Friday 15 January 2016

Learn How to Stop Addicted Alcohol RIGHT NOW

When you want to stop drinking, it may feel like you're at the bottom of an enormous mountain that you can't possibly climb. When people tell you that you only have to stop for a day, even that may sound like an impossibility.

Giving up drinking isn't as hard as you may think. You just have to want to quit. And you have to know how.

What you DON'T have to do is spend a lot of money on expensive counselors or a lot of time in church basements. You can learn to get sober from the privacy of your own home.

Getting Started

Many people who drink excessively feel puzzled as to why they keep binge drinking or feeling compelled to drink almost daily. One of the first steps to giving up drinking is to understand why you drink the way you do. It's not complicated, really.

A lot of the problem is centered in the way you think. Wrong thoughts lead to wrong actions. In your case, your wrong thoughts have led you to drink too much and too often.

Now you can discover how to take charge of your thoughts, emotions and beliefs, and how they can be turned around so that you make new choices, healthier choices. If you learn to take charge of your thoughts and feelings, you can set yourself up for success.

Start your path to sobriety by learning a simple method of taking charge of your thoughts and feelings. Continue by laying out a plan of exactly what you are going to do to take care of yourself and protect yourself from ever drinking again.

Make a Plan for a Sober Life

You can make a plan to get sober and lead a full life that doesn't include alcohol. Start by learning as much as you can about addiction in general and alcoholism in particular. Continue by healing your body through diet and supplements, and work to build a new life that doesn't include alcohol.

If you truly understand the disease of addiction, you can avoid common pitfalls that might make you want to go back to drinking. You can recognize the signs of a possible relapse and nip it in the bud before you get in trouble.

Drinking too much is hard on your body and often causes health problems. When you stop drinking, you may experience withdrawal symptoms, but with the right diet and supplements, you can ease your discomfort. Once you get past the initial discomfort, you can learn to cherish and care for your body.

Your plan for a sober life should include ways to occupy your time and your mind. You can learn to feel a new joy of living, because every day sober is worth living.

The Path to Sobriety is Within Your Reach

If you have been struggling with an inability to quit drinking, you're not alone. Many others have struggled too, and many have been able to quit using a method called Alcohol Free Forever™.

You can save your relationships, your health and your job. But you have to get started.

In this simple program, you will learn the three simple steps to permanent sobriety. You understand why you drink and find out how you can overcome the problem from the comfort of your own home.

Alcohol Free Forever™ can put you on the path to permanent sobriety starting right now.

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Effective Tips to Quit Marijuana

Addiction is a problem that leads to an unhealthy life and because of it people suffer a lot. Some people get addicted to nicotine and some go higher than that and get addicted to the more harmful drugs that can cause life threatening circumstances if proper measures are not taken to get rid of them quick.

Weed and marijuana are such drugs that cause addictions and these drugs are illegal and because of their abusive quality people try to quit the habit as fast as they can but it sure is not easy. People who get addicted to weed suffer form anxiety, depression and schizophrenia and also increases risk of heart problems. Weed smoke gives out large amounts of carcinogens and these can have a long term effect on your lungs causing cancer and respiratory disorders.

The first things you need to do to stop smoking weed is set a plan and a date to quit it. This way you are physically and mentally preparing yourself to stop smoking weed and if you set this date around your vacation time or on some other significant date then things become much easier. Smoking weed is an addiction as your brain gets used to the feeling of being high and begins to crave this feeling and this is where the problem of with drawl symptoms start of.

Stop smoking before it gets too late as it starts to impair your cognitive functioning and also affects your social life and career. When the smoke of weed entrees your body it spread through your circulation system including your brain and tries to influence and controls your brain that the person who is smoking weed feels pleasure but at the same time also looses his physical and mental co-ordination and memory. This pleasant sensation is what keeps the person addicted to smoking weeds and so you need to break the feeling of pleasure to get stop smoking weed.

If you want to stop smoking weed and are concerned about your health take the first step and avoid the company of your peers who are involved in this addiction, ask your family to support you as your family can support you in these tough times. Strengthen your self control and try to stick by your rules as this is the way that you can stay firm in your decision and quit the addiction for ever.
We all need to stop smoking weed as it not only harms our body but also affects your overall personality.

Why can't you stop smoking? Unless you take advantage of best way to stop smoking CLICK HERE free formula, smoking is going to ruin your life. Discover how to quit smoking CLICK HERE

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The Benefits of Body Detox

In this 21st century, it is extremely hard, if not downright impossible, to lead a healthy lifestyle. Whether it is the junk food we consume, or the daily work stress we undergo, or the environment pollution that we are exposed to, we do not cease from injecting toxic substances and doing harm to our bodies. While our body's detox system are capable of healing themselves through eliminator organs like the lungs, kidneys and liver, it is fundamental that we take the initiative to support our body functions by detoxing our bodies. The fact is, we will all enhance the quality of our life from body detox.

Body detox is a process of getting rid of toxins from our bodies. Whether we know it or not, over a period of time, many toxic materials are introduced to our systems. When our system is weakened due to the toxic load, impurities will not be eliminated properly and they end up retained in our body. This toxic substance, if not cleansed at regular basis, could lead to numerous health problems and diseases.

Those who cleanse their body and drive out toxic compounds from their body also tend to have a more radiant skin complexion. This is because body cleanse removes toxins that block nutrients from reaching your body cells. Your bodies are therefore revitalized and premature aging is decelerated. Your cheeks will become rosy and you will appear more youthful. You will feel more energetic and full of stamina.

Detoxing can do wonders for the way you look. The buildup of toxic compounds in our bodies not only wears out our elimination organs and brings down our energy level, but irritates the skin too. Some people with skin rashes have tried many types of treatments but without any successful results. A large number of them who later resorted to a body detoxification program noticed a significant improvement to their skin diseases.

