Saturday, 23 January 2016

Lift Weights to Lose Fat

Weight loss is a fairly simple formula to understand: a healthy diet + exercise = weight loss. For the scope of this article, let's break down the exercise half of the equation a little more to make sure we're maximizing our time at the gym. It's a common misconception that to burn calories and lose weight you should only hit the cardio machines and to gain muscle mass you should only be hitting the weights. In reality, people seeking to lose weight should be more dynamic with their workouts by utilizing both the benefits of sustained cardiovascular exercise and the benefits of weight lifting.

Metabolic Benefits

Lifting weights has some very beneficial effects on metabolic activity for people looking to drop some fat. When you lift weights, you're putting your muscles under stress, causing extremely small micro-tears which may result in muscle soreness for a day or two. By using protein in a process called protein synthesis, your body repairs these micro-tears, which makes your muscles ever so slightly bigger and stronger (it's like the common idea that after you break a bone it grows back stronger than before). Protein synthesis takes energy, which means that your body continues to burn calories even after you are finished exercising. In fact, protein synthesis occurs for up to 48 hours after lifting weights, which means that you're burning calories for a full two days after working out, even if you're idle during those days.

Another benefit to lifting weights as part of your weight loss routine is that when you build muscles, your metabolism actually works faster during all times of the day, even when you're not moving at all! This is especially true of your larger muscles because they simply take more energy to maintain.

How to Burn Calories with Weights

Weight lifting can torch off calories both during and after exercise just as well if not better than cardiovascular exercise, especially if you're doing it right. When you perform weight-bearing exercises, your biggest muscles require the most energy (makes sense, right?). The two largest muscles in your body are your glutes (your butt) and your quads (if you don't know, this is the area on each leg that you would sit on if someone told you to sit on their lap). Although it is advisable for you to work all of your muscles, if your goal is weight loss, you should spend the most time on your largest muscles, found mostly in your legs. In fact, the squat, which engages both your glutes and your quads, burns more calories per repetition than any other exercise - you'll know you're burning calories because your heart will be racing!

Spice it Up!

Finally, adding weight lifting as part of your regular gym routine may help to ward off the boredom people commonly suffer from spending long periods of time on cardio equipment. If fact, you might find that weight lifting can sometimes be a fun alternative to cardio (though you should continue to do both), and finding your motivation to go the gym regularly will be easier.

To torch even more fat, learn how to upgrade your cardio routine with interval training.

For easy to understand information about nutrition, fitness, and simple every day substitutions, CLICK HERE

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Friday, 22 January 2016

Relaxation Techniques For Coping With Social Anxiety

If you are suffering from social anxiety, then you must know how awful it feels when you are feeling anxious. Not only does your mind race and you feel insecure and awful inside, but you also have physical symptoms outside. Everyone can see you as you sweat for no reason, shake uncontrollably, and blush at the worst possible moment.

In this article I'm going to show you how you can cope with these physical symptoms so people can't see you are feeling anxious. You'll be able to get some control over your physical symptoms of social anxiety. And since you will no longer have to worry about how you look to others, your actual anxiety will also go down significantly. The technique I'm going to teach you has to do with relaxation. Relaxation is the opposite of anxiety. By consciously choosing to make yourself more relaxed, you will be able to control your anxiety.

How does the technique work? There are two parts to it. The first part is learning how to become more relaxed by yourself in the comfort of your own home. The second part is using the technique in real life to help you become more relaxed when you most need it. Believe me, the relaxation technique I'm about to show you is a godsend when it comes time to face a social situation you are most afraid of.

So the first part of the technique is to sit or lay down somewhere where you are comfortable. It is best if you are by yourself so you feel as little anxiety as possible. Now go through your body and relax every part of it. Start at your head and move your way down to your feet, relaxing each muscle group as you pass it. First relax your forehead, let your jaw go loose, drop your shoulders. The idea is to let go of as much tension as you possibly can. If it helps, you can also try imagining a relaxing beach or stream in your head. Then just lay there for a few minutes and try to get the feel of how it feels like to be totally relaxed.

The second part is to then take this relaxed feeling into your daily life. Throughout the day, remember to relax your muscle groups individually. Go as relaxed and limp as you can get. The more relaxed you can make your body become, the more your anxiety will begin to go away.

Remember, step one is to practice becoming relaxed inside your home. Many socially anxious people are so tensed up all the time they do not really know how relaxation feels like. The second step is to become more relaxed as you are around people. The best time to use this technique is when you are feeling especially anxious.

If you want to learn more sure-fire techniques about coping with social anxiety, then click to check out my blog on overcoming social anxiety here.

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Law of Attraction For Kids

Playing with Your Child – How to Start It, Why It’s So Important

In these busy times, when parents and children have schedules packed to the max, family closeness can fall by the wayside. Most of us have to make an effort to guarantee that work, school, sports, and chores don’t swallow up the very relationships that make those things important.

When is the last time you played or goofed around with your child? Can you remember back that far? Many parents can’t. Life has made us so serious, so focused, that we’ve lost the joy of the simple things, and play was one of the first to go.

But as any child instinctively knows, play is essential to life. It brightens the heart and lightens the spirit. For kids, who live closer than we do to nature, play is as spontaneous as breathing. Sadly, most grown-ups have lost that skill. Our children can be our refresher course.

Playing with your child brings you back to the present, reminds you of what matters, and slows you down long enough to smell the roses. It also connects you emotionally with your child, rebuilding the closeness that the fast-paced, boring routines of life are all too quick to strip away.

Playing together is even more important for your child than it is for you, because she needs to feel close to you to feel loved and happy. If you’ve neglected time together for long enough, it may appear that your child isn’t interested in your attentions. She may even tell you as much. But that’s just bluster, hiding the fear that you will disappoint her again if she lets herself wish for time alone with you. If you initiate playing together, and do it at frequent intervals, even the most aloof pre-teen will start to look forward to it and, in time, throw herself into the fun.

What kind of playing should you do? Pay attention to the activities your child engages in: his idea of enjoyment. If these things seem boring to you, try hanging out nearby, observing as he does them, with words that express your curiosity. You just may find you actually develop a genuine interest. If your child is a couch potato, take up your perch on the couch beside him, but after you’re allowed “in,” initiate some play that might be more pleasant than TV.

