Saturday, 30 January 2016

Cleansing & Anti-aging ways to use coconut oil

Beautify With Coconut Oil

It may surprise you that coconut has been used as a medicine for centuries. Coconuts and coconut oil have proven to fight viruses and bacteria, help strengthen bones and teeth (for a pretty smile), and reduce the chances of heart disease.

Coconut oil, which is derived from the flesh of the coconut, also has proven healing qualities when used on the hair and skin.

Beautifying Nutrition

Though coconut oil is high in saturated fats, its fat is healthy according to Bruce Fife, CN, ND, director of the Coconut Research Center.

Coconuts hail much nutrition. They contain protein, calcium, folic acid, iron, and vitamins B1, B6, C, and E. The meat also contains 9 grams of fiber in a 1 cup serving. Imagine giving your body all this nutrition found in one simple food. It can only make you look better than any junk food would. But there's more! (read on)

The coconut's oil provides many unique benefits due to the compounds it contains. These compounds are lauric acid and caprylic acid. Both of these are sold as supplements, but the coconut oil itself is more beneficial as a direct source. Lauric acid kills harmful viruses and bacteria both internally and externally. Many mothers use the oil by applying it to their kids' skin to relieve symptoms of rosacea. Caprylic acid is antifungal.

Coconut oil also contains a surprising fat burner. This type of fat does not get stored in the body. Instead, it is the type of fat that produces energy which in turn stimulates and boosts metabolism. It is found in the oil's medium-chain triglycerides.

Beauty for Skin and Hair

The number of benefits are amazing for your skin. Coconut oil prevents acne and blemishes. It also helps treat rashes, eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea (as mentioned). Overall, coconut oil reduces inflammatory conditions of the skin; thus letting you treat the problem instead of suppressing it with pharmaceutical drugs that push the problems and symptoms (toxins) back into deeper layers of the body.

Coconut oil also helps your hair look vibrant by protecting it. It maintains the hair's protein as it gets absorbed into the hair shaft. For deep conditioning massage 2 to 3 tablespoons of coconut oil into hair and scalp. Leave in on overnight.

Beautify yourself with nature's gift of coconut and coconut oil with no additives or chemical preservatives.

For a limited time only, natural health expert, James Penn, is allowing you exclusive free access to his no cost newsletter where he reveals top secret natural health therapies and remedies to reinvigorate, rejuvenate and revitalise your mind, body and soul. Subscribe for free at CLICK HERE

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3 Foods That Will Make Your Type 2 Diabetes Even Worse

Did you know that some “safe” foods might be making your diabetes even worse?
You know to stay away from sweets, but some so-called “healthy” alternatives could be hijacking your blood sugar.
>>>What if you could REVERSE your Type 2 Diabetes and throw away your insulin shots? A new medical discovery makes it possible.
Keep these blood sugar-boosters off the menu to maximize your energy level:
Fruit Smoothies
You’ve been told your whole lives to eat your fruits and veggies, but here’s what they didn’t tell you…
Many smoothies contain as much sugar as three cans of soda…
…especially fast-food and restaurant smoothies.
So how can you get the necessary vitamins and fiber while avoiding blood sugar spikes?
The solution: make smoothies yourself.
Just make sure to stay away from super-sugary fruits like bananas and peaches.
Try these instead:

I know what you’re thinking:
“What could go wrong with a food that’s fat-free, cholesterol-free, and full of fiber and vitamins?”
The problem with starchy foods, like potatoes, is that they’re digested into the bloodstream lightning-quick and can trigger sharp insulin spikes.
Don’t scrap your spuds just yet, though. The key to a diabetes-friendly potato is in the preparation and portion size.
Preparation tips:
Cook them with a healthy fat, like olive oil
Add leafy greens or vegetables
Chill the potato or add lemon juice to slow digestion
As for portion size, stick to about 1/2 cup of mashed potatoes or a computer mouse sized baked potato.

White rice
In the diabetes world, white flour is like sugar’s evil minion.
Combine this with all the frying and processing involved with cooking flour, and your bloodstream is about to become a war-zone.
In fact, regularly eating white rice significantly increases your risk for Type 2 Diabetes. The risk increases 11% for each additional daily serving.
Thankfully, there is another option: brown rice.
Whole grains have fiber, which slows the rush of glucose into the bloodstream. Two servings of brown rice per week can actually lower your risk of diabetes, and help keep your blood sugar in check.
What if you could REVERSE your Type 2 Diabetes and never stop enjoying your favorite foods, here’s what you need:
A recent medical breakthrough at Newcastle University has revealed 3 Proven Steps to Reverse Type-2 Diabetes. Click the link below to find out more.
Click here to find out 3 Proven Steps to Reverse Type-2 Diabetes Discovered by Newcastle University.

Fast Weight Loss For Men

The Solution

Are you sick of feeling overweight and unattractive? Do you hate the way your body looks in the mirror? Do you feel exposed when you take off your shirt at the beach? If any of these things apply to you, then I have the solution you are looking for. You see, I was just like you once. Overweight and unhappy. I hated the way my body looked. I felt fat and ugly but deep down inside, I knew that I wasn’t meant to be this way forever. I knew that if I could lose the weight, my life would improve dramatically.

I started my mission to improve myself by searching for diets to lose weight quickly. I read hundreds of articles about all sorts of diets – from low carb diets, to high protein, to soup diets, and even an “ice” diet (where you were supposed to fill yourself up by eating ice!). None of them really appealed to me or even had any proof that they worked. After all, I had tried variations of them before like Atkins and Weight Watchers, but they all failed me and didn’t allow me to shed the pounds that I so desperately wanted to lose. I haven’t always been the most athletic person, so strenuous exercise and hours in the gym didn’t appeal to me at all. I knew I had to find something else.