The collection of toxic compounds also stresses out our immune system. Consequently, you will become more vulnerable to illnesses. Detoxing our bodies is a great prevention of health problems, from common illnesses such as flu or acnes to the more serious ones like kidney problem and heart disease.

Other common reason why many detox their body is to lose excess weight and keep it off. Body detoxification allows body to process nutrients more efficiently and therefore increase your metabolism rate. Put that with healthier food in your diet, cellulite and fat will diminish effortlessly.

Body detoxification is also used to relieve sluggishness, poor bowel movement, fluid retention, compromised digestion, insomnia, depression, candida, parasite infection, mental stress, flatulence, caffeine addiction, frequent flu, allergies, eye bags and menstrual difficulties.

Detox Body Detox offers information and guide on body detox. If you have been living on planet earth, you absolutely must start to detox your body now! CLICK HERE

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How to Get Cat Urine Out of a Mattress

It's a cat owner's nightmare: Kitty "went" on your bed and now you're wondering how to get cat pee out of your mattress. What to do?

Don't panic, but don't waste any time. This is a situation where speed is definitely crucial! The faster you can get to the urine, the more of it you can get out of the mattress and the less lingering smell you'll have to deal with. This is the perfect application for a wet-dry vac, if you happen to have one. But if you don't, just blot up as much of the wetness as you can. This is a really important part of the process so don't stop with the surface wetness - put pressure on the mattress and try to extract as much of the urine from the inside as possible.

When the mattress is as dry as you can get it, focus on eliminating the lingering odor. There are lots of commercial cat odor eliminators available and one of them is probably your best and safest bet. But if you don't happen to have any of those products at hand, try one of the alternatives below.

Option 1: Soak the urine stain with white vinegar, either straight from the bottle or mixed with water. Let the vinegar sit for a few minutes, then blot as much of it as you can from the mattress. Now scrub the area with dish washing liquid, wipe down with plain water, then sprinkle the area liberally with baking soda and rub it  into the fabric. When the baking soda has dried, vacuum the area. This method tends to leave the mattress smelling like vinegar for a while, but it beats the alternative.

Option 2: Make a paste of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Work the mixture into the fabric with a brush and let dry, then vacuum up any remaining residue. If the urine smell remains after the mattress is dry, repeat the process. It can take two or three treatments to completely eliminate the smell.

Option 3: Scrub down the area with shampoo or dish washing liquid, then soak the area with rubbing alcohol and let it dry. If the smell remains after the mattress is dry, repeat the process.

If the urine has already dried into the mattress getting rid of the odor will be more difficult. Again, a commercial product specifically made to get rid of cat urine odor will probably be the most effective, but the methods above are definitely worth a shot. Doing the scrubbing outdoors and letting the mattress dry in the sun can help.

It pays to be thorough, because as long as the cat can smell urine in the mattress, she will probably continue to urinate on it. If you have a persistent mattress pee-er, think about scheduling a trip to the vet. This behavior can be a sign of illness such as a urinary tract infection. Cats who are feeling stress may also exhibit this behavior.

Cats making fringe out of your furniture? Fluffy spraying every vertical surface in the house? Feel like you're drowning in a sea of cat hair? For simple solutions to these and other common cat problems, just CLICK HERE and cruise on over to CatStuff - Living with cats and loving it!

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Quickly Lose Stubborn Belly Fat

There have been many exercises developed catering to the stomach muscles. However, the truth is that there are only top three exercises to lose stubborn belly fat. By doing just these three combined with a healthy diet, a person can easily lose the calories off their stomach area. Read on and find out what these three are.

Anything Cardiovascular

Fat is burned off through cardiovascular activities and not through target exercises. Hence, the trick is to do anything that produces lots of sweat - running, walking, jumping jacks - these are the exercises to lose stubborn belly fat. Workouts that cater to the muscles like curl ups aren't as effective when burning off calories. However, they are equally effective and below is the reason why.

Curl Ups

Curl ups is one of the popular target exercises for a flatter stomach. What this exercise does is develop the muscles so perfectly formed abs will show up once the fat is melted by the cardiovascular exercise. However, that's not the only thing that they do. Muscles actually use up energy even while dormant, which means that they speed up calorie burning. Hence, although curl ups in itself don't burn fat, this exercise is in a way a factor.


The same with curl ups, the bicycle exercise focuses on the stomach. However, it also forces the thigh area to work which is equally beneficial in developing the muscles in the leg area. Like curl ups, the goal of the cycling exercise is to build up the fat burning muscles.

Of course, for those who want variety in their exercises, trying out different ab exercises is also possible. However, always mix this up with a good dose of cardiovascular exercise since this is the main routine that gets rid of stubborn belly fat and any other body fat for that matter.

Is there a fastest way to achieve amazing results? Check out Strip That Fat Click Here Program Review to learn more information on how to lose stomach fat.

Visit our Diet Reviews CLICK HERE site to Find out which diet program is suitable for you. Discover the diet plan that actually helps you to achieve the body of your dream quickly!

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Tuesday 12 January 2016

Unlock Your Hip Flexors

During hip flexor strengthening it's important to start very SLOWLY, and gradually build up both resistance and volume in order to make sure you do not have a re-occurrence of your injury. The first day back to strengthening your muscles, you only want to do one or two sets of one or two exercises. The exact plan you should follow will be explained at the end of this article, but first, here are the exercises selected as the best rehab exercises:

Strengthening Exercises

If you are trying to lose weight men, the first thing you should do is get a physical so that you know where your health stands. Are your cholesterol levels too high? Is your heart ready for a workout?

Only after getting the all clear from your doctor, the next step is take measurements and pictures of yourself. Keeping close records of your progress will help keep you motivated. Next decide which exercise program will best suit your needs and lifestyle.