Think back to what you did as a child that was memorable, especially activities you did with your parents that stay with you still. Think about things that are free or cost little, that involve experiencing life together. Start a list of ideas as they come, and add any of the following that you resonate with:

Raking stacks of autumn leaves, then jumping or rolling in them
Taking a hike through the forest preserve
Skating at the roller rink together
Walking the dog, taking turns with the rope
Reading comics or joke books together (or books of poetry or stories)
Making cookies, pizza or a cake
Building a fort out of snow or chairs and blankets
Playing hide and seek, hide the thimble, cards or board games
Lying on a blanket looking up at the stars
Sitting in front of the wood stove in a dark room, telling stories
Making shadow figures on the wall with your hands and a flashlight
Having a treasure hunt
Roasting marshmallows over a fire
Watching a parade
Going to the aquarium, zoo or museum
Flying kites together
Building something
Making a scrapbook
Making up a silly poem or song
Watching a movie, with popcorn and no interruptions
Playing a memory game, like “I’m going to Grandma’s house, and in my suitcase I’m going to pack …”
Getting up early to watch the sunrise from a hill
Playing games of pretend
Going somewhere special, like the beach
Having a pancake picnic in the snow
Playing together is different than finding entertaining activities for your child. Play involves you, while entertainment excuses you from the picture. If you find yourself saying, “But my schedule is too busy for any of the things on that list,” consider whether your schedule needs some pruning. After all, who’s going to remember in 20 years if you stay late at work or not next Tuesday? But will your child ever forget the Tuesday you ride the rollercoaster together?

Closeness with a child cannot be taken for granted. Like any other relationship, it will slip away unless it’s made a priority. Nothing builds trust and bonding with a child like sharing a moment of silliness and laughter. Come together for light-hearted play, and you just may find your child opens up about serious subjects. The relaxed atmosphere of play helps us let our guard down and reveal more of ourselves.

When you play together, let your child feel like the most important person in your world. Give him your undivided attention: no cell phones, no interruptions, no slipping into your own private thoughts. Be present – body, mind and spirit. Then let yourself do whatever comes naturally, with the abandon you felt when you yourself were a child. Your instincts will be your guide.

Growing closer through play is easy. It just takes dedicated moments, given on a fairly regular basis, so your child begins to count on having time with you.

Let your child re-teach you the wonderful secrets of play. You both will feel more secure and peaceful – and a whole lot happier, as the reason you do it all for, starts to come back to you.

Winsome is author of “Go for Your Goals” for kids – a set of downloadable e-books that guide your child through the joyful steps of learning visualization, goal-setting and the Law of Attraction. Simple language enhanced with beautiful illustrations and worksheets make these books appealing and motivating. To learn more, CLICK HERE

Alternative Treatment For Parkinson's Disease

Parkinsons disease, or PD, is a degenerative disorder that wreaks havoc on the central nervous system. Although there is no known cure for the disease, there are still alternative treatments for Parkinsons Disease available.

For instance, an herb that has grown popular in recent years is Mucuna puriens, which can mimic the laboratory-produced Parkinsons medication Levidopa.

One of the biggest problems for many people with Parkinson's is their doctors have never really explained what to expect with Parkinson's disease.

So they never got a chance to have their medical questions answered or to discuss medications or other options.

Because so many have talked to me about this problem, I went out and found one of the top doctors on Parkinson's disease... someone who could answer difficult and complicated questions in a clear and easy-to-understand manner.

That person is Dr. Neal Hermanowicz.

Dr. Hermanowicz is Director of the University of California Irvine Movement Disorders Program.

He is also Director of the Phillip and Carol Traub Center for Parkinson's and Movement Disorders, the Vice Chair of Clinical Affairs, Department of Neurology and is also Clinical Professor, Neurology School of Medicine.

Dr. Hermanowicz was videotaped in his doctor's office answering all the most common questions people have about Parkinson's disease.

When you watch these easy to understand videos, Dr. Hermanowicz shares his professional insights into Parkinson's disease and gives you a lot of useful information you can use right now

Remember, unlike many doctors who only have a basic understanding of Parkinson's, Dr. Hermanowicz has devoted his life to the study and treatment of Parkinson's disease.

Now you can get the facts from one of the country's leading Parkinson's disease experts in easy-to-understand english.

If you are interested  Here is everything you really need to know about
Parkinson's Disease all in one place. CLICK HERE

Fat Burning Chicken Nuggets

Fat Burning Workouts - Metabolisme Strikes Again

Weight loss is one of the most troublesome problems Americans have today (aside from the economy and Health Care). There's plenty of things that affect how we feel about ourselves and how others perceive us. One of the biggest and obvious areas is physical appearance.

Fat burning workouts are the key to target those areas you wish you could be a little more toned in or perhaps you want to build just a bit more muscle, but can't seem to get there. Trust me I was in that same boat. Aside from the fat burning workouts though I realized something just as important, my metabolism. If you think about it your body is just like car. You have to eat in order to get those nutrients your body needs to do its daily work. Problem is what foods are supposed to go in that engine to get the best results.

Fish is a great food when combined with the fat burning workouts of your choice. I for example eat a simple tuna fish sandwich which is extremely low on fat and has a pretty decent amount of protein. So for guys this is also a plus if you want to build that muscle as well. Now yes I try to eat tuna fish or some sort of fish at least 3 times a week. If you allow it to take place of a meal you will actually see the pounds drop off you. It's perfectly OK to have that brownie or bag of chips, just keep it to an every once in a while.

Listen I'll admit that tuna fish in place of say macaroni & cheese, chicken nuggets, pizza, cheeseburgers, chinese food, tacos, steak, baked potatoes, chili, or hot dogs isn't always making me a happy camper, but I just have to remember that when I'm done eating, I'm going to be satisfied and happy knowing that that meal isn't going to come back and bite me. So simple find your food that you can enjoy (or tolerate) and use that in place of meals 3 times per week along with a good fat burning workout that targets the areas you want to change.

Would you like to use proven fat burning workouts? Discover how you can attain your personal weight loss goals by visiting CLICK HERE now!