One day I was reading an article about a professional UFC fighter. In it, he described how before each fight, he would lose rapid amounts of fat so he could qualify for the lighter weight fights. He even said he was able to lose up to 20 pounds using his method. I couldn’t believe it. If I could lose 20 pounds in just a few weeks, all my problems would be solved. So, I did some digging and I found out who this UFC fighter’s personal trainer was. He was based in Los Angeles, so I called the trainer up and pretended that I was interested in being his client. He obviously charged a lot of money and I couldn’t exactly afford to pay huge amounts of money for training, but to my surprise, he invited me to come to a free personal introductory training session.

So, I turned up at this fancy LA gym and met with the trainer. He was this good looking, handsome kind of guy that was in perfect shape. He certainly was practicing what he preached. Anyway, we talked about my weight loss goals and what I wanted to achieve and he explained that he would definitely be able to help me. He said he knew a secret diet that he’d be teaching celebrities and professional athletes for years where they can lose over 10 pounds a week. The bad news was though, if I wanted to learn it from him, I would have to enroll in his 10-session course, which would cost me $500 a session. That’s $5000 all up. There was no way I could afford that.

Just as I was getting up to leave, I noticed a business card sticking out of the personal trainer’s workout logbook. It had three words on it, and those three words would change my life forever. They were ‘3 Week Diet’. I said my goodbyes to the trainer and let him know that I could not afford his classes. As soon as I was out of the gym, I pulled up Google on my phone and typed in ‘3 Week Diet’. The first result was a website called ‘The 3 Week Diet’. I knew I had hit gold. The website, created by this nutritionist and scientist explained how it was possible to lose mass amounts of body fat in as little as 3 weeks. This was the exact same diet the UFC fighter I read about was on. And it was the same diet the personal trainer was trying to sell me for thousands of dollars! There it was. Revealed in all its glory. The secret to losing weight quickly.

I started the diet immediately. It wasn’t that much of an adjustment. The diet didn’t involve starving myself or doing any sort of tiresome exercise. In fact, I barely noticed that I was even on a diet! On the first day alone, I lost 2 lbs. I knew from right then that this was going to work. I followed the diet to a T and in the first week I lost a total of 10 lbs. I couldn’t believe it. Never in my whole life had I lost that much weight so rapidly. My jeans felt slimmer and I had so much more energy and vibrancy to my personality. I continued The 3 Week Diet until the end of the 21 days, and when I stepped on the scales for the last day, I nearly had a heart attack. 25 pounds. 25 FREAKIN’ POUNDS! I had lost that much weight in only 3 weeks. I could barely believe it. I looked in the mirror, and sure enough my face was slimmer, my jaw was more prominent, my stomach was flatter, my arms didn’t have saggy skin. I was actually somewhat good-looking!

I had found the holy grail of weight loss - The 3 Week Diet. I called up Brian (the creator of the diet) and thanked him personally. He was glad to hear my success story and asked for me to email him some before and after photos so he could put them on the site. He did, and you can still see them there to this day! So there you have it. That is my story on how I lost 25 pounds in only 20 days. Before starting The 3 Week Diet, I wouldn’t have thought that it was possible. But now, seeing how I look in the mirror, seeing how I can now wear any clothing item I want, and how people treat me so much better, I know it is possible! If you are in the same situation as I was in before I started the diet, take action now! Don’t waste your time with stupid diets that just don’t work, and even if they do – they take months and even years. I stopped the 3 Week Diet over a month ago; I haven’t put on any weight since. I’ve been able to keep the weight off for good. You can do it too!
If you are interested to have a body that male click here

Friday, 29 January 2016

Workouts For Flat Abs

Before you read this article, I recommend to you to read this 5 tips to lose stomach fat, get flat six pack Abs, Ab workouts,Abdominal Exercise   to learn more Visit Website Click here

Women Click Here  to get a flat sexy tummy and sculpted abs like hers

Men Click Here  to burn off stubborn belly fat and build rock hard abdominals like his

For many of us, having flat, toned abs is like the quest for the Holy Grail. Here are some really practical tips and easy-to-follow workouts for abs to help you achieve great-looking and tight abs.

Flat Abs Tip 1: Set Realistic Goals

Flat Abs Tip No. 2: Think 3D

Your abs may become very strong but unfortunately the toned abs muscles continue to lie beneath a layer of tummy fat. If working any part of the body in isolation really works, all of us would have hollow jaws by now since we work our jaw muscles by talking and chewing more than any other muscle groups. We need to visualise the abs as a 360-degree torso and train the various core muscles.

Torso or core muscles are found deep within the abs and back, attaching to the spine or pelvis. Major core muscles reside in the area of the belly and the mid and lower back, and include the pelvic floor muscles, transversus abdominis, multifidus, internal and external obliques, rectus abdominis, erector spinae (sacrospinalis) especially the longissimus thoracis, and the diaphragm. Minor core muscles include the latissimus dorsi, gluteus maximus, and trapezius. These muscles are where most movements originate and help keep our body stable and balanced.

Effective workouts for abs involve working the core muscles - front, back, left, right, upper and lower.

Flat Abs Tip 3: Watch What You Eat

The truth is regardless of the grueling abs workouts you put yourself through, if you are carrying excess weight, your toned abs muscles will be hidden by a layer of fat. When the body sheds fat, it does so proportionately throughout the body.