Now it's time for you to pick the diet to help you lose weight. One of the easiest things to change will be to switch from that soda to tea, or water. Keeping hydrated is important to overall health and sorry guys, but beer doesn't count.

The next step is to control your portions. This is essential when talking about how to lose weight. First, make a fist. This will represent the size of your portions. You should never eat until you are full, just until you aren't hungry anymore. Eating slower helps as well, since it takes the brain about 20 minutes to recognize that you aren't hungry anymore.

Fresh vegetables, fruits, and lean meats are when you are trying to lose weight, Men. Eat your largest meal during the most active part of your day, but be sure to eat three times a day with two small snacks. You must be consistent with your eating and don't skip meals. Your body will think you are starving and you'll just end up putting on more weight in the end.

If you pay attention to what you are eating and the portions you are consuming the weight will slowly come off and you want a slow, but steady, weight loss. This is the most healthy and safe way to lose weight, men. Enjoy your end result.

I know what it is like to be overweight and feel alone and helpless. That is why I have created The Ultimate Weight Loss Newsletter to help everyone struggling with weight no matter what age you are.

Visit The Unlock Your Hip Flexor and CLICK HERE to get a FREE Complimentary Weight Loss E-Course for a limited time only. No strings attached!

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Monday 11 January 2016

Ways to Look Younger Naturally

Pollution, lifestyle and diet are key factors in how we age and stay healthy. The main effect of pollution on our bodies is an increased production of free radicals in our bodies, which weaken the immune system. As a result we have a greater risk of premature ageing and developing chronic diseases such as asthma and cancer. Antioxidants mop up free radicals and can be found in certain fruits and vegetables, or can be taken as a dietary supplement. Smoking is another key factor in premature ageing. Look at your friends and family members who smoke, and compare how they look against non smokers of the same age. Smokers generally have more facial lines and wrinkles, and their teeth may be discoloured.

Drinking plenty of water, especially between meals, helps to flush toxins out of our system. It also helps to keep the skin clear of imperfections, and can prevent hangover headaches caused by dehydration, and of course water is free of calories!

Take regular exercise to keep the heart and lungs healthy and boost your metabolic rate. A brisk 30 minute walk every day will burn off calories and help to build strong bones. Break up the day with a half hour walk in your lunchtime, and you could lose the equivalent of one stone in weight per year. Do you really need to drive to work or the supermarket? Help reduce pollution caused by car emissions by walking or cycling if possible. Get out and about and explore your local area. There may be lovely walks in local parks or along canal paths. Ask the neighbours or look for footpaths and bridleways on an Ordnance Survey map.

A diet rich in antioxidants will help to reduce the impact of pollution on our health. Some health experts believe that free radical damage is the cause of premature ageing. Most of us know that we should protect our skin from the sun by using a UV blocker, in order to reduce the ageing effects of the sun. But how many of us consider the aging effects that pollution may be having on our complexions? Healthy foods which are naturally rich in antioxidants include beetroot, blueberries, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cherries, cranberries, grapes, plums, peppers, raspberries, spinach, strawberries, sweet potatoes and tomatoes. Nutritional supplements which contain antioxidants to help protect against damaging free radicals include Co-enzyme Q10, Lipocarn, Lycopene, Pyconegol and Selenium. These can be purchased from health food stores.

Key ways to avoid the ageing effects of pollution and remain healthy and look younger than your age include:

move to an area with less traffic and pollution generating industrial areas.
give up smoking and avoid close proximity of other people smoking.
eat a well balanced diet rich in antioxidants.
take a nutritional supplement containing antioxidants.
drink plenty of plain water, especially between meals.
exercise for at least 30 minutes per day.
When you are a teenager you do not think about getting old, but once we approach middle age and see friends and family with various ailments, it makes us more aware of our own health and our appearance as facial lines and wrinkles start to appear. No-one wants to get older, although the thought of retiring and giving up work may be appealing! So a few changes in diet and lifestyle can act as insurance against ill health and looking older, and set you up for a long and healthy future.

For more advice on anti-ageing and beauty tips on how to look years younger, CLICK HERE

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Lose Man Boobs Naturally

In the past decade male breast reduction has become increasingly popular for treating man boobs. During the last year alone over 23,000 man boob, or as it's medically termed, gynecomastia surgeries were performed in the United States. About 11% of these surgeries were done on teens. Surgery should always be a last resort. It is estimated that in more than 90% of males with gynecomastia the condition will correct itself within 1-3 years.

Before considering male breast reduction surgery all other options should be tried. In many cases the cause of gynecomastia or pseudogynecomastia is unknown. It is frustrating for those who do not have a definite cause to work on. For cases when the cause is identified working to correct that condition is a bit easier.

In some cases gynecomastia is caused by an imbalance in hormones, more specifically a decrease in production of androgen and an increase in estrogen. When the breast tissue has a decreased sensitivity to androgens and an increased sensitivity to estrogen breasts take on a more feminine appearance. Use of steroids and some medications can be a factor in this.

When hormone balances return to normal the breast tissue should also return to normal. If this doesn't happen naturally then hormone therapy may be needed to get the balance back to where it should be.

Certain drugs, including marijuana and heroine, can cause breast enlargement as can over use of alcohol. Decreasing use of these substances is another way to reduce breast size without having to resort to surgery.

Obesity can cause pseudogynecomastia. If weight is an issue a change in diet may be all that is required to return to a more masculine looking chest. For more extreme cases of obesity skin may be stretched and have a saggy appearance after weight loss is achieved.

Aerobic exercise is another way to help reduce adipose tissue in the breast area. It is important for everyone to have adequate exercise. If obesity is a factor then increasing your daily exercise routine to include 15 to 30 minutes of aerobic exercise can help your overall health as well as decrease your chest size.