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Thursday, 21 January 2016

The Autism Symptoms Checklist

How to Successfully Raise a Child with Autism

Do you want the autism symptoms checklist or want to see an autistic child then look at the children who you pass by, but there is not specific symptom you can identify in a child having this disorder.

Observe the children who reside around your place and observe every child you walk past on the street. These children may be having autism disorder. There is no striking symptom that a child is affected by this type of disorder.

Autism is a typical neurological disorder that no body will be able to identify it easily unless you tell them that he or she is autistic. I know parents who have an autistic child and whenever they take their son to a shop or physician, they used to receive looks of disgust to his unusual behaviour. Parents often used to get upset at the criticism from the people who don't know that autism is the reason behind it. Many times parents dare to fight with people who comment or scold the children with this disorder. But finally the only thing left is to educate people about this problem.

So, what is the definition of autism? Many people who i met have no idea about this disorder. They are of the opinion that autistic and artistic are the same. But there is no connection between these two words and both are entirely different

Social and communication skills will not be normal in children with autism. These children don't mingle with others or make friends and some have speech problems. An autistic child behaves peculiarly like pouring water from glass to glass, moving round again and again but not getting dizziness, not like to be hugged or touched, playing with toys by putting them in line and shouting for hours. However every child with this problem is different. Autism consists of changing levels of behaviour because of which it is called as spectrum.

Many children with this disorder will not be able to express properly, instead of telling something they will show what they want by showing a picture to the parents. Imaging that your child has a pain some where in the body but he will not able to tell what he or she is suffering from. Imagine how a parent would feel in such a situation if he could not get to know the problem of his child.

One has to be determined to tackle this problem and fight for the life of autistic child.

As of now, no doctor or psychiatrist is able to tell what causes autism, however the style of parenting is not the cause of this disorder. But some people argue that bad parenting is one of the reasons for getting autism. One thing is sure that the parents who are facing this problem only can understand what it is like raising an autistic child.

After a careful study, experts have come to a decision there is no specific autism symptoms checklist to identify this disorder, it is part of family's life and we have to face the challenges it gives us. The parents i know have proved that autism will not become a hurdle in their happiness and future plans to successfully raise a child when their seven year old started to speak a little better with the children invited on his birthday.

Though there is battle to be won, it is necessary to think positively and show that you are very much interested in his welfare and development to cure a child with autism. Only thing the parents can give their children is love and affection but not the behaviour therapy as the same is very costly and not covered by medical insurance. This fact disappoints many parents as they could not take them for a behaviour therapy. Some parents argue that why a different system of education which can assist autistic child is not incorporated in the present system of education. I used to advice my friends and neighbours that whenever they see such children and their peculiar behaviour, not to come to a conclusion about the parents as it might be autism.

Discover The Most Effective Parenting Tools That Are Guaranteed To Work For You And Your Child. I hope you liked the article on Autism Symptoms Checklist and the way we required to treat the children with autism. For More About Autism Chidren CLICK HERE

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Health Mental Health

There are so many self-improvement products out there on the market, but none I’ve ever come across have made the bold promise that Chris D’Cruz of Universal Life Secrets has made. He promises to reveal to you the secrets of life and the universe, which in turn would give you “god-like” powers that will allow you to create your own destiny as you see fit.

The first time someone told me of the site’s outrageous claim, I laughed.

And then I visited to check it out for myself. What I found on the site was indeed the most outrageous claim I have ever read in all my time online. Surely you’d have to think that if someone promises not just the world, but the secrets of the entire universe and life in general, the claims may be a tad absurd.

Just for the sake of everyone who might not have checked out the site yet, basically Chris D’Cruz promises that in 30 short days, you’ll be able to accomplish practically anything you set your mind to, persuade anyone to do your bidding, attract anyone into your bed and give them (and yourself) the most mind-blowing sexual experience all night long.

And apparently, that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

According to the site, some of the secrets he’ll reveal are “Irresistible Hypnotic Influence, Innate Psychic Ability, Supernatural Healing, Indomitable Sexual Prowess, The Cosmic Omnipotent Knowledge Of Life And The Universe”.

I don’t know what kept me on the site, but I read what this Chris D’Cruz had to say about his secrets. And the more I read, the more I was intrigued by the guy’s promises of self empowerment and sexual confidence/prowess. Like I said, I’ve never seen any claim as bold as this guy’s.

By the time I finished reading everything he had to say, I wanted to know more. I was really curious as to why he seemed so confident that these secrets would change anyone’s life in 30 days. I figured if these “secrets” turned out to be hogwash I would just use the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee and get a refund.

And you know what?

Turns out these secrets aren’t hogwash at all.

What Chris D’Cruz has done is live up to his promise of the world (or universe) and provide a comprehensive collection of the best material on self empowerment and sexual confidence/prowess that can never be found anywhere else. The secrets revealed are impressive, with easy implementation and integration into one’s daily life, and techniques rarely seen in any self help books I’ve read.

I’ve applied some of these techniques and surprisingly they work; the empowerment secrets have instilled a new confidence that I never thought existed in me. In turn, this newfound confidence translates to greater chances of me actually “scoring” whenever I’m out and about in the clubs and pubs.

So is Universal Life Secrets worth looking at?

From my own personal experience, I’d have to say yes. In a rare show of confidence, Chris D’Cruz actually delivers on his promises of the world, and if you take a chance on Universal Life Secrets, you’ll see that you truly will have the world in the palm of your hand.

The Law of Deliberate Creation

First, it should be understood that the Law of Deliberate Creation is constantly working based upon whatever you are thinking about - good or bad. So, it certainly behooves us to pay attention to our inner intuitive life coach, or our inner being, so we can garner the messages we get from our Beingness. Once we start living life through the guidance of our inner spiritual counselor then emotional healing, physical healing, stress release, pain release, and personal transformation happens.

The Law of Attraction is a term which has been bantered about for the past few years. This article will focus on an aspect of the above Law; the Law of Deliberate Creation.

What does deliberate creation mean? It means you get to take control of your life and create your destiny through focused attention. The Universal Laws are our friends. And, the best of the good news is that we now have the information to create successful lives rather than creating by default. This information has recently been unveiled to humans and thus the reason for the recurrence of the term the Law of Attraction.