Flat Abs Tip 4: Exercise Equipment Are Just Nice-To-Haves

The lack or absence of exercise equipment and gym memberships is no excuse or hindrance for not achieving toned, developed abs. There is no denying that equipment such as stability balls, BOSU, resistance bands, abs rockers work the abs more readily and make your workout routine more interesting by adding variety. But even without these gadgets, we can still achieve flat abs through calisthenic exercises that require minimal or no equipment and can be performed anywhere. Even in our daily activities such as standing and sitting, we can work our abs by consciously maintaining a good posture and contracting the abs muscles and drawing them inwards to the spine.

Flat Abs Tip 5: Be Patient And Persevere

Flat Abs Tip 6: Improve Your Posture

Pull back your shoulders, lift your chest up, draw your navel to your lower back and distribute your weight evenly on your balls and heels.

Easy Workouts for Abs


Start position: Lie on your back with knees bent at 45-degree angle, hands behind your ears and elbows facing outwards.

Return to start position.

1. Bring knees towards chest.
2. Extend legs skywards in the air.
3. Place arms (from easy to most difficult) by the sides, across chest, hands behind head or hands stretched above head

Curl-ups / Sit-ups

Start position: Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Cross your hands and arms over your chest.

Breathe out as you curl upwards. Lower your torso until your shoulder blades just lightly touch the ground. Breathe in as you lie down.


Start position: Get on your hands and knees in a push-up. Align your wrists under your shoulders. Maintain a straight back and keep abs and glutes tight so that your lower back does not sink.

While exhaling, tighten the abs and draw the navel to the lower back.

Lying Leg Raises

Raise your legs off the floor until vertical and slightly bent at the knees.

Lower your legs until your lower back is back on the floor and then lower your feet such that they are almost touching but not touching the floor. Keeping your feet off the floor maintains tension and works your abs by keeping the muscles tight and contracted.

Broomstick Twists

Rotate the upper body from side to side, keeping the pelvis fixed. You can also perform this exercise while seated which helps to fix the pelvis and focus your efforts on the abdominal core. The journey to flat abs begins with the very 1st crunch! For more ideas and inspiration on simple and effective workouts for abs, visit Workouts for Abs Click Here

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The Best Weight Loss Exercises

In Just One Day This Simple Strategy Frees You From Complicated Diet Rules - And Eliminates Rebound Weight Gain Permanently

The best time of day to do a cardio workout is in the morning, because carbohydrates at this time are at a minimum. If mornings will not work for you, consider doing your cardio workout right after a Weight Training Session when your body will have depleted carbs. This is a great time to do a cardio workout, because you will be using body fat for energy. Whatever time you choose to do cardio you want to be sure that you are doing it on an empty stomach.

The best types of exercises are those which can be performed over a certain amount of time. Consider doing exercises like cycling, brisk walking, jogging, stairs, cycling, treadmill, and elliptical for the best results from cardio exercises. Make sure that the exercise you choose will be offering resistance during your workout. Your muscles need to have resistance in order to grow, and your body's cardio respiratory system also needs to have resistance to produce great results.

If you are trying to lose weight, you should be choosing to use gym equipment such as treadmills, bicycles and steps because they are rated as being the best for weight loss, and for producing desired results for your cardio respiratory system.

What makes aerobics a fat burning workout for you is it increases your heart rate. Be sure that you are choosing any activity that increases your heart rate and maintains it for at least a minimum of twenty minutes to reach the best results. The formula to calculate the target zone for your maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age.

Target Zone= 70%-80% Maximum.

If you are 40 years old

220 - 40 = 180 beats/min maximum heart rate

Target Zone = between 70% of 180 and 80% of 180

Target Zone = 126 to 144 beats per minute

You can measure you heart rate with a heart monitor or by taking your pulse for six seconds and multiplying by ten.

If you are trying to lose weight, then burning calories during your workouts is an important part of your exercise plan. How you lose weight will depend on how much intensity you put into your workout. With a treadmill, you will be burning about ten to twelve calories every minute when performed at a high intensity. Doing high intensity types of aerobic exercises can burn up to 400 calories per hour, this is a good reason to take up running.

Keep in mind that if you are working out to lose weight you should not be avoiding weight training. Add weighting training at least three times a week to add more calories burned to your workout routine, and to boost your weight loss.

Cardio, aerobics and weight training will work together to help you lose the fat and weight. If you want to reshape your body you will want to lose weight and not muscle. You do not want to add to your muscles and build bulk, you just will want to tone and refine the muscles your already have. Many people believe weight training will make them larger, because it will be increasing their muscles. But, the truth is you want to do weight training to tone muscles, because tone muscles will burn off fat.

If you want to lose weight, you will have to made changes with diet as well. The only way to lose weight is to eat less, and exercise more. A weight loss plan means that your need to eliminate refined sugars, and fatty foods from your diet. You will also need to reduce your total calorie intake as well for the most effective weight loss.

When you add exercise to your weight loss goals, it is like you are doubling your forces in the war against fat. Excess weight comes from having problems with your lifestyle, and there is no easy way to change it. You have to be willing to make the necessary changes to your eating, and exercise methods in order to see weight loss results. Healthy weight loss is one to two pounds per week. Do not try to lose more weight than this as it will weaken your immune system. Also, losing weight slowly is the best way to lose fat, and to keep it off permanently. If you restrict you calories too much, it will trigger rebound weight gain by depressing your metabolic rate, and you will lose muscle mass as well. Losing weight comes from positive thinking; you will have the best results with your dieting if you believe that you will win the war against fat.

Want more information click here on gym exercises  and be on your way to a healthy lifestyle.

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Doggy Dan's The Online Dog Trainer Review

To say there are a few dog behavior products available would be a massive understatement, and yet people still find it difficult to acquire a product that actually works. There is a very good reason for this dilemma, most people have not found Dan's website! Have you enjoyed watching the Dog Whisperer hard at work on television? If so you are going to love Dan and his membership site which will give you an inside look at his techniques and training.