Bodybuilding routines including lifting weights can help you to achieve a more masculine looking chest. It is important to do lifts that will incorporate your back, arms, and chest muscles.

If you have tried diet and exercise as well as working on getting your hormones into proper balance and decreasing use of drugs that may cause gynecomastia and you still aren't happy with the results you ,may want to discuss having surgery with your doctor. Surgery is costly and isn't usually covered by health insurance. All surgery is risky so before you choose to have a procedure done you should weigh the risks and benefits.

Find out more about male breast reduction CLICK HERE 

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Prostate Massager Help

You might have heard about prostate massage but you are having second thoughts about its procedures. If you are so, you may get a help from the prostate massager. This is similar to adult toys that you get to see online. It specializes on stimulating the prostate, and help people with stubby fingers to successfully perform prostate cleansing.

For us to have fair perception of the prostate massager, I will be telling about its pros and cons. A prostate massager is engineered and designed in a way to endure the activities it will participate into. Also, the materials used to yield this product are specifically chosen to be safe for your skin.

Of course, you have to check on the retailer that you will be availing of your prostate massager. Take time to read some reviews as this will help you find the massager that suits you. That is one of the good features of this device, as it is available online. You may choose from an array of massager. If you feel like having colorful line of this stuff, then
go. Have fun too.

Another perk of this tool is that you don't have to use your fingers to be able to stimulate your prostate via the rectum. Some people find it quite awkward to explore their bottom. Also, the position in doing this practice can be quite straining for your hands and finger. This would be highly helpful for those who would like to do this on their own, or for those who don't have partners, or shy to share this experience with their loved ones.

For people who have short and stubby fingers, prostate massaging might be quite a task. This is more advantageous for those who have long and slender fingers. So, if you are having difficulties reaching your prostate, this massager can support you in cleansing your gland. Similar to using your finger, it also needs a lot of practice. Of course, you have to learn how to go about hitting your prostate gently.

In terms of cleanliness, using a prostate massager is of advantage as you don't have to worry about cutting your nails. These parts of your fingers are notorious in terms of housing germs that may affect your prostate. It would be ironic if you will get prostatitis because you were trying to clean your prostate.

One of the best advantages of this device is its vibrating feature. You may just imagine how it would be so strenuous for you to imitate that vibration using your finger. It would tire you out, and you might cease enjoying the process.

Also, the design of the massager is made to be able to stimulate the prostate. You might have a hard time holding your position for quite a long time. Again, this would be another obstruction for your pleasure.

Now, let's go to its disadvantage. First, it might take you more time to get used with using this tool. Unlike with your finger, it might be a little hard for you to tell whether you are already hitting your prostate or not. You will be deducted of the advantage of being able to tell the location of the prostate through a bump on your rectum. Another one would be the way you have to massage your prostate. With your finger inside, you can easily control how you touch your prostate, compared to using a prostate massager. You may gently tap, slowly press your gland without having to adjust too long. You may also change the pressure and speed of the massage instantly with your bare hands.

Now, what I am trying to say is both of the bare hand technique and prostate massager tactic has its pros and cons. You may have to try both of the sides, to be able to determine which one serves you better.

Ronald M Bazar has helped thousands of guys find their Male G Spot CLICK HERE Get your copy now.

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Make Your Penis Hard and Last Longer in Bed

Most of us think nothing would happen to our sexual health and things would always be great. But, as men age, they begin experiencing problems in attaining or sustaining erections and this can turn things quit embarrassing.

Not only this, erectile problem is not a diseases in itself. It is essentially a symptom of a larger health disorder. Sluggish or reduced blood flow to the penis is one of the most basic reasons behind erectile dysfunction in men. This could also mean a weak blood circulation to the heart and cardiac problems.

However, there are some simple ways to make your penis rock hard:

How to Make Your Penis Rock Hard

1. Increase Blood flow to the Penis

- This can be done with a little bit of exercise every day. Just a simple brisk walk can also be great to ensure increased blood flow to the penis.

- Certain foods can also help unclog your arteries. For instance, garlic has a compound called allicin that helps remove plaque from the arteries. It can be great for increasing blood circulation not just to the penis but throughout the body.

- Besides this, you must also avoid smoking. Nicotine leads to plaque built up in the arteries and reduced blood circulation to the penis. If you really want to stay sexually potent you must give up smoking.

2. Try to Boost Testosterone Levels

Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone and reduced levels of testosterone in your body can signal low libido and erectile dysfunction. So, if you want to ensure rock hard erections, you must try to boost your testosterone levels naturally.

Here are some simple ways to do so:

- Short and intense workouts in the gym are great for increasing testosterone levels.

- Foods rich in zinc are also important for enhancing testosterone levels. Oysters, bananas, lean meat etc., are best examples of such foods.

- Adequate sleep also helps boost testosterone levels. Have you ever wondered why you get morning erections after a peaceful night's sleep. This is because enough sleep helps enhance your testosterone levels.

- Reducing stress also helps a great deal.

- Certain herbs like tribulus terrestris and tongat ali can also be a great help in enhancing testosterone production in your body.

3, Try Natural Erection Pills

Such pills are extremely popular among men trying to get over erectile problems and there is no reason why they should not be.

Such pills not only increase blood flow to the penis but also help enhance testosterone production in your body. Besides this, they also give a boost to nitric oxide secretion which plays as a catalyst in increasing blood flow to the erectile tissue.

Top notch pills contain ingredients such as ginseng, ginkgo, catuaba, dodder seed, damiana, muira pauma, tribulus terrestris, tongat ali, horny goat weed etc.,

However, the best pills contain Bioperine to ensure ready absorption of all the other ingredients into your body.

Such pills not only ensure rock hard erections but also help increase your ejaculatory control so that you can last longer in bed.

