Monday 4 April 2016

3 Hidden Causes Of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction is no laughing matter. It can hit any man, of any age, but of course, is much more prevalent among older men.

Once you hit forty, you’re increasingly likely to suffer from ED. It’s important to understand, however, that not every case of sexual dysfunction is an ED problem.

Sooner or later, every man faces the occasional performance problem. When it happens, you’re going to feel bad about it.

You’re going to feel like a failure, and let’s face it, like less of a man, but unless it’s happening consistently and over a period of time, it’s not ED.

Here are some of the more common causes of erectile dysfunction:

Diet, Exercise, and Lifestyle

The sad truth is that in a significant number of cases, erectile dysfunction is a condition we bring upon ourselves.

Even when these things aren’t the outright cause of ED, they’re almost certain to be contributing factors that make your condition worse.

This is a big, expansive category that covers a lot of ground, but in a nutshell, here’s what you need to know.

Eating lots of leafy greens, whole grains, oysters, watermelon, and blueberries (most any fruit will work, really) will help you give your body all that it needs to improve the quality of your erections, while cutting out processed foods, cigarettes and alcohol will provide further benefits.

Add in a healthy dose of exercise at least three times per week, and you’re well on your way to better sexual health!

The Meds You Take

You’ve almost certainly seen various medications advertised on TV. The funny part about those ads is that they spend almost as much time talking about the side effects of their latest “wonder drugs” as they do about its supposed benefits.

Unfortunately, many of the drugs on the market today that are designed to treat various conditions, have side effects that include the degradation of male sexual performance. The most common of these are blood pressure medications, but there are many others.

The good news is that in many cases, there are often (but not always) alternatives to the meds with these side effects. If that’s the case, your doctor can prescribe you an alternative to help alleviate the problem.

Your Big Brain Working Against Your Little Brain
Many of the causes of erectile dysfunction are actually psychological. Understand that this is not the same as saying that it’s all in your head, because it’s not.

Psychological issues can easily lead to a variety of very real physical ailments. If that surprises you, it shouldn’t.

Stress can lead to heart disease, so why can’t other psychological issues lead to ED? It’s a pretty common, fairly well understood phenomenon.

Stress is, in fact, one of the leading causes of ED, which makes it a particularly nasty condition (because it also can lead to heart troubles, so it hits you twice).

Long before stress kills you though, it will impact your sex life in a major, and entirely negative way.

Our modern society is filled to the point of overflowing with stress triggers. We work too many hours. We don’t take enough vacations, and even when we do, we tend to bring our work with us, thanks to the advent of the smart phone, which is both a blessing and a curse.

Yes, it lets us keep in touch with friends and families no matter where we are in the world, but it also means that we have the tendency to never unplug. We need that. We need time to decompress and relax. Sure, you can run at top speed for a while, but if you do it too long, you’ll burn yourself out.

If you keep going much beyond that, your problems will only worsen with time. Why would you want to do that to yourself? It simply makes no sense.


Depression is another common cause of ED, and let’s face it. When you’re depressed, sex is about the last thing you’re thinking of.

Stress is a particularly nasty cause of ED, because most of the antidepressant medicines available only make ED worse.

Depression is insidious on another front as well, because it’s easy to get caught in a negative, self-reinforcing feedback loop trap.

What we mean by that is that when you’re depressed, your self-esteem is (by definition) low. If you try to have sex, your low self-esteem may lead to performance issues. Then, when you fail to perform, sexually, it lowers your self-esteem further, which makes future sexual performance issues even more likely.

Once you’re caught in that trap, it can be notoriously difficult to get out of it.

One thing you’ll note that isn’t on the list is "performance anxiety." That’s because while performance anxiety can lead to a lack of sexual performance in certain specific situations, these are generally isolated, one-off events.

