you know the fundamentals, you can gain muscle mass naturally in a short time.

The good news is, eating is of fundamental importance for gaining muscle quickly. Of course, it should be the right sort of food. Piling on the calories is essential. A good diet would include about two grams of protein per each pound of body weight and two to three grams of carbohydrates per each pound of body weight. This consumption should be even spread out throughout the day. As an example, if you weighed two-hundred pounds you should consume about 400 grams of protein and 400 grams of carbohydrates to meet that requirement.

Naturally, if you eat more you will gain weight. It's then important to determine if the weight gain is of the type that you want: muscle or fat. If your gain is fat, you should cut back on the calories consumed. If you do reduce the calories, be sure that the required protein level is maintained. Without the protein, no muscle will be developed.

To ensure that the major component of your caloric consumption is converted to muscle and not fat, you must exercise regularly. Focus on core lifts such as squats, bench presses, dead lifts, and shoulder presses. By doing exercises that work the major muscle groups you'll build up muscle quickly. Work out three or four days each week, but no more. You need to rest to allow the muscle tissue to repair itself and to grow. You now have the secret of how to gain muscle mass quickly. With proper nutrition, exercise, and rest your muscles will grow rapidly.

Do you want to look for more information about how to gain muscle mass quickly? Please read the muscle building programs named muscle gaining secrets. It is a proven program of step-by-step guide to help you gain more muscle.

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Sluggish Thyroid

Sluggish Thyroid? Low Mood? Read This!

If you’ve been feeling a little low, suffering from a sluggish thyroid or having trouble conceiving… it could be because of the soil our food is grown in.

Reliance on chemical fertilizers and improper farming practices over the last 50 years have depleted our soil of a vital micronutrient – selenium.

And because crops convert selenium into organic forms that can be absorbed by the human body, less selenium in the soil means less selenium on our plate.

In fact, Dr. Margaret Rayman, a professor of nutritional medicine in the U.K. , has found that the amount of selenium we get in our food has dropped 50% in the past two decades.

And that can be really bad news for your health.

Selenium is an antioxidant micronutrient that is required to carry out a wide range of functions in the body.  It’s needed to produce at least 25 enzymes including glutathione – your body’s “Master Antioxidant and Detoxifier”. It also boosts the activity of vitamin C and E in the body and is essential to the health of your immune system.

Without enough selenium, your body struggles to detoxify and defend itself. The result is cellular damage and inadequate protection against foreign invaders, as well as the mutations that can lead to cancer.

But the selenium story doesn’t end there. Selenium is also vital to the “Master of Your Metabolism” – your thyroid.

It is estimated that more than 20 million people in the U.S. have undiagnosed thyroid dysfunction, much of which may be corrected by adequate selenium.

Selenium is a component of the enzyme that helps convert certain thyroid hormones for use in the body. When there’s not enough selenium, the body produces lower levels of these hormones. This leads to hypothyroidism (and its associated ails – including depression, weight gain, thinning hair and more).

When it comes to selenium, we’ve only scratched the surface of understanding how this vital micronutrient promotes wellness and protects against disease.

Research shows that getting sufficient selenium can help to:

Enhance detoxification and boost your antioxidant defenses
Improve thyroid function
Boost fertility
Guard against cancer
Protect the prostate
Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and arthritis
Protect against cognitive decline
Reduce the risk of viral infection
While most of us are low in the selenium department, a word of caution: over-supplementing with selenium can cause some harmful side effects.The best (and safest) way to boost your levels is through a whole-foods diet grown according to Mother Nature’s strict standards.

Here are the ways you can boost your selenium levels naturally:

Eat Brazil Nuts: Just one Brazil nut per day was found to raise selenium to recommended levels.
Pick Pasture-Raised: Studies show that grass-fed beef and bison contain up to 400% more selenium than those that are grain-fed. Pastured pork also contains 75% more than conventionally-raised.
Enjoy Wild, Sustainable Seafood: Treasures from the sea can also be a rich source of selenium. But it’s important you’re not getting uninvited dinner guests (like PCBs and mercury) along for ride. Choose wild seafood, especially wild shrimp, wild salmon, sardines and green-lipped mussels as safe seafood sources of selenium.
Go Organic: Studies estimate that organic foods contain 2-3 times the selenium as those grown conventionally – one more reason to go organic!
While selenium is a vital nutrient in your age-defying, disease-fighting arsenal, it’s not the only one that is often dangerously low. In the Your Plate, Your Fate series, you’ll learn:

If you drink bottled water, you may be deficient in this vital mineral that plays hundreds of crucial roles in the body – from boosting insulin sensitivity to alleviating anxiety and PMS.
If you have “restless leg syndrome”, you may be surprised to find getting enough of this mineral can ease your spasms and help you get restful sleep. No prescription required!
Suffer from fatigue? Low levels of this mineral can leave you feeling tired, achy and just plain tired. Get powered up by enjoying these three foods. Click here

Sunday 27 December 2015

Beginner yoga poses

Yoga began in India more than 5,000 years ago. This meditative practice is beneficial for both physical and mental health. Yoga is an Indian philosophy of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. It was originally a spiritual practice and still practiced for spiritual purposes in many parts of the world today.