Doggy Dan, Who?

Those who know and love the program affectionately refer to this trainer as Doggy Dan, kind of catchy don't you think? Who is this guy? Well for starters he is a fellow with a ton of dog experience. He is a full time trainer and speaker and has helped thousands address issues with their pets. Sometimes it is the dogs behavior that needs correction, and sometimes it is the owners!

After watching him for a short time you will see his love and care for the animals is without question and he wants to share his knowledge as far and wide as possible. Why would he do this? Because he trusts his techniques and wants to ensure the health and happiness of as many dogs as possible. (and of course their humans)

Let's Talk About Membership

Overall a membership grants you access to Doggy Dan's entire website. Inside you will find more than 100 videos showing you exactly how to solve common issues through interaction with your pet and training. You will not find this much information in most training manuals, this is a huge website! This is one of the wonderful things about membership, you get access to all the videos currently on the site, plus any new videos to come. To top it off you have 24/7 access.

Before you become alarmed about information overload, you should know Dan has broken the site down into easy to access sections. Of course, you will first want to learn his secret to effectively training dogs.

It is not so much a secret as it is learning to understand the natural behavior of your canine and how you can become the "leader of the pack". As soon as you establish this fact, your dog will become more obedient due to natural respect for you as their leader. Anyone, yes anyone can learn to lead the pack, no matter what you have experienced with your dog so far or how you are around people.

Once you have established yourself firmly as leader you are ready to move through the rest of the sections on the site. Perhaps you are dealing with specific behavior problems, this is probably the number one reason pet owners seek out training assistance. Their dog has problems with anxiety, aggression, barking, jumping or a combination of these problems. Dan has a section that will teach you why your dog behaves this way and how to turn it around.

Do you have a lovable puppy? They have their very own section that will teach you how to train your puppy from the very start, and address any behavioral problems that crop up along the way. When you start out early you can avoid issues with future bad behavior by nipping it in the bud!

Doggy Dan the online dog trainer will teach you the essentials of dog training. For example, did you know you can learn to read what your dog is trying to communicate? By understanding their body language and understanding how they are responding to you, training becomes much simpler.

Similarly you will learn how your tone of voice and body language can convey messages to your pet. This is a powerful tool in training and at the same time you will still be able to garner their respect as leader of the pack. It will probably come to light that your current tone of voice and body language are speaking volumes to your dog, and it is not that you are the pack leader!

The Online Dog Trainer Pros

Access- 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. Since this is a membership site your schedule or location in the world doesn't matter, you can access all the videos whenever you have time. Learn how to interact with and build a better relationship with your dog by learning the basics of training at your leisure.

3-Day trial for a $1! What can you buy for a dollar? Doggy Dan gives you an inside look at the site so you can test drive the program before deciding on a membership. If you decide to take the next step it is a mere $37 per month, which is really peanuts when it comes to hiring a professional dog trainer, they cost hundreds of dollars for just a couple of sessions.

Complete training is offered from puppy days to becoming the pack leader in your household. You will learn how to train, address behavioral issues and understanding your dog's body language.

Doggy Dan instructs you on how to become leader of the pack with non-aggressive techniques, which is by far the preferred method. Animals who are trained using fear and aggression often become quite screwed up! Natural leaders do not use these tactics, and neither does Doggy Dan.

Finally, there is nothing better than a training in video format. Instruction booklets are nice, but when you have a visual you get to see the instruction in action as well as the dogs reaction to the training, all of which can be priceless to your own training efforts.

The Online Dog Trainer Cons

The biggest down side to the online dog trainer instruction is that you cannot download it and take it outside. In order to watch the videos you will need an internet connection, so unless your smart phone has internet or you have a wireless connection you may have to keep the training inside.


Who doesn't like to get extras? In the members area there are four bonuses, these give you extra tools to understand dog training and most importantly how to be successful at it.

Is The Online Dog Trainer for You?

Do you have a dog? If so, Doggy Dan's online training would definitely be beneficial. Throughout the training you will garner a better understanding of your pet, especially their natural tendencies. When you know your pet you are better equipped to deal with behavioral problems. In the end you will be a better pet owner and forge a stronger bond with your canine.

If you are looking for information about Doggy Dan's The Online Dog Trainer, please Click HERE
for more information.

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How to Reverse Infertility

Infertility is medically defined as the inability to conceive for a span of time despite having unprotected sex. It is depressing for couples not to be able to have their own baby at the time they wanted to have one. By nature, women are always bound to fulfill a maternal role while men have the instinct to look out for his family. Infertility can cause both depression and low self esteem to women, and insecurity to men since fertility is oftentimes associated with masculinity. A lot of factors can be pointed to be the cause of infertility. Some factors might have become a part of one's habits that are difficult to change. Here are some of the most common causes of infertility:

- Stress

- Obesity

- Medication

- Excessive intake of caffeine

- Constant smoking and ingestion of alcohol

The inability to conceive immediately is often a temporary state. Advances in the medical field have been able to find solutions that would solve infertility. Special medication, surgery and other clinical procedures are now available for those who are desperate to get pregnant. However there are also natural ways to be able to reverse infertility. Nature has provided us with ways on how to deal with this problem. Compared to clinical procedures, getting pregnant the natural way is easier and has no side effects no matter how many times it is observed.

So, how does one reverse infertility the natural way? The following tips are easy and should be done on a regular basis. Some of these tips work perfectly for both men and women.

1. Exercise. Stress is considered a factor that reduces sperm count, motility and structure in men causing them to be infertile. Doing regular exercise is proven to reduce stress. It helps regulate the blood circulation and stabilizes the hormones in the body, thus increasing fertility in both men and women. Doing occasional stretches, meditation and routine exercise are included in this category.