Knowingly, or unknowingly, we are creating our lives through our thoughts and emotions. This revelation allows us to connect with our inner being and listen to our inner guidance system which speaks to us through our emotions.

There are two important parts in the Law of Deliberate Creation. There is the launching of the thought followed by the expectation of the thought. So, first you have the desire for the creation of what you are thinking about and then you need to allow the creation to manifest.

Most of us have been taught to be logical in the way we live our lives. For some of us this means we have lost or buried our ability to dream or imagine what our hearts desires are. However, imagination and dreaming about what you want is a vital aspect in this creation process.

So, allow yourself to go wild with what you want. There are no boundaries permitted! Just let yourself dream away about what you believe will bring you happiness. Nobody needs to know about your "day dreams". This exercise is just a way for you to allow yourself to reconnect with your inner being and to reopen your deepest desires for what will give you extreme happiness and inner peace.

Furthermore, creation does not happen through action. If action alone were the key to the creative process then there would be no need to follow the powerful guidance of our inner intuitive counselor or to acknowledge the Laws of the Universe.

To clarify this statement it is imperative to understand that action without positive anticipation through our thoughts and emotions is far less satisfying. Therefore, if one precedes the process by connecting with their inner guidance system, far less action is required and the results are far more positive in nature.

To further expound upon the action step procedure it must be noted that if we follow our action without joy the outcome may result in an unhappy ending. For example, you might become physically fatigued. Since you would be expending a lot of energy from the unfocused arena you would be doing a lot of physical and/or mental processes. This type of behavior could be likened to a person running here, there, and everywhere trying different methods when one after the other previous methods fails to bring the desired results.

And, if the above processes do not produce the hoped for results then it is an automatic human response to feel disappointment. Furthermore, a sense of hopelessness and failure can also come into play.

Lastly, one might feel a sense of loss and unfulfilled expectations.

So, in order to avoid all of the above, it is best to NOT jump into action to get the things we want without thinking, seeing, visualizing, expecting, feeling, and speaking them into existence beforehand. If you follow this process you will experience fulfillment, inner peace, well being, enlightenment, and success.

Remember, emotions are our personal inner guidance system. If we have positive emotions we are on the right track. Whereas, negative emotions are a warning to us that we are off track. By just adhering to this simple tracking method you can learn to be in tune with your spiritual self at all times. And there is nothing more powerful than your own inner spiritual coach.

Please keep in mind that positive emotions keep us connected to our Inner Power Source and negative emotions are of a different nature. To put it in more simple terms: Love equals connection to the power within; hate equals disconnection from our inner essence. This does not mean our inner source ever leaves us; we choose to stay connected or choose to disconnect by free will.

To sum this all up: the combination of deliberate intention regarding your hopes and dreams, combined with being sensitive to the way you feel is what the Deliberate Creative Process is all about. There is no need to grasp each thought. Just focus on how you feel and learn to acknowledge your emotions.

For further information about Dr Robert Anthony's., please visit her website: Click HERE

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Teach Your Child How To Read

Simple, Efective, Step By Step Program To Teach Children How To Read

What's the best way to teach children to read? According to the National Reading Panel, "teaching children to manipulate phonemes in words was highly effective under a variety of teaching conditions with a variety of learners across a range of grade and age levels and that teaching phonemic awareness to children significantly improves their reading more than instruction that lacks any attention to Phonemic Awareness." [1] This is a statement made by the National Reading Panel (NRP) in their report titled "TEACHING CHILDREN TO READ: An Evidence-Based Assessment of the Scientific Research Literature on Reading and Its Implications for Reading Instruction."

Phonemic Awareness instruction was selected for review by the NRP in their report because studies have identified phonemic awareness and letter knowledge as two of the best predictors of how well children will learn to read in their first 2 years of entering school. There is strong Scientific evidence to suggest that phonemic awareness instructions are an important part in helping children develop reading skills.

One study discussed the presence of phonemic awareness in Austrian children aged 6 to 7 that were unable to read when first entering school. This study found that many children had not one correct response in their test of a simple vowel substitution task. However, a few children who exhibited high phonemic awareness scored close to perfect on this same task. The study further stated that "there was a specific predictive relationship between initial phonemic awareness differences and success in learning to read and to spell." Even more importantly, the study indicated that it was phonemic awareness abilities, and not IQ, that predicted the accuracy of reading and spelling at the end of grade one. Children with high phonemic awareness at the beginning of grade one had high reading and spelling achievements at the end of grade one, compared to some children with low phonemic awareness who had difficulties learning to read and spell. [2]

In the National Reading Panel report, they also determined that the beneficial effects of phonemic awareness on reading lasts well beyond the period of training. While phonemic awareness instructions are proven to significantly help children learn reading, it is not a complete reading program. What it does, is provide children with a foundational knowledge base of the alphabet language. The NRP analysis also showed that phonics instructions produces significant benefits for students from kindergarten through grade 6, and is also helpful for children with learning to read difficulties.

Children who are taught with phonics and phonemic awareness instructions are consistently able to decode, read, and spell, and even demonstrated significant improvement in their ability to comprehend text. Even older children who receive these similar teachings improved their ability to decode and spell. The NRP made a key statement saying that "conventional wisdom has suggested that kindergarten students might not be ready for phonics instruction, this assumption was not supported by the data. The effects of systematic early phonics instruction were significant and substantial in kindergarten and the 1st grade, indicating that systematic phonics programs should be implemented at those age and grade levels."

However, I would like to further expand on that by saying that children as young as two years old can learn to read through phonics and phonemic awareness instructions. If a young child can speak, then they should be able to learn to read, even if they are as young as two years old. In fact, I have proven this with my own children. We started teaching our daughter at 2 years and 8months, and she was very capable at reading by the time she was just 2 years and 11 months old.

>> Click here to learn more about the simple, step-by-step phonics and phonemic awareness program we used to teach her to read.

Pick Your Baby's Gender Naturally

There are medical procedures that you can pay for and undergo that will supposedly help to pick your baby's gender naturally. There are hormone injections and embryonic procedures that a doctor can do that will help your body to favor the development of a certain gender. However, there are so many risks involved with this and no matter how desperate you are to make this dream become a reality, you want a healthy child rather than one that isn't.

