Saturday, 13 February 2016

Specforce Abs For Men And Women

Here are the top 10 check list to look out for when you are trying to get rid of your belly fats or wanting to define your six pack abs.

1) Low Rep High Contraction

Learn to workout your abs using lesser repetitions with focus on the contraction and stretching of your abdominal muscles. You need to know that your abs exercise techniques are more important than the number of repetitions you do.

2) Abs specific exercises

Involve different abs exercises that concentrate on different abs muscles at your abdominal area. Different abs muscles include your rectus abdominis, obliques and core muscles.

3) Less rest in between sets

In order to get the best effect out of abs training, try not to rest too long in between sets. The optimal rest time should be only 30 seconds in between sets.

4) Do not over train your abs

Train your abs as a small body part not more than 3 times a week. You need to know that abs workout is consider the least priority when comes to defining your six pack abs. Losing the belly fats above your abs muscles should be your priority. Instead you should concentrate most of your training session on major muscles weight training and interval training that boost your metabolism rate.

5) Watch your diet

Do remember that about 80% of how you look is about the kind of food that you consume. So having a healthy diet is a major factor you need to look into when losing your belly fats. Eat healthy food like vegetables, fruits and poultry instead of processed and junk food.

6) Do not starve yourself

Most people thought that starving will helps to lose fats and get a six pack abs. The truth is that you will only gain more fats out of it because your body will store fats when they sense that you are on starvation mode. So what I advise here is go for at least 6 meals a day with small serving each meal. In this case you will avoid hunger and will also prevent you from eating too much.

7) Work on other major muscles

Working on your abs alone won't help to define your abs. You need to reduce your body fats percentage in order for your six pack abs to be shown. Thus working on other major muscles helps to increase your muscle mass and increase your metabolism rate. Thus burn fats more rapidly.

8) Learn to use core control methods for weights training

Try to stabilize every movement on your weights training. You will be surprise that when you are working on other muscles area, you will actually need your core muscles to stabilize the action. Thus having a good core control will helps to prevent injuries and improve your abdominal muscles.

9) Include cardio activities

Try to include at least 3 time cardio workout every week to improve your oxygen intake and burn fats faster.

10) Involve in interval training

You should already know that getting your six pack abs is about losing the belly fats above it. Thus you need to burn your belly fats in order for your abs to get revealed. One of the best ways to improve your metabolism rate and burn fats faster is by doing interval training. Interval training is basically a workout that involves multiple stop and go action. A simple example would be sprint and jog.

Building and getting your abs defined can be the easiest or hardest part of every person. When you get everything right you will find that getting a six pack abs can be very easy to achieve. Just keep in mind that you can't get your washboard abs through excessive abs training, you need to mix a combination of weights training and healthy diet for best effect.

I recently came across a program that include on these checklist for losing excess abdominal fats and defining six pack abs. It covers a full body workout program and a nutrition diet that allows you to get rid of those belly fats and reveal the hidden six pack abs. I had applied this abs program with some of my clients and huge result was seen. Thus I highly recommend anyone that is serious about losing their belly fats or wanting to define their six pack abs to check out: Truth About Abs

Todd Lamb is a fitness consultant as well as a personal trainer for many years. He had help countless of people to achieve their fitness goals and attain their six pack abs body. He had set up as a guide for people to learn how to get a firm and washboard abs.

Learn more about how to get a six pack fast at Here

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Red Smoothie Detox Factor System

Healthy smoothies made with a variety of high-antioxidant fruits and vegetables, especially when combined with antioxidant superfoods, are the most nutrient-dense meals you can make. They're also just about the quickest, too!

I'm going to show you how to make a smoothie that's loaded with phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals and enzymes, and that comes in a whole-food form that's easily digested and assimilated.

The good news is that anyone can learn how to make a smoothie that's healthy and delicious! Another plus is that any smoothie recipe can be easily modified to suit your particular taste. In six easy steps, I'm going to show you how to make a smoothie that's incredibly healthy and easy to make.

1. Choosing a Blender.

The highest quality blenders have between 2 to 3.5 horsepower. These blenders will blend almost anything into a creamy, smooth texture without a hitch. VitaMix and BlendTec are the brands most recommended by professionals.

Most conventional blenders have motors rated at less than 1hp. These may work fine if you stick to soft, easier-to-blend ingredients like bananas, blueberries, pineapple and the like. They may not give you a real smooth texture if you use ingredients such as ice cubes, fibrous vegetables or nuts in your smoothies.