2. Eat Healthy. Organic foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals can help your body function properly. A healthy body is essential in reversing infertility. If you are considered obese, this is the high time for you to inspire yourself to lose weight. Obesity is also considered a cause of infertility for the reason that it makes other body systems (including the reproductive system) difficult to function.

3. Quit smoking and excessive alcohol ingestion. Both smoking and alcohol intake corrupts healthy cells in the body. Pregnant woman that are exposed to smoking are more likely to have miscarriages.

Other ways to get pregnant naturally are available on the e-book PREGNANCY APPROACH It contains all the information you need to be able to cure infertility and conceive in a natural way.

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Secrets to Potty Training Your Toddler

Every mother knows that the time will come to potty train her child. If you are a first time mother and do not know how to go about toilet training or have older children but cannot exactly remember how you did it the first time around then read on.

A lot of patience, praise and encouragement are needed when potty training a toddler. You need to have ten times more self discipline in order not to show anxiety when things are not going according to plans in the beginning of toilet training. Make it a fun and exciting learning experience for your child as well as yourself and before you know it, your child is potty trained in no time at all!

Things To Consider When Potty Training A Toddler

Your child must be ready. Do not push your child if he or she is truly not ready. Every child is different so do not rush to compare your child's development with your next door neighbors' son. Some toddlers as young as eighteen months are ready to be trained while others do not become ready until they are as old as three years old.
Start when you as the parent have a lot of time to spend with your toddler. Potty training is more effective when they are a few distractions in your toddlers' small world. This is the time that they want to please you so giving them extra attention is much needed.
Punishment for unsuccessful attempts at using the potty is a definite no-no! Never punish your child when "accidents" happen. It will have a negative impact on your child's esteem.
Encouragement is very effective when potty training your child. Praising successful attempts and saying things like "what a big boy!" or "well done! You are a big girl now" will not only boost your child's self-esteem but will also make him or her more determined to please you the next time.
When do you know that your toddler is ready for potty training? As said before, every child is different but one most common sign is if your child changes his actions because he knows he is about to go. For example my daughter would move to a corner of the room behind a chair. The following are signs you can look that shows your child is ready to be potty trained:

1. Bowel movements happen at around the same time each day.

2. Wakes up from napping dry or can stay asleep for a few hours without wetting.

3. Can manage on her own when pulling her pants up and down.

4. When your child likes to stay dry and lets you know when she has soiled her diapers.

5. Tells you when she needs to use the bathroom.

6. Understands words associated with potty training like potty, pee, poop and wet.

Here are some important tips on what to do when your child is ready for potty training:

1. Make a big deal out of shopping for big kid underwear.

2. Pick out a special potty just for them.

3. Let them put stickers on it.

4. Instruct the child to tell you when they have to go to the bathroom and get excited about it.

5. Have them sit on the potty during periods when you think it might be time to go (i,e, 20 minutes after a meal)

6. Celebrate successes (we had a Potty song and dance)

7. Use encouraging words when they forget - "You'll get it next time, you did it before you can do it again, you're my big boy."

8. Top tip; consistency - try to spend a solid uninterrupted 4-7 days getting the child started, thereafter all other caregivers should follow your technique.

9. For boys: draw a big red circle in the potty with a permanent marker and tell him to hit the circle (you'll thank me later).

Making potty training a casual occurrence will surely help your child learn how to use the potty in the shortest time imaginable. Always encourage and praise your child whenever she uses the potty successfully. Giving your child incentives such as gold stickers or marks for successful attempts will make potty training a fun and exciting activity that your child will enjoy.

And, I invite you to visit my Great Toddler Info CLICK HERE  for more parent-tested tips and techniques for successfully navigating the toddler years.

Article Source:

Metabolic Weight Loss

Metabolic Cooking Evaluation - Metabolic Weight Loss

Throughout the decades, as we see American society's waistline broaden, it's turned into a belief that the ONLY approach to lose body weight is by going to the health club and sticking to an extremely boring, bland diet composed of grilled chicken white meat and greens. And although this plan would truly function to aid Americans to shed body weight, the truth is that it's not a realistic strategy, for the reason that human body is design to thrive in variety.

A month back a brand new cook book, Metabolic Cooking, arrived in to the market and I thought it was just one more weight reduction program that demonstrates to you the identical dull, dull concepts, eat less, exercise more, drop body weight, but to my shock they truly encourage individuals to eat more (of the right food items) at the appropriate times, and they inform you that it is possible to indeed lose fat without having needing to visit the fitness center (despite the truth that the nonetheless recommend it)

So, I held reading this Metabolic Cooking Cook manual and recognized that it isn't only a cookbook with wonderful recipes. It can be an information on what to eat when to maximize your weight loss efforts by feeding your physique meals that increase your metabolic rate. They go into a great deal of detail of how this truly functions, and why particular foods are much better consuming at specific times, and they explain the principle of thermo-charge foods.

The thermo-charge in food is pretty significantly the difference amongst the energy (calories) that your body uses to digest and process a specific foods minus the quantity of calories that these foods supplies you with. For example, let say that your body uses ten calories to method and digest a slice of white bread, and that that slices has one hundred calories. Now, the thermo or thermal-charge is 90.

On the other hand, let's state that your physique uses 40 calories to process a serving of broccoli, and that the serving of broccoli is 30 calories. The thermo-charge of broccoli is -10, which might imply that Eating broccoli helps you drop bodyweight because it features a damaging cost. Within this instance, each and every single time that you consume a serving of broccoli your physique uses up ten calories.