You still want to pick your baby's gender but maybe you should take a natural approach. This is a great idea because you can still get the results you want without having to compromise your baby's health.

A great way to pick your baby's gender naturally is to change up your diet, significantly. The foods that you eat have a great impact on the development of your child. You know this because the healthier a mother eats, the healthier their child is. The same can be said for gender. The foods that you eat can definitely impact what gender you conceive.

If you want to have a baby boy, then you need to eat foods that are very alkaline. This means that you are staying away from those high acidity foods so you can create an environment for a baby boy to grow in.

Eating tons of acidic foods helps you if you want the opposite. If a baby girl sounds perfect to you, then you need to eat only acidic foods to ensure that you are going to get the gender you want.

For more suggestions, including a method that is 100% guaranteed to help you conceive either a baby girl or a baby boy, visit this informative site. CLICK HERE

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Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Self Esteem Coach for Children

Coaching is all the rage now days but what about coaching for children? Parents are in a perfect position to use some coaching skills to help their children develop their self-esteem, confidence and sense of responsibility. It can also be used to help them with goal setting and attainment.

First I would like to differentiate coaching from other helping professions. Coaching is a partnership. The coach asks open-ended questions to help the coachees think through issues for themselves. Coaches help coachees examine their beliefs and values and to keep them in alignment. Coaching is not counseling, therapy, advising, mentoring or consulting. Coaching skills are tool parents can use to help their children grow, learn and develop as human beings.

Two of the primary coaching skills that parents can use are active listening skills and powerful questioning skills. Most of us were never taught these skills in school but they are essential to good communication and understanding.

In active listening you pay attention to nothing but the speaker. You clear your mind of distraction and focus on what the speaker is and is not saying. Some times what is not said is as important or more important than what is said. Active listening also includes paying attention to body language and noting when it does not say the same thing as verbal language.

Powerful questioning starts with open-ended questions that are designed to help the coachee think for themselves. They are never leading questions but rather questions that make the coachee think more broadly than they are thinking currently. They are "what" and "how" questions not "why" questions.

Here are some examples of powerful questions parents can use with children:

1. What are you going to do next?

2. How can you make that work for you?

3. What will happen if you do that?

4. What is most important to you?

5. Which one of your goals or values does that relate to?

6. How is that working for you?

7. If you knew the answer what would it be?

8. Which one of these ideas do you want to work on?

9. How will doing that impact other people?

10. What felt the best about doing that?

If you are unsure about trying some of this with your children it might be really helpful to hire a good, well-trained coach to get you started and to teach you some more about powerful questioning. A good coach can also help you with other difficult parenting issues.

Dr. Joe Rubino is known as America's High Performance Coach. She specializes in helping executives and entrepreneurs make the most of their opportunities and potential. Her years of working with small and large businesses has given her a depth of knowledge that is invaluable to her clients. You can reach her  Click Here.

Baby Bowen - Relief For Colic

Baby Bowen Natural Colic Relief At Your Fingertips

Does your baby suffer from colic? Are you desperate for a cure for colic that really works? Baby Bowen is probably the most effective yet simple method of providing instant relief for colic. In this article, I will introduce you to this amazing technique.

Baby Bowen is based on the Bowen Technique. This is a very gentle, non invasive therapy that treats a whole range of ailments and has been adapted to babies.

The Bowen Technique works by re balancing the nervous system. The nervous system controls everything in your body from muscles and cells to the release of hormones. It is responsible for every function in your body from eating and running to sleeping. If there is an imbalance in your nervous system your body will not be able to function as smoothly.

Stress causes an imbalance and this in turn causes symptoms such as heartburn, indigestion, headaches, muscle tension and poor sleeping. Babies undergo a lot of stress during birth. Often this stress is not removed and the baby is in a constant state of anxiety and stress- a symptom of an imbalanced nervous system.

Baby Bowen is a very effective tool to re balance the nervous system in babies. It consists of 5 pairs of very gentle moves that are carried out on your baby's back and tummy. There are no negative side effects with Bowen Therapy.

Baby Bowen provides fast relief for colic in babies and the results are immediate!What's more, by helping your baby get balanced, you also improve their sleep patterns allowing for longer and deeper sleeps. Not only is it quick and effective, it is also so easy to learn.

Keep your baby balanced! Click here for FREE information on Baby Bowen.

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Anxiety Free Child Program

Help  Your Child Overcome Their Anxiety and Take Back The Chilhood They Deserve

Is the Anxiety Free Child Program a scam? Find out from this review before you trust it to help your child.

The fact is all children go through anxiety, it is a normal part of growing up. Anxiety becomes a concern however when it is prolonged and is extra intense. Parents also need to look out for the reasons behind the anxiety. Often at times, if there is no reason for it such as the start of school, moving to a new neighborhood, an exam coming up, that might be a clue that the anxiety that your child is going through is abnormal anxiety which if left untreated damages the child forever.

This is where the Anxiety Free Child program comes to your child's rescue. It is specifically designed and specialized for children by anxiety and panic expert Rich Presta.

He is not only an expert, he has been where your child is and understands those frightful phobias because he was once there himself.His program helps children who suffer from panic, anxiety, excessive worrying, unrealistic fears and phobias.

This program is a step by step program that not only helps the child to cope with the anxiety, it actually defeats the anxiety and leaves your child anxiety free. Even though it is exclusive and specialized for children, the parents play an active role in helping the children with not just what to do to free them of the anxiety, but also how to do it. It does an amazing job in empowering the parents take control of the child's anxiety by offering practical advice and knowledge to beat anxiety and panic in their children.

Another big plus about the program is that it is effectively fast. Rich Presta has used his own experiences in creating a program that works, without having to wait for weeks, because he understands that children just do not have the patience that adults have.

The program recognizes that anxiety in the child may undoubtedly have affected the parents and the siblings and it also addresses that. In the end, everyone in the household will be more calm and relaxed and the result is an anxiety free house filled with anxiety free children.

One of the best things about Anxiety Free Child program is that the child does not have to be on addictive medication that may be harmful to the child in the long run. It is effective, safe and starts working within days.

There is no Scam!

When it comes to anxiety, panic and phobias, Rich Presta knows what he is doing. Click Here To Learn More About The Anxiety Free Child Program.