High grade pills do not have any side effects.

So, If You Want to Make Your Penis Hard, check out the Best Natural Erection Pills that have become a big hit with men all over the world.

For Next Video CLICK HERE

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Natural Ways For You To Get Harder And Stronger Erections

There are so many men that want a harder and stronger erection. Even the guys that are completely happy with their penis size are also interested in knowing what they need to do to get "rock" solid erections regularly. Apart from the fact that it would feel good to you, a stronger and harder erection simply means that sexual intercourse with your woman would be a lot more enjoyable.

Also there is the feeling you would get because you know that your masculinity and virility are very high - which is what every man wants. There are so many herbs that are being sold on the internet, which are supposed to make your erection harder and stronger. However you don't need to use these herbs, since nobody knows the negative side effects that they might have.

There are a few things that you need to do if you want your penis to be operating at its best form. Now here are some suggestions that would help you in getting rock-hard erections.

Your Penile Health Is A Direct Reflection Of The State Of Your Overall Health!

First you must realize that in so many cases your erection strength is a reflection of how healthy you actually are. What I mean is if you are not getting a healthy supply of blood to your genital area, then the quality of your erections would be poor. There are lots of men that experience "soft" erections because they have health problems that they have not dealt with properly. There are two main groups of these problems:

Hormonal Deficiency - testosterone is the main issue here. I am sure that you know that as you grow older, your testosterone levels are reducing gradually. And testosterone plays a huge role in helping your penis to relate with your body so that an erection can happen during sexual arousal.

To prevent your testosterone levels from getting too low, there are some lifestyle adjustment that you have to make so that they would be at levels that are sufficient enough (it doesn't need to be as high as it was when you were 18years old) to still give you strong, hard and long-lasting erections.

Blood Circulation Problems - Issues like blood clots, narrowing of the arteries, plaque deposits and vascular problems can wreck serious havoc to a man's penile health. In this scenario, the problem is a lot bigger than having "soft" erections! You would have to see a doctor and also make a lot of adjustments in your lifestyle if you want an improvement in the quality of your erections.

Reasons Why You Need To Put The Effort To Make Your Erections Stronger...

Personally I have the mindset that an ounce of prevention is a lot better than a pound of cure. You don't have to wait till the time when your penis cannot even get up then you start looking for Viagra pills to use.

Just like when it comes to weight issues, I believe you should start exercising and eating a healthy diet when you are still slim and young - again you don't have to wait till you are fat and older before you know that you should keep your weight in check!

The reality is this - as you grow older, your erection strength and hardness begins to dwindle. Even if you have a big penis, if you are having "soft" erections, your sexual performance would become terrible and your woman would no longer have any satisfaction or pleasure during sexual intercourse - and that's even if you are still getting sex!

You would grow older, whether you like it or not. However there are few things that you should do or NOT do if you want your erections to be strong and "rock" solid for as long as possible. Here they are:

Things That You Should Stay Away From

Don't Smoke At All Or Stop Smoking Totally - Smoking is no longer "in vogue". It is time to give it up if you are smoker. If you are not, don't even attempt starting this destructive habit. Smoking wrecks serious havoc to your sex life. Several research has shown that smoking constricts and hardens the blood vessels. And in case you did not know - your erections are 100% dependent on blood flow. What do you think happens when blood circulation becomes a problem because of the damage caused by smoking?

This is not another issue of GOD said cigarette & marijuana smoking is bad - leave religion or morality aside for now. This is plain and simple - your erection strength and hardness is entirely based on how healthy your blood circulatory system is. And smoking is well known scientifically as an activity that negatively affects the regular flow of oxygenated blood. Now there are several researches that state it clearly that smokers suffer more from erectile dysfunction and erections a lot more than non-smokers. There is no sitting on the fence here - STOP SMOKING FOREVER!

Limit Your Alcohol Intake - Drinking 10cl - 25cl of red wine helps your heart because of the Resveratrol in it. Anything more than that is overdoing it. That aside, alcohol is a cause of weak erections for some men. Yes, taking some amount of alcohol would relax your nerves, but in some cases you might not even be able to get an erection or even maintain it during penetration.

You drink too much and your penis would not get up when it is time for "action". And you also have to deal with the long term problem that regular consumption of alcohol cause like nerves, kidney and liver problems - these things would definitely affect your sexual health.

In my own opinion, there is no need deliberately messing up your performance in bed. If you are interested in getting harder erections regularly keep your alcohol consumption to very low levels. Personally I only drink alcohol in weddings, which is usually 1 to 3 times in a year.

Stop Your Pornography Addiction - Pornography addiction has been known to cause what they term porn-induced erectile dysfunction.

It might feel good to watch a little porn once in a while to release some steam, however you should take serious precaution and make sure that you are not constantly watching pornography. There are some acquaintances that I know of that even watch porn during office hours!

For some guys, watching pornography vides too much even causes them to have performance anxiety when it is time for real sex and they can't even get it up!

Stop Masturbating Frequently - In some cases this is also related to watching too much pornography. Masturbating all the time to pornography drains you and keeps you in the refractory period (after an ejaculation, the time that it takes for you to get another erection is called the refractory period. For some men this can be as long as 7 hours!).

If you have a sex partner (or sex partners), then you are better off keeping your erections till you are with your woman. This is because if it has been quite some time since you had an erection, you would be a lot more sexual aroused - which means your erect penis would be much harder and stronger.

And we also have the case of "too much" masturbation, which can make your penis too sensitive to touch and make it a bit difficult for you to even get it up even when a woman is butt naked in front of you.

Stop The Worrying Routine - Performance anxiety is something that happens when you are too anxious or nervous about the sex act. It usually happens when you are having sex for the first time or you are with a new lover. In this situation, you would not even get an erection at all! The more you are worrying the higher your chances of you actually messing up - so stop worrying.