So that is what Metabolic Weight loss is all about. Employing your meals to burn up more calories, to rev up your metabolic process so that it burns more calories even at relaxation, even if you're not relocating just one finger. It assists you shed excess weight by consuming the proper meals, the one that will make an unfavorable thermal-charge.

Read my full Metabolic Cooking Review CLICK HERE

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Wednesday, 27 January 2016

How To Get The Most Out Of Diet Smoothies

When trying to lose weight or to maintain your current weight, eating right is very important. It can be the difference between success and failure.

Just because you’re on a diet, that doesn’t mean you should allow yourself to starve. It’s all about snacking right and making smart food choices.

One of the most popular snacks for weight watchers are diet smoothies. There are several reasons why diet smoothies are great for dieters. Consider these:

Smoothies make use of fruits and natural sweeteners. They’re delicious and they don’t contain extra calories that will ruin your diet. If you do want to add extra sweeteners, opt for natural sweeteners like honey because they’re healthier.
Smoothies can become meal replacements. It’s a great way to make sure you don’t overeat, while still getting your daily nutritional needs. This is because you get to measure each ingredient before hand, making sure that you only add in the ingredients in the amounts that you need – no more and no less. Worried about missing out on protein? Then consider adding tofu to your smoothie or using nutritional supplements like protein powder.
When using fruits and vegetable sin your smoothies, you use the entire fruit. This means you also consume the pulp of the fruit or vegetable, which is a good source of fiber for your body. Fiber is responsible for that full feeling you get after drinking a glass of smoothie. It’s also good for your body because it helps digestion and supports your body’s waste elimination process.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You probably know how detrimental to your dieting efforts it is when you skip this meal. Breakfast smoothies are a wonderful way to make sure you have breakfast even if you’re in a hurry. You can prepare it in under 2 minutes, take it with you and drink it on the go.
As with any healthy habit, being able to enjoy a variety of flavors is key to staying satisfied and committed. This is probably one of the best things about smoothies – there are so many combinations you can create, making use of a wide variety of ingredients to suit your mood. Really, making smoothies a part of your daily routine is one of the best choices you can make to help you meet your weight and diet targets.
If you are on the look out for amazing diet smoothie recipes, do check out “Sensational Smoothies: Drink Your Way To Health Deliciously”. This amazing ebook contains over 180 smoothie recipes designed to keep you fit and happy. The recipes featured are kitchen tested and have been certified to taste as good as they are healthy. Learn more about it CLICK Here:

Health Benefits of Chocolate

Why Chocolate Really is Good For You!

Yes, its every chocoholics wildest dream - to wake up one morning and discover that their addiction is actually good for them! Finally, health experts are starting to agree with what chocolate addicts have suggested for some time, that eating the right type of chocolate in moderation really can be good for your health.

Historically, back in the times of the Aztecs, it's been viewed as an aphrodisiac and it was valued to highly that cocoa beans were even used as currency. Unfortunately, until the late eighteenth century, chocolate was only available as a fairly bitter drink, not something today's addicts would probably approve of. Thanks to the Swiss company, Lindt, who first used conching to create a really smooth melting chocolate, we can now enjoy the kind of smooth tasting flavour we know today.

As it contains small amounts of flavonoids, antioxidants, theobromine and phylethylamine (PEA), all of which can have a beneficial effect.

Flavonoids which naturally occur in the cocoa plant are though to help lower blood pressure. Theobromine is a stimulant, with similar, but less powerful effect to caffeine. Phylethylamine (PEA) is a mood elevator, hence chocolates association with love and romance, as it can give a lift similar to that of being in love. Antioxidants can help minimize the damage done to our body by free radicals.

Studies by the University of L'Aquila showed that eating dark chocolate (70% or more) could help control type 2 diabetes and reduce blood pressure. Other research has shown that regular eating of it can benefit the cardiovascular system. One Harvard study showed that eaters live longer, up to one year longer than non-choc eaters. The best results were shown for those who ate 1-3 bars of chocolate per month.

Before you start changing to a 100% choc diet, it's important to remember that it also contains fats and sugars, so should only be eaten in moderation.

Beware eating too much milk or white chocolate as these are full of added sugar and milk, with greater risk to health and far reduced health benefits. The chocolate which has been shown to have most benefits is dark (or plain, black) chocolate, with over 70% cocoa content. Top selling brands include Lindt, Divine and Green & Blacks.

Good news for those on a dairy free diet, is that they can indulge in dark chocolate, as it contains no milk. Make sure you choose bars with 70% minimum! Unlike some milk chocolates, dark chocolates have a stronger taste, wonderful slowly melting on the tongue.

So, how to include the right amount in your diet without overdoing it? Have a square of dark chocolate for dessert instead of your usual pudding or sweet. Enjoy hand made truffles for special occasions or give as gifts to health conscious friends.

You may have to adapt your eating habits - but the good news is that eating the right type of chocolate is now good for you and you can indulge in your favorite food guilt free!

My name is Kelley Herring.
I’m the Founder & CEO of Healing Gourmet, the world’s leading provider of organic, sustainable recipes and meal plans for health and weight loss.
I am also the Editor-in-Chief of a four-book series published by McGraw-Hill including: Eat to Fight Cancer, Eat to Beat Diabetes, Eat to Lower Cholesterol and Eat to Boost Fertility.
For more than 10 years, Healing Gourmet has provided life-saving education to our readers about the benefits of a natural diet… and the proven power of foods and nutrients to promote health and protect against disease.
We’ve helped thousands of people to dramatically improve their health and reach their optimal weight by simply following an all-natural, low-glycemic diet. CLICK HERE to see healthy recipes.

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Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Create An Abundant Mind Set

Video Click Here

When you foster a mind-set of abundance you allow your Self to appreciate your blessings and celebrate the blessings of others. Feeling envious about the good fortune of others is usually an indication that you are experiencing a sense of lack in your life.