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Building Muscle Program

Muscle building programs help you stay focused and efficient in your goal to gain muscle mass. Gaining muscle mass is not just about hitting the weights hard. Any good muscle building program is going to cover workouts for the entire body, diets specifically for gaining muscle mass, information on supplements, etc. You may feel stressed at first, but stick with your program and you will surely see results fast. Be sure to follow all of the routines, not just select body parts, to see the most results fast.

Be sure that you are aware of your strengths and weaknesses before you start training. Take it easy to begin with, going to fast or heavy early on could cause your body damage. The more you do it, the faster and stronger you will become. While lifting big weight is very important to building muscle, you need to start off with light weights and then work your way up.

For the best results while lifting, remember to warm up before workouts, and cool down after. Before weight training try and get in 10 minutes of warm up to get your muscles lose. You can stretch, or do some light cardio work to get warmed up. A 10 minute cool down after your lift is good. Your body needs to cool down just like it needs to warm up.

Remember that to see the best results, you should work out your entire body, not just a select few individual muscles. The amount of weight you can work from the start will vary based on your current size and strength. Try and get in 5 day per week for training if possible, though every other day is definitely enough to see results. To be safe, be aware of your own strength before you begin weight training.

Be sure you are feeding your body enough protein while you work out to build muscle. There are a number of things that can help increase the speed of your building muscle, but protein is the most vital. Learn about fats, your body can use unsaturated fats to your benefit. Also you will want to be eating many smaller meals, instead of 3 large meals throughout the day. This keeps your metabolism up and running, burning fat and building muscle.

Any building muscle program worth its weight will have you doing different exercises for each area of your body. For instance, you may be doing curls to increase your biceps, but there are many different types of bicep training you can do. By scheduling your training sessions, you can be sure to keep your body in check by not doing the same exercises every day. If your body is aware of your schedule, it will be able to adapt and your growth will slow down.

For the quickest results, be sure to rest your muscles. In order for your body to build new and improved muscle, it needs to rest. A good rule of thumb is to give every other day rest to your muscles before working them out again. There are several ways you can fit rest into your schedule. If you are following a muscle building program, it will already be scheduled in.

Always hit each muscle group at least once a week. For better results in specific areas, work them harder and more often during the week. Do not only work those areas and neglect the rest of your muscles. When you hit all of your muscle groups, you become stronger as a whole, you will feel better and be more agile.

Building muscle programs are a great way to streamline your way to fast mass muscle gaining results. Stay away from using more weight than you are comfortable with without a helper. Protein is vital to muscle growth. In order to repair, your muscles need time to rest.

If you find this information helpful and would like more FREE information about muscle building programs, visit my website and check out this article: Building Muscle Program CLICK HERE

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Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Fat Burning Recipes

Creating tasty and satisfying fat burning menus is no more difficult or time consuming than other meal planning. Yet the results and benefits are both far reaching and tangible.

Many people however may not know or understand what fat burning foods are, or how to prepare them. What fat burning foods offer are a healthy and tasty way to eat while burning off fat stores. And you may no longer need to have two menus either, one for you and one for your family.

Vegetable soups

Vegetable soups are easy to prepare and quick to make. They are filling and are a great way to burn fat. In fact vegetable soups may be the best foods for burning fat. One of the reasons vegetable soups can boost the metabolism is due to their water content. Our body relies on a steady intake of water in order for our metabolism to function optimally.

Vegetables also provide fiber which promotes intestinal health. The combination of proteins and fiber found in vegetables decrease food cravings and with this comes the ability to burn off those fats already stored in the body.

Fat burning cabbage soup

1 bunch celery

one large can tomatoes

1 head cabbage

2 green peppers

6 green onions


salt and pepper to taste


1. chop all ingredients into medium sized pieces
2. heat a large pan half filled with water
3. when boiling drop in all ingredients and reduce to a simmer
4. season
5. simmer until vegetables are tender
6. serve hot

Fat burning mixed vegetable Soup

Dieters can choose fresh or frozen vegetables

A base broth which can either be made or bought

Salt and pepper to taste

Fresh herbs (optional)


1. clean and chop vegetables
2. select vegetables about the same size so that they all cook evenly
3. saute the more intense flavored vegetables such as onions or leeks first
4. saute the harder veggies next such as carrots and potatoes
5. add all vegetables to a pot and pour over the broth
6. add a tiny splash of virgin olive oil
7. add seasoning and herbs
8. simmer until all vegetables are firm but not mushy
9. add flavor enhancements if you wish such as pesto or perhaps garlic

Fat burning breakfast

Crust-less Quiche

6 egg whites

1 tsp baking powder

1 cup broccoli

1 tsp virgin olive oil

pinch garlic powder

salt and pepper to taste


1. whisk eggs with dry ingredients

2. Transfer to a greased oven dish and bake at 350 F for 30-40 minutes until golden brown.

Turkey recipes = lean protein

Turkey is a perfect fat burning food which is high in protein and balance in carbohydrates and healthy fats.

Turkey meatloaf.

1 pack of ground turkey meat

One-half cup spinach

6 chopped walnuts

1 bunch chopped green onions

One-quarter cup seedless raisins

One-half cup buttermilk

1Tbsp ketchup or tomato sauce

salt and pepper to taste


1. mix all the ingredients with the exception of the tomato sauce together until combined
2. place on a backing sheet and pat down until even
3. spread the tomato sauce on top
4. bake for 15-20 minutes in a 375F oven until golden brown

Turkey Burgers

4 oz lean ground turkey meat

One-quarter cup spinach

5 chopped almonds

2 chopped mushrooms

salt and pepper to taste


1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl.
2. place pan on a medium heat and add about 1 Tsp of virgin olive oil
3. in a clean a slight wet hand mold burgers to the required size
4. ensure that each patty is the same size so that cooking times are even
5. place patties in the heated oil and fry on each side until each patty is crispy brown and cooked through
6. serve with a salad or savory rice

Tim Lazaro is a Fat Burning Nutrition enthusiast. For tips and expert advice on

fat burning recipes CLICK HERE

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Monday, 18 January 2016

How to Know if You're Pregnant - Five Symptoms

How to Know if You're Pregnant - Five Symptoms

The thought of being pregnant may give you a feeling of elation or it may fill you with dread. Either way, if you truly are pregnant, most women want to know that information as soon as possible. Because if you are pregnant, it means that for better or worse, your life is about to change. So what are the early symptoms of a pregnancy? How can a woman tell early on if she's pregnant?