The risk, however, is that a failure to perform sexually can sometimes lead to depression, which can cause ED.
Fore More Click Here

Saturday 19 March 2016

Best Spices for a Healthy Diet

One of the easiest ways of using spices for their health-giving properties is in your diet. Spices not only make food more palatable, but they offer a wealth of nutritional benefits as well. Although the nutritional value of spices we consume in our meals may be small, limited by the relatively small amounts involved, their therapeutic benefits are likely to be large by comparison

5 Spices that should be part of a healthy diet.

Pepper -

Widely used in cooking many dishes giving a spicy kick where required.

Strong anti-toxidant and anti-bacterial properties.

Boosts metabolism, decreases inflammation, improves digestion. Pepper will improve digestion, an aid to treating coughs, colds, sinusitis, heart problems, colic, diabetes, anaemia, and piles.

Turmeric- Taste is similar to mustard. Often sprinkled on salads to add flavour, or used in curry powder to make Indian dishes.Turmeric is rich in anti-toxidants and anti-carcinogenic properties. It reduces cholesterol levels, aids cough, cold and flatulence, itdecreases inflammation and is antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal.


Cinnamon has a mild fragrant aroma and a warm, sweet flavour. It is often used as a flavouring agent when preparing many kinds of desserts, chocolate and spicy sweets and liqueurs.

Cinnamon has strong antibacterial qualities. It aids digestive problems and helps manage blood sugar levels.

Ginger -

Use fresh ginger in stir-fries or home-made vegetable juices.

An antioxidant, decreases inflammation, boosts immunity, digestive aid.


Is an essential ingredient in everyday cooking in the Indian kitchen. These brown aromatic small seeds give out more aroma when roasted or added to hot oil.

Cumin acts as a good source of iron that strengthens immunity it is also used for relieving dyspeptic headaches, nausea, pain and cramping in the abdomen and acts as an antispasmodic, flatulence and many problems of the digestive system.


Cardamom is an aromatic spice commonly used in Indian curries, gravies and deserts. It has a sharp and stimulating flavour.

This spice helps to reduce stomach acidity, generates appetite, alleviates nausea and cures bad breath, stimulates digestion and relieves flatulence.

For More HERE

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Friday 4 March 2016

Simple Method To Overcome Obesity

Obesity afflicts a large percentage of us and has been linked to health conditions like high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, back pain, cardiovascular ailments and stroke. Sticking to a well devised and balanced diet plan while making sure that we get some exercise as a part of our daily routine are some of the best ways to start losing weight.

Upon losing weight, the feel good factor is greatly enhanced while one gains enthusiasm towards life. Losing just a little weight makes us confident about our appearance, as our clothes fit well and we regain self-assurance to be in situations that involve interaction with strangers. Losing weight ensures that one would not be self conscious, even if he has to appear before an audience or be in a scenario where one is required to be on a stage or at a podium. While making people slimmer and more motivated, losing weight lets us put our focus on everyday activities and this helps us reduce everyday stress. We stop looking upon food for comfort and reach out to people by being more outgoing.

People are often on a lookout for easy ways to lose weight. While there is no miracle solution or a faster way to lose weight, if one plans to lose some weight and make sure that it stays off, it may call for some lasting changes in diet and practices of physical activity. One should carefully access the daily routine to recognize patterns in eating behavior, as this helps understand the areas where changes should be bought about. We could start by replacing high calorie meals with healthy snacks, like substituting ice creams for fruit salad, avoiding fried or sugary foods and maybe replacing sugar with natural sweeteners. By making sure that our goals are realistic, we ascertain that they become more achievable and are more beneficial for us. Drastic changes in lifestyle can be difficult to maintain over time. Instead of figuring out the fastest way to lose weight, we should work on taking simpler measures that are beneficial for our health in the long run and help us lose weight while maintaining a more slender appearance.

Natural sweeteners assist in weight loss and are an ideal replacement for sugar as they as they substitute empty calories for vitamins and nutrients. With a low glycemic index, they often have a negligible effect on our blood sugar levels, making them all the more useful for people suffering from medical conditions like diabetes. Some natural sweeteners like Stevia are known for their elaborate health benefits, including stabilization of blood sugar which enables people who are currently insulin dependent to eventually not require treatment for diabetes. Alternately, Stevia lowers blood pressure and has anti-viral properties.