2. Choosing a Smoothie Starter.

Most smoothie recipes call for some amount of liquid to allow the ingredients to move around inside the blender and make your smoothie the right thickness. I'll show you how to make a smoothie using the right ingredients for your starter - and reveal some ingredients to avoid.

Water is a great way to make low-calorie smoothie recipes, and it's cheap, too!

Fruit Juices. You can use any type of juice - orange, apple, grape, pineapple - whatever. Fruit juices should be used in moderation, however - they're high in fructose. Even though the fructose is natural, consuming large amounts by drinking juice can give you too much sugar all at once.

Avoid highly-processed juices - they're not the same as fresh-squeezed. Most of these fruit juices are so processed that they only contain a fraction of the nutrients they originally had. You can spot these juices easily because the expiration date is weeks, even months away.

Milk and yogurt are two very popular beverages that people use to make smoothies. However, I think that homogenized and pasteurized dairy products are not a healthy choice.

Soy milk has become very popular in recent years, and soy foods have become a staple for many people who are trying to eliminate dairy from their diet. But soy also has its detractors. There's much disagreement about whether soy milk and other soy-based products can be considered healthy. Most of the soybean crop grown in the United States is also genetically-modified, so stick to organic brands.

Milk substitutes are the least objectionable of all the packaged beverages you can use to make your healthy smoothies. I'm talking about rice milk, hemp milk, oat milk, coconut milk and almond milk. Although healthier than cows' milk, they are still processed foods, and you don't know what processing has been done to them. If you have a heavy-duty blender, it's easy to make your own fresh almond milk. That's the best option of all.

3. Controlling the Temperature of Your Smoothie.

If you're looking for a chilled smoothie, either add a few ice cubes while blending, or use frozen fruit instead of fresh. The colder the ingredients you use, the creamier your smoothie will be. Using frozen fruit also makes it easy to keep an ample supply of fruit on hand in your freezer, to use in making your smoothies.

4. Fruits and Veggies for Your Smoothie.

Almost any combination of fruits or vegetables can be used for your smoothies, depending on the strength of your blender. It's best to keep the proportion of fruits to vegetables heavier on the vegetables to avoid increasing the sugar content of your smoothies too much.

5. Sweeteners for Your Smoothie.

You can sweeten your healthy smoothie with fresh or frozen fruits, dates and other dried fruits, agave nectar, raw cane sugar, honey, maple syrup, molasses or stevia. Don't use artificial sweeteners like Nutrasweet or Splenda!

6. Make Your Smoothie into an Antioxidant Powerhouse!

Boost the nutritional value of your healthy smoothie even more by adding protein powder, green superfood powders, superfruit juices, coconut oil and spices like cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg.

Get more details on How to Make a Smoothie, as well as dozens of recipes and more smoothie-making secrets.

Visit his Video at CLICK HERE for  Get The Complete  Red Smoothie Detox Factor System.

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Friday, 12 February 2016

Chemotherapy For Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer found in women in the 21st century. Doctors have also adopted a singular line of treatment and that is mastectomy which means removal of the affected breast. After that they refer the patient to the oncologist who prescribes chemotherapy with a promise that the patient will be totally cured and there will be no recurrence of the disease. This promise induces the patient to bear the pains of the treatment. They are promised longevity after the completion of the treatment. The fear of death and the promise of a healthy life relieve them of fear and they opt for the treatment.

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The oncologists hide the hard truth that chemotherapy cannot wipe off all the cancerous cells. It is a fact that chemotherapy does not have the potentiality to kill all the cancerous cells present in the body; on the other hand the healthy cells in the body are also killed during the chemotherapy treatment due to which the natural immune system of the body is destroyed which gives rise to other health problems as the patient suffers the attack of other infectious diseases. Patients do not ask any question about the effectiveness of the treatment or what is the percentage of survival after the completion of the treatment.

Many researches have been done on this subject and it has been proven that the rate of survival is very low. The oncologists promise their patients that if they survive for five years after the treatment then they can be sure that they have been cured of breast cancer. Recurrences have occurred within the first ten years after mastectomy, this clearly shows that a patient has to live in constant fear of recurrence and death for the first ten years after mastectomy.

Many times the patients are assured that if there is no recurrence within the first five years then they can assume that they have been totally cured. But it is a hard fact that diseases which have recurrence tendency may lie dormant in the body for years and push up its head when the body becomes weak. Residue of the diseased cell may remain in the body and slowly and gradually spread in the body without showing any symptoms and thus remain undetected for years. So mastectomy and chemotherapy is not a full proof treatment for breast cancer.