Pregnancy symptoms differ from woman to woman. Some women experience symptoms of pregnancy within as little time as a week of conception. Others experience no pregnancy symptoms at all until they begin to show the "baby bump." Still others may experience different pregnancy symptoms when pregnant with different children.

If you experience some of the very early pregnancy symptoms listed below and believe that you may be pregnant, you should do a home pregnancy test. If you are still in doubt, arrange with your doctor or pregnancy help clinic to have a pregnancy test. The reason why this is important is that if you are pregnant and have bad lifestyle habits like smoking, drinking, or even taking prescription drugs - you could be inadvertently harming the developing fetus in your body.

Here are 5 common symptoms that might indicate pregnancy:

1. You just missed your normal menstrual period.

This is number one on the list of indicators that are a warning sign that you may be pregnant. It's true that just because you missed a period does not necessarily mean that you're pregnant. There are many other reasons that could cause you to miss a period, such as - fasting, extreme amounts of exercising, prescribed or non-prescribed medications, eating disorders, chronic illnesses, and many more. Nevertheless, if your menstrual period is normally pretty consistent and like clockwork, and it doesn't appear on schedule - this is a red flag and you should consider taking a pregnancy test.

2. Your breasts have become amazingly sensitive.

Tender or swollen breasts sometimes occur just before a period. But these all also signs that conception has taken place and that you could be pregnant. If your breast are swollen beyond normal this is a sign that the body is preparing itself to produce milk. Many women report that they discovered they were pregnant when their breasts became so sensitive that even the slightest brush against them hurts. Others described it as a tingling sensation

3. Heightened sensitivity to smells.

When a woman is in the early stages of pregnancy, she may notice that she is becoming hypersensitive to smells of all types - but especially foods. aromas - foods and others. In fact, you may become so hypersensitive to the smell of certain foods that they cause an involuntary gag reflex or bring about a feeling of nausea. You may also find yourself having an aversion to what were formerly your favorite foods, because of the smell.

4. Excessive bloating.

Bloating can be an indication that you're pregnant. The problem is hormones. When conception occurs, the hormone progesterone floods your system. As the increased progesterone envelopes your body it slows down your digestive processes and leads to gas and bloating.

5. Dizziness.

Are you all of a sudden having periods of dizziness? Once conception takes place, the developing embryo will need food. This food will be drawn from your body. Specifically, it will use the blood sugar from your body as fuel to grow. If you aren't eating enough, this can lead to your feeling faint because of low blood sugar.

Any or all of these symptoms does not mean that you are pregnant. Each of them could be caused by other factors as well. But they are all symptoms that are common in women that have become newly pregnant.

If you want to know about tips on pregnancy, please see the following video Click Here

How reverse and cure borderline diabetes

How reverse and cure borderline diabetes before it is too late

A new diet can reverse and cure borderline diabetes. The failure of the type 2 diabetes diets have lead science to discover a natural diet that works without medication. Borderline diabetes is a serious and deadly wake up call that you are losing the fight in your body. High blood glucose means that the pancreas is dying and this should scare you. Borderline diabetes is still diabetes. You can reverse and cure borderline diabetes before it is too late.

As the poison blood glucose spreads there will be pain in the body. First small and then large. The body is being taken over by the spreading blood glucose poison. Waiting kills the diabetic. The diabetic has a poison high blood glucose that kills off the body parts. It is a spread and dangerous poison that gets in the eye vessel and caused blurry vision then it leads to diabetic blindness. Millions of diabetic have to have their legs cut off due to the death of the legs from the spreading blood poison. You must cure and reverse borderline diabetes. The diabetic diets of the past have failed. All borderline diabetics were told to stop sugar but this has not helped. In Actuality the sugar free diets used for the last 30 years have failed. Diabetes has increased to record numbers but people still follow these weak diets.

A borderline diabetes diet that cannot remove the poison glucose and stop it from coming back is a waste of time. The pancreas is failing and this should alarm you. You now have a poison sugar that is floating around in your bloodstream. The blood is polluted and this is just the beginning of your health problems. The condition if allowed to continue will cause damage to the heart. There is a reverse borderline diabetes diet by a filmmaker that has been removing the poison and giving normal blood sugar levels in England and the USA. It heals the insulin problem as you eat what you like. You rid yourself of diabetes. See it here.

CLICK HERE  reverse borderline diabetes

Those seeking how to reverse and cure borderline diabetes must do it fast and avoid the old sugar free diets of the past that do not stop diabetes

Lose Weight With Paleo Diet

How to Lose Weight With the Paleo Diet

The Paleo or Paleolithic diet is based on what humans ate in the Paleolithic age. People were simple hunter-gatherers at that time. They ate whatever they found or killed. They would seldom eat big meals - with the possible exception of meat if they managed to kill a big animal. Food was never stored or preserved. Everything was eaten raw and fresh. It is not known if they cooked their meat or not.

The Paleo Diet Rules Out All Grains, Refined Foods and Sugars

The Paleolithic people did not plant any foods. Grains were unheard of. There were no high carbohydrate foods except fruit or berries, and those were only eaten in season. In our age, the majority of our calories come from grains and refined foods. If we cut out all grains and refined foods from our diets, our calorie intake would probably be halved. This alone would guarantee weight loss.

The Paleo Diet Rules Out All Trans Fats and Fried Foods

The only fats that Paleo people ate were those in the meat or fish they hunted. There is evidence that they always ate all the fat of the animals they caught. But, there were no grain-fed meats available then so meats were less fatty. Fish fats are good because they contained little to no saturated fats. Pasture fed animal fat would also be acceptable. All trans fats and hydrolyzed fats are out. You can eat a little butter if need be.

The Paleo Diet Does not Include Dairy. Dairy products were unknown as there were not yet domesticated animals and farming. The use of dairy products should be kept to a minimum, if possible only using dairy products from pasture fed animals.