When you are in a lack mind-set you close the channel to creating your desires. Consider whether your feelings of envy reflect a feeling of lack. When you feel that others are experiencing more blessings than you, you may want to take time to build up your sense of abundance and focus on expressing gratitude for the wonderful things in your life. The happier and more satisfied you feel, the more joy you will experience when you notice others' good fortune.

When you recognize that you are in a state of lack you need to connect with your abundance by shifting your perspective to all the blessings you have experienced and are experiencing. The more you focus on your blessings, the happier you will feel and the more blessings you will create for your Self. You will also feel blessed when you see the abundance in people's lives. Choosing to focus on abundance in your life every moment enables you to feel happy about your own blessings and the blessings of those around you.

Staying focused on abundance requires a mind-set of Allowing Abundance, Thinking Positively, Having Unwavering faith, and Detaching from the outcome.

While these four aspects of an abundant mind-set seem simple enough, each one is an opportunity to stretch and grow into who you truly are. Detaching is more often the most challenging. The ego wants to stay in control - demanding to establish when, what, where, how. Have you noticed your Self reverting back to nagging like a child, as if the universe will give in and give you what you want when you want it. You meditate, pray and visualize - begging for what you want and obsess about it frequently.

This is certainly contrary to allowing - it is clinging and grasping. The Universe hears your request the first time, and furthermore, the Universe knows what you need before you know you need it. So there is no need to keep asking. Instead, you need to remember that in due time it will show up. Remember the Universe is perfect to the nth degree. Or it is also possible that you won't get what you asked for - but something much better will appear. Be open to whatever comes your way, knowing with all your heart that it will be perfect in every way.
Click Here To Video

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Bulimia Recovery Program

Eating disorder videos are a useful tool in the fight against, anorexia, bulimia and other conditions. They usually feature individuals who have managed to overcome this type of disease. The videos generally feature some of the more common psychological illnesses that are related to food consumption. Some of the clips are graphic due to the need to show the truth, while others are appropriate for younger audiences. These programs can be used to convince struggling individuals that it is a serious matter that can end in tragedy if action is not taken. Some highlight real people who have lost their lives to the disease because they did not seek help even when they knew they needed it.

Hopefully, a person who suffers from these problems can realize that she has similar issues when she sees the program. Recognizing that she is the same as or similar to the person on the screen can be the first step to seeking treatment. The individual needs to be willing to undergo the treatments and therapies that lead to recovery. Viewers who suffer from eating disorders may realize that they are not alone in their struggle after they watch videos. Seeing others go through what they are going through can encourage viewers to do the same. These programs also act as proof that recovery is possible.

Many of the eating disorder videos also show viewers how to seek help and support when they want to. Professional help is generally required to fully recover from a serious illness, and the videos should explain what one needs from a rehab clinic. There is much to learn about the recovery process, and a good program will fully inform the viewer.

Those suffering from eating disorders are not the only ones that can benefit from these videos. A lot of people who have viewed one or two eating disorder videos may have seen some similarities to people that they know and care about. When this happens, it alerts them of the danger that this person may be in and can spur them to help their loved ones. This can be especially useful for parents who may know nothing about these disorders but suspect their child is in trouble. Parents can then use the video as a tool to communicate with their child. A teen will usually be more comfortable facing the issue head on if she knows that there are people who know about it, accept that she has this problem and are willing to help.

For more information on eating disorder videos and how they can help you, visit the Future Health website CLICK HERE

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Real Self-Confidence

Do you want to have more confidence in your life? Do you want to feel solid and fearless in everything you do, including relationships?

This is a great article by James Bauer, relationship expert. He truly understands confidence and reveals how you can easily develop it with just this one simple technique. Here is his message below - Best Wishes!

Real Self-Confidence

Would you like to have real self-confidence?  I'm talking about the kind of confidence that is rooted so deep it is literally unshakable.  I'm talking about the kind of confidence you see in a mother when she needs to protect her infant.  There's no self-doubt or bashfulness.  Her actions flow from a place of certainty.  Emotions may be present, but they do not run the show.  Her mind remains resolutely focused on the goal.  You can't pull rank on her and she doesn't care how big you are or what kind of car you drive.

What if you could have that kind of confidence when you approach the dating scene?  Not the fierce part, but the confident, secure part.  That kind of confidence comes from knowing with certainty what you want.  That kind of certainty comes from having a solid plan and no hesitation to take action when you see the openings you know to look for.

Wouldn't it feel great?  Wouldn't you love to have an unshakable sense of purpose, identity and direction when it comes to meeting and interacting with men?  I'd like you to have that confidence and I have a few tips to move you in that direction.
Always start with you.

If you are absolutely sure of what you want, you won't feel nervous about making relationship decisions.  The more certain you become about what you want in a relationship and a man, the more confidence you will feel about setting boundaries, asking for what you want, or pursuing someone who might or might not reciprocate your interest.

Embrace "Failure"

Letting go of fear becomes easier when you accept "failure" as a valuable strategy.    Dorothea Brande has been quoted for her famous statement on the best method to achieve success, "Act as though it is impossible to fail."  Combine this with the wisdom of T.J. Watson, the president of IBM.  "Would you like the formula for success?" Watson asks. "Double your rate of failure."

How can you succeed by failing more often?  Many successful people swear by this method.  If you are always cautious and terrified of mistakes, you don't try much and you don't learn much.  People who are willing to fail embrace it and lose their fear of taking action in the process.
When it comes to will fail some of the time.  The only way to be highly confident when dating is to accept failure as a part of the dating process.  Don't think of setbacks and letdowns as something terrible that needs to be controlled at all costs.  Instead, embrace failure as something natural that is "okay."  Embracing this simple shift in your belief system can dramatically increase your confidence.