Learn more about chemotherapy and its use in the treatment of breast cancer, also called breast cancer chemotherapy Click Here

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Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Roasted Vegetables

The 3 Healthiest Ways to Cook Your Vegetables

By Dave From Paleohacks
Creator of the Paleohacks Cookbook

1. Slow-Cooking

Slow-cooking vegetables is one of the gentler ways to prepare them, which makes it an excellent choice.

You might lose some nutrients that leach into the slow-cooker water, but that’s only a problem if you don’t use the water. Fortunately, most slow-cooker dishes (soups and stews) make good use of the water.

Keep your slow-cooker lid closed tight to trap the steam, which helps vegetable nutrients get into your body instead of going to waste.

Consider stirring in some healthy fats (like olive oil), which help your body absorb “fat-soluble” vitamins found in vegetables (vitamins A, D, E, and K).

You don’t have to leave veggies in the slow cooker for too long -- just throw them in for the last hour. It’s a great way to cook your vegetables without over-exposing them to heat.

2. Steaming

Steaming is an extremely gentle cooking method without a lot of water loss. This helps vegetables keep their nutrients.

Vitamin C is one of the easiest vitamins to destroy. But a 2006 study published in the journal Food Additives & Contaminants found that steaming broccoli didn’t damage its vitamin C content.

Steaming is a simple way to cook without using fats. But this so-called health benefit could come back and haunt you…

Many vitamins in vegetables (vitamins A, D E, and K) are “fat soluble,” which means your body absorbs them better with fat.

So if you eat steamed vegetables without adding fat, your body won’t absorb those important nutrients!

You can avoid this by adding healthy fats like coconut or olive oil to your steamed vegetables -- they taste great, and help your body get the most out of every vegetable.

3. Frying

Did you know that frying your vegetables is actually one of the healthiest ways to cook them?

There isn’t any water to drain, so you don’t have to worry about losing vitamins and minerals that way.

Frying takes high heat, but it cooks vegetables in a short period of time. You throw them into a pan, cook them, and take them off before they lose nutrients.

A study published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition found that fried potatoes had the same vitamin C content as raw potatoes. And vitamin C is one of the most vulnerable to heat!

The biggest issue with frying comes down to the oil you choose to fry with.

Processed or hydrogenated oils (the ones fast food restaurants use) are DESTROYED by high heat. They stress your system and make you inflamed.

Coconut oil is a better choice. It’s one of the most stable healthy fats you can cook with, and holds up even in the high heat of a frying pan or wok.

None of This Matters If You Aren’t Eating Enough Vegetables (Here’s How!)

While steaming broccoli might be better than boiling it, eating boiled broccoli is light years ahead of NOT eating any broccoli at all!

Every cooking method has its pros and cons. It’s easy to get caught up in the details… and lose sight of the big picture.

A better question you can ask:

“How can I make vegetables a regular part of my life?”

If you don’t know where to get started, the PaleoHacks Cookbook can help. It’s designed to help you overcome some of the most common sticking points that keep people from adopting a healthy diet and making it a lifestyle.

It’s easy to get bored if you’re eating the same meals every day. Or frustrated when you’re exhausted from work, short on time, and don’t have any idea what to make.

But the nearly 200 recipes in the PaleoHacks Cookbook (and its valuable bonuses) set you up to thrive. You’ll find out how to make delicious, healthy meals without spending all night in the kitchen…

You’ll experience a whole new world of vegetables, prepared in different ways, that allow you to enjoy hundreds of delicious meal combinations you can make a central part of your new lifestyle. More Click Here

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Acute Renal Failure Treatment

Pointers on Acute Renal Failure Treatment That Really Point!

Acute renal failure treatment is largely based on preventing and treating its devastating effects. As with any disease process, prevention is the primary intervention. Attaining and maintaining adequate hydration and diuresis in high-risk clients is crucial, as is the prevention of contributing factors.

Once acute renal failure has developed, prompt recognition and action facilitate restoration of optimal renal function. Correction of the underlying condition, such as hydration for a client with hypovolemic shock, may be all that is necessary.