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Focusing on the health and well being of the people, telesky has a wide range of herbal products which has no added chemicals in it and can cure a person the herbal way.
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Tuesday 23 February 2016

Organic Natural Body

For a lot of people, skin care is very important and instead of choosing mainstream and popular brands for skin care, many are now looking for an organic natural body care product. What makes an organic natural body care product better?

First off, the skin is very sensitive and highly absorbent. Anything applied to it can cause the skin to react and it can also be absorbed into the bloodstream. A lot of ingredients used in many brands are chemicals and made from synthetic material which are bad for the health and can have serious health consequences.

Among these ingredients are parabens, dioxanes, mineral oil, and phthalates. Studies made on these various ingredients show negative health effects yet the cosmetic industry stays deaf and blind to these studies and many companies still refuse to remove these from their products.

Using an organic natural body care protect can help protect you from the toxic effects of these chemicals and synthetic ingredients. Organic skin care products are made with natural ingredients which are safer, less irritating, and definitely better for the skin. Be careful though as some companies who claim to make organic skin products actually use the same harmful chemical ingredients and just add one or two organic ingredients so that they can say it's organic.

Aside from being safe ingredient-wise, organic skin care products are also packed with nutrients like vitamins and antioxidants which truly provide the skin with what it needs. Nutrients in their natural form are easily absorbed by the body for maximum utilization which explains why skin care products made with organic and natural ingredients produce better results. Synthetic vitamins found in many skin products do not provide the nutrients that the skin needs and produce poor results.

Examples of ingredients you should look for in an organic natural body care product are shea butter, grapeseed oil, manuka honey, and avocado oil. These have been used for skin care for years and years and have proven beneficial in solving a wide range of skin problems including wrinkles, dryness, acne, stretch marks, sun damage, and many more. Check the list of ingredients to ensure that the product contains only natural ingredients.

Aside from organic skin products, you can also whip up your own natural skin care treatment at home. Many recipes for facial wash, masks, and scrubs are found on the internet using things you can usually find in your kitchen like oatmeal, egg whites, and yogurt.

Clearly, natural skin care is the best. Choose organic and natural skin products and you will not only be helping yourself but the environment as well. If you are interested in finding out about more natural and organic ingredients there are available and how they are effective, visit my site today. You can also check out my recommendations on skin care there too!

Celebrity Trainer Thomas Delauer and Dr. Mike Brookins Reveal How to Dramatically Reduce Inflammation With These Body Hacks. She gives the public informative information about how you can take care of your skin. Visit her site CLICK HERE.

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Thursday 18 February 2016

Self Rehabilitation to Stop Alcohol Addiction

It is really terrible when I heard that alcohol is one of killer for people. Most of alcoholic die tragically. There are many cases that are noted nowadays. Every year, people who die because of alcohol have increased. It can be ignored by society.

Some people say that it is very difficult to be free from alcohol. It is just like you stuck with the alcohol content and you cannot do anything except drink and drink again. Actually, people have power to stop it. If they have strong willingness to quit, the result will be good.

You can quit from this dangerous addiction drinking by asking support from your family. I know that you cannot do it by yourself. You need them to protect and give advice. They will give you a chance to return from dark place.

Beside that, try to find activity that will make you busy. The important point here is preparing your activity positively. You can visit health club to do yoga, or sport. Research has proved that positive activity will keep people's mind positive. You will forget to drink alcohol.

It is better for you to continue your healing by creating anti alcohol club. You can ask you friend to join your club. You can try to make preventive alcohol program for many people. You can socialize it together in many ways such as seminar, newspaper, magazine, internet, and other ways.