There is also the case of high expectation that some men have in their heads because the feel their sexual performance is supposed to be the way they saw it in pornography videos. If you are worried about your penis size or sexual stamina, there is something that you can actually do to fix the problem - so just take action and deal with the problems instead of worrying.

So relax, inhale deeply and know that you are turning a mole into a mountain when you worry too much. Your erections are a lot stronger and harder when you are relaxed.

Things That You Should Start Doing

Start Eating More Healthy Foods - I don't think this one should be too difficult for any man. There is no need eating extremely oily or junk foods all the time. What you want is a healthy blood circulation to your genital area. In a lot of cases, unhealthy foods usually cause problems for the blood capillaries, veins, heart and arteries.

Fatty foods usually cause plaques to develop in the blood vessels and this narrows their diameter - causing problems with the free flow of blood throughout the body and this shows itself also in the quality of erections. Fatty foods are also a big testosterone killer as they reduce a man's ability to produce enough quantity of this essential hormone.

Try including vegetables and fruits in your daily diet. You would benefit from the high amounts of antioxidants (vitamins A,C, E & minerals like zinc, selenium etc) that work in maintaining and keep your body at optimum levels. Antioxidants are also very helpful in reducing the occurrence of cardiovascular problems - because it assists in reducing the amounts of bad cholesterol in the body. Also foods like oysters, bananas, spicy peppers, oatmeal, salmon fish, coffee and taking small amounts of red wine helps you a lot in getting harder erections. You don't have to include all of them in your diet; just include some of them.

Another mineral that I would single out is Zinc. This mineral helps a great deal in increasing your body's testosterone levels and also the volume of seminal fluid and sperm that your body produces. You can get Zinc from foods like beans, peas and most sea foods (crab, lobsters, periwinkle etc).

Regular Exercise Should Be A Must - Regular exercise improves your circulatory system and since your erections heavily depends on how healthy your circulatory system is, you would be doing yourself a very big favor if you begin exercising regularly. The improved blood circulation you get from regular exercise would also positively affect your genitals.

Guys who exercise 3 - 5 times in a week tend to have little or no problems with their erection strength and hardness. Also regular exercise is also known to:

Improve sex drive
Increase sexual potency
Reduce stress
Kick-starts your body to increase its testosterone production
You don't have to go to a traditional gym, you can start today by doing body weight exercises (like sit-ups, chin-ups, press-ups, squats etc) and cardio exercises (jogging or running on a tread mill) to improve the blood flow in your body if you are really serious about improving your erection strength.

Try Using Supplements That Would Help Your Erections - This is NOT really a must, however you should know that there are some natural supplements in the market that can help in increasing the hardness and strength of your erections. Some of these supplements usually contain popular natural ingredients such as: pomegranate, Catuaba, oyster shell extract, horny goat weed, Korean ginseng, gingko biloba, Mujra Puama, L-Arginine, Bark Extract, saw palmetto, maca root, flaxseed, oat extracts, Epimedium, Indian Ginseng, wheat yam and so many other natural ingredients.

There are different brands of supplements in the market today and they contain their own blend of natural ingredients. Liblov, VigRX Plus and Prosolution pills are some brands that are quite popular right now.

Engage In Kegel Exercises - In case you have not heard of the Kegel exercise before, it is an exercise that helps in strengthening your pelvic floor muscles. These muscles are responsible for controlling your bladder, controlling when you ejaculate and also in improving your sexual performance.

Now here is how you can do the Kegel exercise - act like you are urinating in the bathroom and you want to stop the flow of urine because something important has just come up and you want to go attend to it immediately. What you just did was flex your pelvic floor muscles. A Kegel exercise is when you do that. Now squeeze your pelvic floor muscles for 10 seconds and relax.

A few weeks of regular Kegel exercises would give you stronger, harder and longer lasting erections.

Do Towel Raises Daily - Towel raises is an exercise that assists you in getting harder and stronger erections. It is like Kegel exercises on steroids - in this case you would be doing Kegel exercises and using a hand towel like a weight. Here is a description of the towel raises:

Get a full erection and then put a dry hand towel on your penis.
Now do the Kegel exercises so that you can raise the towel up and down.
Once you realize that your erection is going, place two fingers under your penis so that you can add a few more repetitions.

For the first few weeks, make sure that you are using a dry hand towel, after that you can increase the weight by using a wet hand towel and then you can use a body towel if you are more ambitious.
After a few weeks of implanting most of what I just listed you would see a remarkable improvement in your erect penis strength and hardness. And if you are interested in getting a bigger penis in a natural and safe manner then you should CLICK HERE to visit my website right now!

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Restore Sexual Confidence

Losing sexual power is one of the worst nightmares of a man. Sex life is very important for men and satisfying their partner plays an important part in their lives. A man will always associate his performance in bed with his level of masculinity, so losing sexual power means to him that he is no longer men enough to deserve the woman next to him. Losing sexual power can derive from many causes. It can be the result of a disease or of aging. In younger men that don't suffer of any disease lost sexual power usually happens due to over masturbation and excessive nightfall. It is usually the first consequence of these two bad practices.

There are many ways nowadays to restore lost manhood. With all the available products on the market, a low libido and sex drive are no longer associated with growing old. Regardless what caused your diminish of sexual power, there is a remedy to solve the problem. However, when you choose one, you must be extremely careful. You have to first determine if your condition is a consequence of a disease, of over masturbation or of nightfall. It is neither recommended nor safe to use over the counter products that contain artificial substances and that promise you an extraordinary sex life. Artificial substances can have side effects and can interact with other medication you might be taking or other medical conditions.