Here are some of the pointers that are being focused on the acute renal failure treatment:

Nutritional needs are also determined by the treatments that are used by the patient such as dialysis. Another determinant of nutrition and diet is the cause of ARF. There are generalized variations in patients who have trauma, burns, or infections to those who had ARF caused by other diseases. In addition, some diseases and medications affect the patient’s appetite thus increasing the need for nutritional balance.
Enough energy should be provided for patients with acute renal failure to be able to provide sufficient amount of weight maintenance and to meet the demands of stress accompanying ARF, usually 30-40 kcal/kg of body weight.
Fats, oils and simple carbohydrates, and low protein starches should provide non protein kilo calories.
In cases where dialysis is not a treatment option, protein should be regulated to 0.6 grams per kilogram body weight. While this is a well accepted value, it should not exceed more than 40 grams on any person.
When you are on dialysis, it is much less restrictive on protein as it can be individualized to 1.0 to 1.4 g/kg of body weight.
On both occasions, however, the use of biologically high value proteins is strongly recommended.
During the oliguric phase, sodium salt might be restricted to 1000 to 2000 mg and potassium to 1000 mg per day. These are two of the most vital electrolytes that the body needs and they may be lost during the period of frequent urination. Thus, replacement might be necessary.
Fluids are also monitored closely. They are replaced basing upon how much water does the body get rid of each day including vomitus, urine and diarrhea.
Acute renal failure treatment, as with any treatment, needs the cooperation and adherence of regimen from the patient. Providing an optimal quality of life involves concerted efforts by all members of the health care team with the client and family members as active partners.
For More Click Here

Mosquitoes, Malaria And Dengue

Protect Your Family and Yourself Against Malaria and Dengue

The best environment for mosquitoes to breed is in warm, hot and humid conditions. Most species of mosquitoes reproduce by laying their eggs in water. This means that ANY containment of water such as pots, or even overturned cans can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

In warm weather, mosquitoes can produce a whole new generation in just 7 days, although two weeks is a more common time span.

Do you know that some mosquitoes carry life-threatening diseases such as dengue, malaria, yellow fever and encephalitis?

Here are some facts about malaria and dengue that everyone should know.

- One of the most common diseases that some mosquitoes may carry is the Malaria disease. Malaria is caused by a blood-borne parasite that infects and then destroys red blood cells. Once infected, victims may suffer from repeated episodes of fever, or anemia and even death.

The World Health Organization estimates that each year 300-500 million cases of malaria occur and more than 1 million people die of malaria. About 1,300 cases of malaria are diagnosed in the United States each year.

Malaria occurs in over 100 countries and territories. More than 40% of the world's population is at risk. Large areas of Central and South America, Hispaniola (the Caribbean island that is divided between Haiti and the Dominican Republic), Africa, the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Oceania are considered malaria-risk areas.

Anyone can get malaria!

- Another deadly disease that the some mosquitoes may carry is the infamous dengue. Dengue can cause fever, chills and skeletal pain. This disease is commonly carried by the Aedes Mosquito and is a constant and dangerous threat to home owners. Some of the symptoms of dengue include bleeding (from the nose, mouth, and gums), excessive thirst and difficulty in breathing. A lot of these symptoms also mirror another deadly virus - the Ebola virus.

Some 2500 million people (2/5 of the world's population) are now at risk from dengue. World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates there may be 50 million cases of dengue infection worldwide every year.

You can prevent malaria and dengue by:

- keeping mosquitoes from biting you, especially at night

- taking antimalarial drugs to kill the parasites

- eliminating places around your home where mosquitoes breed

- spraying insecticides on your home's walls to - kill adult mosquitoes that come inside

- sleeping under bed nets - especially effective if they have been treated with insecticide, and
wearing or using insect repellent and long-sleeved clothing if outdoors.

You need to take urgent and serious steps to prevent being bitten from dangerous mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes are usually attracted to perspiration, warmth, body odor, carbon dioxide and light. There are also several devices in the market that are supposed to attract, trap and destroy mosquitoes, along with other insects. However, the catch-22 situation is this - if these devices attracts mosquitoes, then that particular area may have more mosquitoes and hence annoy the people in that area!

Due to global warming, not only tropical countries are at risk, but so is the rest of the world. Conventional insect repellents in aerosol cans also contribute to the destruction of our precious ozone layer. Ironically, this may lead to an even better condition for mosquitoes to breed!

Keep away from mosquitoes carrying Zika virus, Dengue virus and West Nile virus disease. Keeps bugs and mosquitoes away for hours / Long-Lasting Protection / Shake well before use.
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We specialise in introducing convenient and mobile mosquito repellent that is suitable for both outdoor and indoor uses.