You will not be a patient in alcohol rehabilitation if you can handle it by yourself. Basically, to get rid of alcohol comes from your intention. If you believe that you can heal and back to your previous life, you can do it. I know it is not easy, but you can make it step by step.

Do not ever give up to be free from alcohol. You have to quit as fast as possible. Your intention needs strong effort. Sooner or later, you will get the best result. Fortunately, you can do your normal activity successfully.

Stop alcohol addiction right now, CLICK HERE.

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Tuesday 16 February 2016

Organic Natural Health & Wellness

A healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition is what we strive for, but a lot of us come up short in this department. Improved health, which seems never-ending at times but possible, is what we'd like to accomplish. Our bodies are out of balance and very complex; so we look for wellness to obtain more energy. Your energy most likely is already there, it just needs to be restored.

Glutathione is the body's most powerful antioxidant and more effective than if you ingested vitamin C and E. And for those of you that aren't familiar with Glutathione, it is tri-peptide (three proteins in one molecule); very critical to cellular function. It fights inflammation, increases your energy, improves concentration, and boosts your immune system; just to name a few of its benefits! As we approach our twenties our supply of Glutathione drops in our body's 10% to 15% every ten years. This lowers our energy levels, compromises our immune system and so much more.

Our energy, healthy organs and skin require healthy cells. Now if you'd like to introduce antioxidants to your diet that is perfectly fine. It's a great way to support your health, but Glutathione is a natural antioxidant and produced by our bodies which are more important for protecting healthy cells.

So basically age is not always the culprit when we complain about things we use to do, but aren't able to do them as well anymore. Stress, injuries, infections, and vigorous exercise not to mention the toxins in the air, are just some of the factors that significantly reduce or Glutathione levels.

You want to live your life to the Max! To be able to do that you have to ward off all of those damaging things that affect our bodies. Increased energy, strong immune system, and peaked athletic performance, is the way to go!

Click here to see the kind of natural organic

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Saturday 13 February 2016

Specforce Abs For Men And Women

Here are the top 10 check list to look out for when you are trying to get rid of your belly fats or wanting to define your six pack abs.

1) Low Rep High Contraction

Learn to workout your abs using lesser repetitions with focus on the contraction and stretching of your abdominal muscles. You need to know that your abs exercise techniques are more important than the number of repetitions you do.

2) Abs specific exercises

Involve different abs exercises that concentrate on different abs muscles at your abdominal area. Different abs muscles include your rectus abdominis, obliques and core muscles.

3) Less rest in between sets

In order to get the best effect out of abs training, try not to rest too long in between sets. The optimal rest time should be only 30 seconds in between sets.

4) Do not over train your abs

Train your abs as a small body part not more than 3 times a week. You need to know that abs workout is consider the least priority when comes to defining your six pack abs. Losing the belly fats above your abs muscles should be your priority. Instead you should concentrate most of your training session on major muscles weight training and interval training that boost your metabolism rate.

5) Watch your diet

Do remember that about 80% of how you look is about the kind of food that you consume. So having a healthy diet is a major factor you need to look into when losing your belly fats. Eat healthy food like vegetables, fruits and poultry instead of processed and junk food.

6) Do not starve yourself

Most people thought that starving will helps to lose fats and get a six pack abs. The truth is that you will only gain more fats out of it because your body will store fats when they sense that you are on starvation mode. So what I advise here is go for at least 6 meals a day with small serving each meal. In this case you will avoid hunger and will also prevent you from eating too much.

7) Work on other major muscles

Working on your abs alone won't help to define your abs. You need to reduce your body fats percentage in order for your six pack abs to be shown. Thus working on other major muscles helps to increase your muscle mass and increase your metabolism rate. Thus burn fats more rapidly.

8) Learn to use core control methods for weights training

Try to stabilize every movement on your weights training. You will be surprise that when you are working on other muscles area, you will actually need your core muscles to stabilize the action. Thus having a good core control will helps to prevent injuries and improve your abdominal muscles.