Especially if you are not sure about the root cause of your problem, it would be better to restore lost sexual power using natural products. There are many herbs that have a reputation in solving men sexual problems and in rejuvenating you. Our ancestors weren't at all concerned about their lovemaking performances because they were using the right herbs in the right combination and they were maintaining them in good shape.

Herbal supplements not only help you restore lost sexual power, but also make you last longer, enjoy harder erections and improve your overall performance. If you wonder how they do this, the answer is simple. Sexual potency is strongly connected with how good your blood flow is and with your level of testosterone. Herbal supplements such as Booster capsules cover these two important aspects and also other ones involved in being sexually powerful and enhance your body's natural abilities to make love. A natural approach is always better because, after all, you plan to rejuvenate your body and you wouldn't like to do this with the risk of developing unpleasant side effects that might affect your well being on the long run.

Read more about Nocturnal Emission treatment. Also know how to cure Sexual Weakness. Click Here

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Sunday 10 January 2016

Stop Feeling Tired

How to Live a Healthy and Active Lifestyle

It is normal to get tired, but if you are feeling sluggish every hour of each day, you will become unproductive, stressed, unhappy, and not enjoying a great quality of life. Indeed, persistent tiredness is a great hindrance for us to do what we need to do, and if you want to achieve your goals, you have to stop feeling tired.

To help you check the factors of your constant fatigue, it is wise to check your lifestyle and habits. More often, persistent fatigue comes from the simple things we do everyday that we often take for granted. Living a sedentary lifestyle can make us more tired day after day, thus make sure you are not causing your own tiredness by getting active.

Have a good cardio exercise everyday. Allot a few minutes of your time to exercise regularly. Take a walk early in the morning, jog, ride your bicycle or just get a simple exercise routine after you wake up. Enjoy your favorite sports on the weekend or visit the gym.

A good exercise will not only help you overcome persistent tiredness, it will also help you manage stress. It will also help you get good supply of oxygen to your body and lowers the risks of heart diseases.

If you want to stop feeling tired, check your habits. Are you ignoring your alarm clock and putting it often on snooze? Waking up later than your biological clock's wake up time can make you feel tired the entire day, so make sure you stick to your sleeping hours always. Make sure also that you have enough sleep everyday. Sleep deprivation is one cause of tiredness and stress, so avoid it as much as possible.

Avoid those instant fixes. Most people get a cup or two of coffee if they are feeling tired, but keep in mind that although caffeine may boost your alertness in no time, it may also make you feel more tired once the effect wears out. The same can be true to energy drinks as well. Also avoid caffeine and alcohol a few hours before going to sleep as this can disrupt your sleep.

Get proper nutrition and maintain a healthy weight. Proper nutrition is also a key towards living an active lifestyle without persistent fatigue. Add more fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet and cut down on carbs and sugar. Too much carbohydrates and sugar in your diet can also contribute to your being sluggish. Of course, it is also important to keep a healthy weight if you want to stop feeling tired always. Being overweight or obese can also be a factor of persistent tiredness, so make sure you also lose those extra weight to maintain an active lifestyle.

Don't forget to keep yourself hydrated as well. To stop feeling tired always, fuel your body with enough water to make it run smoothly. Bodily functions need water and if you are feeling sluggish everyday, you may have forgotten to feed yourself with enough water. Aside from being a good way to cleanse your body from toxins, keeping yourself hydrated can also boost your energy level at all times.

If you have been suffering from chronic fatigue, check out this great guide to end tiredness. Also check out Stop Tiredness Now to learn a few methods to boost your energy day after day and become more productive in life. CLICK HERE

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Hamstring Injuries and Treatment

What is a Hamstring?

The large muscle group on the back of our legs is collectively called the hamstring. It is made up of three muscles; semitendinosus, semimembranosus and biceps femoris. The biceps femoris is the most common muscle to be injured in a hamstring injury.

Hamstring Strains

The most common type of injury of the hamstring is strain or "pull". This usually happens in sports that require quick starting and stopping (soccer, football or baseball). There are different grades of strains depending on the severity.

Grade 1 - minor tear of the muscle fibres. Pull or over stretched.

Grade 2 - moderate/significant tearing of the muscles fibres. Partial tear.

Grade 3 - complete tear of the muscle. Into two separate pieces.

Signs and Symptoms

• Sensation of tightness or cramp after activity (over stretch or "pull")

• Immediate pain in back of thigh as well as pain with stretching or with running (partial tear)

• Bruising below the area of pain the next day (partial or complete tear)

• Severe stabbing pain and burning. Unable to walk without pain (complete tear)

Treatment of Hamstring Injuries

The first step in properly treating a hamstring stretch is to reduce the amount of swelling or bleeding (bruising). This is done with the R.I.C.E. principle:

R - Rest your leg

I - Ice the area immediately (not directly on skin) 15 minute intervals

C- Compression (wrap with tensor)

E - Elevate your leg above your heart while lying down

Depending on the severity of the injury therapy may be needed to help with recovery. Interventions like ultrasound, electrotherapy or acupuncture can help reduce swelling and speed healing. Muscle therapy (massage or myofascial release) can help to reduce scar tissue build up and help with new muscle fibre alignment.

Once pain allows it, gentle stretching can begin. This should be done with care and stopped at any sign of pain. Simple resistance exercises can also be started once there is no pain in performing them.

Preventing Hamstring Injuries

As we keep talking about in these monthly newsletters, it's better to prevent an injury from happening than to fix it once it happens. Most hamstring injuries are a result of the muscles either being too weak, stiff or having improper balance.

A proper warm up period before activities is important to get the blood flowing and to increase the temperature of the muscles themselves. Stretching should be saved for after your activity when the muscles are already warm.

Preventive stretching and strengthening of the hamstrings is useful if you are prone to these injuries or have imbalances. These should be done eccentrically (while lengthening the muscle) as this is a common mechanism during injury. As our lower leg is extended/straightening quickly, our hamstrings have to work to slow the leg down. This quick lengthening under load causes the strain or tear.