Always Know Your BATNA

BATNA stands for "best alternative to negotiated agreement."  It's a concept that has been extremely useful to me in many different areas of my life.  Basically, it's about forming an unshakable sense of certainty when negotiating for what you want.

I wish it wasn't the case, but the unfortunate truth is men often need to be told how to behave in relationships.  It's like we men are kind of wild.  We're not tame beasts.  We can love passionately, but sometimes we need a woman to compassionately explain what is and what is not okay, and to do so with the kind of certainty and steady gaze that lets us know she's telling us how it is rather than "discussing emotions."

Imagine you go to your landlord to complain about the broken stairway railing.  Knowing your BATNA before you start the conversation gives you a tremendous advantage (and boosts your confidence).  Let's say you have nowhere else to live and know you can't afford the other rental options in town.  In that case, your best alternative to getting him to agree to fix that railing might be to ignore it for a while.

On the other hand, you may have plenty of options for other rental situations.  In that case, your BATNA is clear.  If, after negotiating for a few minutes, he does not agree to have it fixed on his dime by next Friday, you tell him you are moving out at the end of the month.  Suddenly you have the upper hand in the negotiation.  You can afford to push the issue, because if he doesn't eventually agree, you can pull out your BATNA.  In this case, your BATNA is to threaten moving out, because you know it really is a better option to you than living with the broken banister.

In relationships, you should negotiate for what you want.  Do so in a way that gives full respect to the other person's right to walk away from a relationship rather than agree to your terms.  When you know what you want in a relationship, you can talk about it openly.  When you have a BATNA about certain issues (like intimacy, moving in, commitment, or spending time together), you don't have to agonize about, "What if he gets mad and leaves me."  Your confidence is high when you already worked out in your mind that you would be better off looking for someone more compatible if he doesn't agree on certain key issues that matter a lot to you.

Rely more on Attraction than Chasing

Most women have at least some degree of innate understanding of the factors that attract men.  But this article is about SUPER confidence, not mediocre confidence.  Let's say you've realized that your choice of mate is THE MOST IMPORTANT life decision you can make.  Doesn't that mean you should try to understand your man as deeply as possible?

The problem is that men are mysterious, even to themselves.  They often don't understand their own emotions and desires.  This makes it rather difficult to know how to maximally attract them while sidestepping the landmines that can obliterate a relationship just when it was getting good.

If you'll allow me to be so bold, I would like to invite you to try something interesting.  As a dating coach and a man with a mission to understand men's reactions to women, I have discovered something very, very valuable.  It's an organizing principle that seems to change the dating game for those who learn about it.  I call it the Respect Principle, and if you'd like to learn more about it, I've shared a free presentation on the topic below. Click Here

Confidence comes naturally to those who have a strong sense of certainty.  I want to support you as you develop confidence and the skills to attract quality men into your life.  In this article I've given you what I believe to be some of the most universally helpful tips for building confidence for dating.  But if you really want to take your confidence with men to the next level, spend a few more minutes to learn why the Respect Principle is something your man is deeply affected by, yet unable to put into words. Click Here

Wishing you happiness in love and life,

James Bauer

Monday, 25 January 2016

How To Stop Your Dog From Pulling

Understanding how to stop your dog from pulling is something that every dog owner needs to overcome in order to be able to walk there dog in an enjoyable manor. Many dog behavioral problems also stem from the fact that the dog is dragging you along the street. To put it simply your dog thinks it is in charge of the walk or in dog terms it sees itself as the pack leader!

There are so many gadgets, leads and collars out there but none of them can solve the problem if your dog thinks it is in charge, all these devices will do is attempt to divert your dogs energy elsewhere or cause pain in an attempt to stop your from pulling.  If you find yourself having to correct your dog every 30 seconds then there is something fundamentally wrong. The funny thing is this, your dog knows how to walk nicely on the lead it is far more than simply training it, you have to at first convince it you are the pack leader.

Think of it like this. Your dog understands that on the walk, somebody has to be the leader, and your dog is simply taking the lead! It is more of a psychological battle than a physical one, at least it should be. This first stage of the walk is actually ensuring that you are the pack leader inside the house before you look to venture out as no dog will let you simply take control over the walk, (the most dangerous place compared to the den) if you are not in control inside.

Here are some key tips to try before you venture out:

After bringing out your dogs lead wait until your dog calms down even if this takes a while and only attach it when your dog is calm. Never rush this stage.
You need to first learn how to stop your dog from pulling inside your house or property before going outside – there are some fantastic videos that show all of this.
Walk first around the house going around the tables and furniture in your house with your dog following you.
If your dog pulls out in front of you then simply change direction, leaving your dog behind you.
If your dog drags backwards then gently hold the lead firm for 10 seconds then call your dog to follow. They have no other options and so will follow you if you are patient.
Control the doorways – you should always walk through the doorways first when your dog is on the lead
Practice walking in and out of the front doorway with you going first – keep doing this until your dog relaxes and gives up waiting for you to make the next move
Check your posture – make sure that you are relaxed and calm and that your shoulder is down and arm is straight at the elbow
Of course there is a big difference between actually watching how to stop your dog from pulling and reading about it! Whilst I can give you all the advice in written form there is nothing quite like actually being shown it on a video.

One such site is run by professional dog trainer Doggy Dan who uses a gentle but very practical approach to dog training. In the site you will learn exactly what steps to take to establish yourself as the pack leader. The site The Online Dog Trainer is great for owners who want to really understand and treat the cause of their dog’s problems and not just use a band-aid solution. CLICK HERE