9) Include cardio activities

Try to include at least 3 time cardio workout every week to improve your oxygen intake and burn fats faster.

10) Involve in interval training

You should already know that getting your six pack abs is about losing the belly fats above it. Thus you need to burn your belly fats in order for your abs to get revealed. One of the best ways to improve your metabolism rate and burn fats faster is by doing interval training. Interval training is basically a workout that involves multiple stop and go action. A simple example would be sprint and jog.

Building and getting your abs defined can be the easiest or hardest part of every person. When you get everything right you will find that getting a six pack abs can be very easy to achieve. Just keep in mind that you can't get your washboard abs through excessive abs training, you need to mix a combination of weights training and healthy diet for best effect.

I recently came across a program that include on these checklist for losing excess abdominal fats and defining six pack abs. It covers a full body workout program and a nutrition diet that allows you to get rid of those belly fats and reveal the hidden six pack abs. I had applied this abs program with some of my clients and huge result was seen. Thus I highly recommend anyone that is serious about losing their belly fats or wanting to define their six pack abs to check out: Truth About Abs

Todd Lamb is a fitness consultant as well as a personal trainer for many years. He had help countless of people to achieve their fitness goals and attain their six pack abs body. He had set up as a guide for people to learn how to get a firm and washboard abs.

Learn more about how to get a six pack fast at Here

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Red Smoothie Detox Factor System

Healthy smoothies made with a variety of high-antioxidant fruits and vegetables, especially when combined with antioxidant superfoods, are the most nutrient-dense meals you can make. They're also just about the quickest, too!

I'm going to show you how to make a smoothie that's loaded with phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals and enzymes, and that comes in a whole-food form that's easily digested and assimilated.

The good news is that anyone can learn how to make a smoothie that's healthy and delicious! Another plus is that any smoothie recipe can be easily modified to suit your particular taste. In six easy steps, I'm going to show you how to make a smoothie that's incredibly healthy and easy to make.

1. Choosing a Blender.

The highest quality blenders have between 2 to 3.5 horsepower. These blenders will blend almost anything into a creamy, smooth texture without a hitch. VitaMix and BlendTec are the brands most recommended by professionals.

Most conventional blenders have motors rated at less than 1hp. These may work fine if you stick to soft, easier-to-blend ingredients like bananas, blueberries, pineapple and the like. They may not give you a real smooth texture if you use ingredients such as ice cubes, fibrous vegetables or nuts in your smoothies.

2. Choosing a Smoothie Starter.

Most smoothie recipes call for some amount of liquid to allow the ingredients to move around inside the blender and make your smoothie the right thickness. I'll show you how to make a smoothie using the right ingredients for your starter - and reveal some ingredients to avoid.

Water is a great way to make low-calorie smoothie recipes, and it's cheap, too!

Fruit Juices. You can use any type of juice - orange, apple, grape, pineapple - whatever. Fruit juices should be used in moderation, however - they're high in fructose. Even though the fructose is natural, consuming large amounts by drinking juice can give you too much sugar all at once.

Avoid highly-processed juices - they're not the same as fresh-squeezed. Most of these fruit juices are so processed that they only contain a fraction of the nutrients they originally had. You can spot these juices easily because the expiration date is weeks, even months away.

Milk and yogurt are two very popular beverages that people use to make smoothies. However, I think that homogenized and pasteurized dairy products are not a healthy choice.

Soy milk has become very popular in recent years, and soy foods have become a staple for many people who are trying to eliminate dairy from their diet. But soy also has its detractors. There's much disagreement about whether soy milk and other soy-based products can be considered healthy. Most of the soybean crop grown in the United States is also genetically-modified, so stick to organic brands.

Milk substitutes are the least objectionable of all the packaged beverages you can use to make your healthy smoothies. I'm talking about rice milk, hemp milk, oat milk, coconut milk and almond milk. Although healthier than cows' milk, they are still processed foods, and you don't know what processing has been done to them. If you have a heavy-duty blender, it's easy to make your own fresh almond milk. That's the best option of all.