Importance of Hamstring Strength

While preventing injuries to your hamstrings is an important reason to have good strength, there are other reasons as well. A lack of strength can increase your risk of an ACL injury (knee injury).That is why it is important to have a good combination or ratio of hamstring and quadriceps strength. An ideal ratio is 75 percent.

You can calculate this by performing both a leg extension and leg curl at your one repetition maximum. That means, how much you can lift one time. You then divide your leg curl total by your leg extension total to get your ratio.

For example if you can curl 50 lbs and you leg extension maximum is 100 lbs, you would divide 50 by 100 to get.50 or 50%. Again you want to be closer to 75% and most people are stronger in their quadriceps than hamstrings which can lead to an increase in leg and knee injuries.

Dr. Cameron Edgar helps his patients recover from their injuries faster and get back to their normal daily lives, either at work, home or sport. He and his wife help their community in downtown Burlington, ON at Edgar Family Chiropractic.

You can learn more CLICK HERE

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Health With Quantum Mind

To consciously use your quantum mind for success in life and beyond you must realize that you have two focuses to your consciousness. One is your earth focus, which has little power. The other is your quantum or 'soul' wide focus with which you can scan for a great deal of information in practically no 'time' at all. It's fast because, unlike your earth mind's focus, it doesn't think in a 'blinkered' linear way but in dimensional concepts. It reads information like a super search engine and at the quantum level of existence where all knowledge is stored

Your earth mind forgets things by design while your quantum mind never forgets anything. Because your earth mind forget things you don't remember what you were before your consciousness was focused into it at birth. Many successful people, from Galileo to Einstein, may not have known the quantum mechanics of how they got their inspiration. But most of them, it is reported, had quiet contemplative moments in which they sought information in their minds. They would even have 'walking around fast' thought periods, in which information flowed rapidly into their minds as they walked.

There are literally trillions of trillions of quantum minds making up the universe with each streaming information that is local to them. Each atom, molecule, cell - to a community of them - like living Lego blocks - can make any life form and do so by using ready-encoded information: all of those forms existing both on a physical level and a quantum or 'soul' level and seeking out, creating and using information and storing it quantum mind. It is the sum of that information that gives the physical universe the many quantum possibilities from which to choose. You have to realize that, as Einstein said, time is relative to density.

Here on the surface of the earth and in an earth body the density slows down the speed at which consciousness can process information. Out in space the speed at which your consciousness can process information is faster. Now imagine that the speed of light is the key note of the universe, like a musical scale with a low note in the black hole and the high note in the speed of light. Infinity is beyond all keynote light speeds. The speed of universal thought can therefore be infinite. Your quantum mind stores all the knowledge of what you are. It doesn't store all the knowledge of the universe, it is the universal mind, the sum of all minds, that does that as a quantum matrix, a universal brain - but your mind can access information from it.

You 'reach' for it in your mind by asking questions of it. Science tell us that the universe 'splits' off at each decision into many quantum possibilities from which any of us can chose. Allow yourself the possibility that organisational abilities can and probably must exist everywhere in the universe. You see and comprehend your own locality and encode what you see on the quantum level of yourself and this is immediately available to the 'search engine' abilities of other minds, just as theirs is available to you: giving all who search many quantum possibilities of answers to all problems.

If we open our minds as individuals to all possibilities we will find them and in finding them we have the tools for any success.

To find out more CLICK HERE

Weight Loss cider vinegar apple

Not many people know about the benefits of apple cider vinegar weight loss. Over the centuries, vinegar has been used to kill weeds, make pickles, improve salads, and clean armor. Apart from being used for weight loss, the many uses of vinegar are truly impressive and varied. But one thing that should surprise you is the fact that it is a great and helpful health tonic as well.


You may have some questions at this point. Did you know that you can buy medical apple cider vinegar as well as salad dressing? In the health and condiment aisles of many grocery stores, you're likely to find the product. The truth is, many folk tales told about the vinegar are false, but a few medical uses of apple cider vinegar are very real.

Slow and Steady Fermentation

Apple cider vinegar is a product of slow and steady fermentation. In this process, bacteria and yeast in the food we eat break down the food's sugars, first turning them into alcohol, then eventually vinegar. The resulting vinegar is useful for a surprisingly wide variety of things, including cooking. Vinegar can be made from a variety of things, such as grains, fruits, and vegetables.

Acetic Acid

The process comes from crushed and mashed apples. It's primary ingredient is acetic acid, but there are also several important mineral salts, amino acids, and vitamins that compose it.

Folk Remedy

Long used as a folk remedy, people began to go on different kinds of diets as early as the late 1950's (in the United States). It became very popular, especially as a dietary supplement. During that time period, everyone was on the lookout for a good alternative medicine. It quickly became a popular supplement to take.

Many capabilities

According to many websites on the internet, and many supplement boxes, apple cider is supposed to have many capabilities, such as killing head lice and reversing aging. Many books discussing health and vinegar properties claim that it can wash toxins from the and comfort indigestion.

Do your research

Of course, many of these are superfluous and have no basis in scientific fact. Old wives' tales and urban legends make up quite a few of the stories being told about it. It's best to keep this in mind when you're looking at information about losing weight not everything is real, and some of the more wild "benefits" being touted are fake.

Stay Healthy

But does that mean that the health benefits you have read about are false? Not at all - there are many things apple cider vinegar weight loss can do for your health and well-being.

There are many different ways to help a person lose weight. That being said apple cider vinegar weight loss [] is a very different approach but the benefits don't lie! for a different way to try to lose those unwanted pounds try something different, something all natural and that's good for you, apple cider vinegar weight loss CLICK HERE

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