The Paleo Diet Includes Plenty of:

Vegetables and herbs. Leafy vegetables and herbs are packed full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. These give resistance to disease and keep you healthy. Your Paleo diet should include a good variety of leafy vegetables, preferably organic, and eaten raw.
Plenty of fish and meat - all pasture fed. All the organs as well as the meat and fat were eaten. Your diet should include sufficient proteins in the form of pasture fed animals and fish
Eggs, nuts, fruits were allowed in the Paleo Diet
The Paleo Lifestyle:

Apart from the diet, the Paleo lifestyle would include plenty of exercise while seeking for food, small frequent meals were eaten as they went along. To lose weight and keep trim, it is necessary to begin an exercise program if you have not already done so. Exercise builds muscle while burning fat.

Some tips for succeeding with the Paleo Diet for Weight Loss include:

Always plan ahead, make sure you have the correct food types available so you are not tempted to cheat.
Eat small frequent meals before you get hungry
Never starve yourself
You choose your own foods at your local supermarket
Your rule of thumb should be, if it can be picked or hunted, it is healthy. This helps you to make rapid judgments as to what is good and what is not.
If you are overweight, following the Paleo diet is a guarantee for losing weight. All the sugary, refined foods, junk foods and fries that cause us to gain weight, are eliminated and replaced by the healthy high quantities of fruits, vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables, nuts, eggs and proteins. All these foods are low calorie and do not contribute to obesity, even when eaten in larger quantities. The Paleo Diet is not really a diet, it should become a way of life so that after losing your excess weight, you will maintain your weight and your lean and trim figure.

If you want to learn more about the Paleo Diet, feel free to check out my Paleo Recipes Cookbook website. CLICK HERE

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How to Reverse Skin Aging

Learn How to Reverse Skin Aging and Look Years Younger Starting Today!

Age 50

Is it possible to reverse skin aging? Which is the safest and most method to do so? Most persons experiencing aging of the skin ask these questions; after all we all want to remain younger looking if at all possible. Searching for the magic solution is what most people do, however with the advancement in skin care science there are many options available, however you must first know why they skin age in order to choose the right solution.

There are many treatments being advertised today from Botox injections, laser resurfacing, cosmetic surgery and chemical peels. All these can be good options if you have lots of money to spend, not afraid of taking some risk and have the time to recover.
Of course, there is also the option of choosing natural anti aging skin care products which will yield the best result over the long term.

However to understand how this method can be effective you must understand why skin age in the first place. The loss of collagen and elastin is one of the major cause of skin aging As you grow older your body produce less of these two vital proteins necessary for healthy skin.

Most people would rush out and purchase creams containing collagen as they figure this is the way to reverse aging of the skin however I am sure they have been disappointed because the result they expect is not forthcoming.

You cannot reverse aging of the skin using a collagen product because collagen's molecules are too large they cannot be absorbed into the skin to render their best effects. This has been scientifically proven therefore using collagen topically is ineffective.

Now, in order to reverse skin aging without opting for any risky procedure you need to know what to look for in a good skin care product. A lot of people fall for the hype of the brand name products because they have come to trust the name, but do you know that many of those brand name products contain harmful ingredients? Read the label carefully of any product before purchasing and avoid substances such as parabens, fragrances, dioxane, triclosan, mineral oil and alcohols.

Look for products contain natural ingredients. Natural ingredients works best with the composition of any skin type. Therefore it is important to look for the natural active ingredients when next you go shopping for anti aging skin care products.

Let's take a look at some of the natural ingredients you should look for.:

Active Manuka Honey: This is a unique and rare type f honey found in New Zealand. It is natural and works wonder on the skin. It protects the skin because it is a powerful antioxidant and it keeps it safe due to its antibacterial properties.

Phytessence Wakame: A known beauty preserver which has great anti aging benefits and it is also a powerful antioxidants that protects the skin from sun damage and skin cell degeneration

Nano Lipobelle HEQ10: A powerful antioxidant. This is a new and improved version of COQ10 enabling it to penetrated deep down through the several layers of the skin.

These ingredients are must haves in a skin aging product you purchase. Read the label and ensure it contains only the best to give you optimum result and reverse the signs of aging on your skin.

Do you have unwanted wrinkles, bags and sagging skin? Discover the secret to beautiful, firm, wrinkle free skin and learn about natural, safe and effective skin care products. Visit and CLICK HERE to learn the truth skin care advertisements will never tell you.

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Sunday, 17 January 2016

Tips For Achieving Body Fat Loss Quickly

Extreme body fat loss can be a sign of illness. You may be one of the many that has hoped to lose weight in the past. The though may occur to many people at different times. The reality is though that body fat loss and weight loss in general should be a gradual and consistent process that you control.

If you have experienced rapid body fat loss with no obvious reasons you may need to visit your doctor. The conditions that sometimes result in body fat loss and other wasting conditions can be progressive and may not stop without medical intervention.

If you are making efforts toward fat loss and realizing unexpected gains, or losses in this case, congratulations may be in order. There are some points on the horizon that you should be planning for though. Consider the future and prepare now. An adequate education continues to be one of the most empowering preparations for individuals that want to change themselves and their lives.

It is difficult to take effective action when you do not understand the processes as work. When you do not know what to do to get what you want the result can sometimes be a chaotic and negative series of trial and error attempts. These can leave you with less enthusiasm than you had before, and enthusiasm is often the fuel of change.

If you are using a diet to achieve fat loss you may need to consider whether the diet is sustainable for you. In some cases a technique of reducing calories is used to reduce weight. You may find though that before your body weight stabilizes you have already reached your healthy or desired weight.

If this is the case you may need to gradually increase your caloric intake to achieve that desired weight. Another concern with diets is that many people stop them at some point. You should realize that if a diet is helping to control your weight, that when you change that diet your weight will likely change as well.

Lastly, exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. If you do not have a well-rounded exercise routine consider creating one. For weight and fat management consider the big three: cardiovascular, aerobic (respiratory), and muscle tone.

Those three combined can greatly improve your body's effectiveness at processing food and improving its own condition. If you do have one, realize that changing it may result in a change of your body fat. Those are the realities.

By choosing a sustainable healthy lifestyle you can help ensure that your positive body changes are changes that last. Before making any long-term or dramatic lifestyle changes it is important to consult your physician though.

For Next Video Information CLICK HERE

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