Now in modern times Yoga is often practiced purely as a means of exercise and to achieve mental relaxation.

There are hundreds of different yoga poses. There are also different names for the same poses because the poses are named by the yogi who has designed that particular school of yoga. There is no single set of yoga asanas.

If you are wanting to do yoga for exercise, perhaps to flatten your stomach or strengthen your arms or legs you need to know which yoga poses will help in those areas. The best way to learn yoga poses is to take a yoga class. Yoga classes are usually available everywhere. There are many fine yoga schools, but quite often schools and community centers have yoga classes available at a low cost.

Probably the most well know pose in yoga is the Lotus. Sit on the floor and cross your legs Indian style as you did as a child. Only with this yoga pose you are going to lift your right foot onto your left thigh and rest your left foot on your right thigh. Sit with your back nice and straight. Place your hands on your knees in a relaxed position. You are now doing one of the most famous yoga poses. This yoga pose is for mental relaxation and spiritual awareness.

If you desire a flat stomach, the Locust is one of the yoga poses you will want to learn. This pose is done lying on the floor on your stomach. Lift your legs in the air, reach your arms back toward your legs, and hold your head up. When your body is in the proper pose, it will be shaped like the rockers on a rocking chair.

The tree is one of the most beautiful yoga asanas that can strengthen your legs and improve your balance. One foot is planted on the ground while your other foot is pressed into your thigh. Beginners can hold onto a wall for balance. Once you learn to keep your balance raise your arms toward the sky and appear much like a tree.

There are far too many yoga poses to explain each one but this will perhaps get you started to an enjoyable yoga experience.

If you would like to know how to loose weight and tone up with the power of yoga you should opt-in on this site Click Here once you opt in you will receive a Full 79 Minute DVD for Free! The free DVD will be sent to your email and in this DVD you will begin to explore the option of using yoga poses for weightloss.

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Kidney Disease Remedy

Healing can be of different forms. Natural healing is being preferred by many people today along with medicinal treatments. The best thing with natural treatment is that there are no side effects involved.

Kidney diseases have become very common with people and they constantly look for remedies that can help them recover fast with less medicinal side effects. The fact is that about one-third of pharmaceutical drugs are actually made using natural herbs. For example, folic acid, the vitamin which is a natural remedy for kidney disease has shown to lower homocysteine levels.

Kidney disease is a serious condition where many treatments can be used to improve condition of a patient. First way can be to treat the patient using conventional medicine. Second, you can use natural remedies to manage your diet and also herbs for decreasing inflammation and anti-oxidants for reversing cell damage.

When it comes to conventional or allopathic medicine, you will most likely be given a blood pressure medication. If you go for this treatment, you will have to avoid food which has high potassium. Avoiding high potassium food in kidney disease will ease the stress and pressure off the kidney, so that it doesn't have to work hard. This will allow your kidney to work better and last longer.

Another natural remedy includes Coq10 and Alpha lipoic acid. These two nutrients help stabilize blood sugar in diabetics and reverse kidney cell damage. By consuming low potassium food and taking these two nutrients, you can improve your kidney function and reverse kidney damage.

There are several herbs like hydrangea, nettle leaf and corn silk provided by nature that has proved to be very effective. These herbs act as cleansers and help the kidneys to heal themselves. It is very important to eat natural and fresh food like green vegetables, watermelon, whole grains, seeds, asparagus and fish to build up your kidney strength. One should try and keep their sodium intake low and potassium intake high.

High blood pressure, diabetes and hypertension affect kidneys badly. Exercising regularly with a healthy diet has shown effective results.

Kidneys are a very important part of our body. Any irregularity in the functioning of kidneys can have very ill effects on our health. Many people around the world suffer from kidney diseases. There are several natural remedies available that can help reduce or reverse kidney disease. You must do proper research before going for any type of medication.

Natural remedies for kidney disease are being adopted by many people to treat themselves. You can click here