3. Controlling the Temperature of Your Smoothie.

If you're looking for a chilled smoothie, either add a few ice cubes while blending, or use frozen fruit instead of fresh. The colder the ingredients you use, the creamier your smoothie will be. Using frozen fruit also makes it easy to keep an ample supply of fruit on hand in your freezer, to use in making your smoothies.

4. Fruits and Veggies for Your Smoothie.

Almost any combination of fruits or vegetables can be used for your smoothies, depending on the strength of your blender. It's best to keep the proportion of fruits to vegetables heavier on the vegetables to avoid increasing the sugar content of your smoothies too much.

5. Sweeteners for Your Smoothie.

You can sweeten your healthy smoothie with fresh or frozen fruits, dates and other dried fruits, agave nectar, raw cane sugar, honey, maple syrup, molasses or stevia. Don't use artificial sweeteners like Nutrasweet or Splenda!

6. Make Your Smoothie into an Antioxidant Powerhouse!

Boost the nutritional value of your healthy smoothie even more by adding protein powder, green superfood powders, superfruit juices, coconut oil and spices like cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg.

Get more details on How to Make a Smoothie, as well as dozens of recipes and more smoothie-making secrets.

Visit his Video at CLICK HERE for  Get The Complete  Red Smoothie Detox Factor System.

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Friday 12 February 2016

Chemotherapy For Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer found in women in the 21st century. Doctors have also adopted a singular line of treatment and that is mastectomy which means removal of the affected breast. After that they refer the patient to the oncologist who prescribes chemotherapy with a promise that the patient will be totally cured and there will be no recurrence of the disease. This promise induces the patient to bear the pains of the treatment. They are promised longevity after the completion of the treatment. The fear of death and the promise of a healthy life relieve them of fear and they opt for the treatment.

Click image to Video

The oncologists hide the hard truth that chemotherapy cannot wipe off all the cancerous cells. It is a fact that chemotherapy does not have the potentiality to kill all the cancerous cells present in the body; on the other hand the healthy cells in the body are also killed during the chemotherapy treatment due to which the natural immune system of the body is destroyed which gives rise to other health problems as the patient suffers the attack of other infectious diseases. Patients do not ask any question about the effectiveness of the treatment or what is the percentage of survival after the completion of the treatment.

Many researches have been done on this subject and it has been proven that the rate of survival is very low. The oncologists promise their patients that if they survive for five years after the treatment then they can be sure that they have been cured of breast cancer. Recurrences have occurred within the first ten years after mastectomy, this clearly shows that a patient has to live in constant fear of recurrence and death for the first ten years after mastectomy.

Many times the patients are assured that if there is no recurrence within the first five years then they can assume that they have been totally cured. But it is a hard fact that diseases which have recurrence tendency may lie dormant in the body for years and push up its head when the body becomes weak. Residue of the diseased cell may remain in the body and slowly and gradually spread in the body without showing any symptoms and thus remain undetected for years. So mastectomy and chemotherapy is not a full proof treatment for breast cancer.

Learn more about chemotherapy and its use in the treatment of breast cancer, also called breast cancer chemotherapy Click Here

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Wednesday 10 February 2016

Roasted Vegetables

The 3 Healthiest Ways to Cook Your Vegetables

By Dave From Paleohacks
Creator of the Paleohacks Cookbook

1. Slow-Cooking

Slow-cooking vegetables is one of the gentler ways to prepare them, which makes it an excellent choice.

You might lose some nutrients that leach into the slow-cooker water, but that’s only a problem if you don’t use the water. Fortunately, most slow-cooker dishes (soups and stews) make good use of the water.

Keep your slow-cooker lid closed tight to trap the steam, which helps vegetable nutrients get into your body instead of going to waste.

Consider stirring in some healthy fats (like olive oil), which help your body absorb “fat-soluble” vitamins found in vegetables (vitamins A, D, E, and K).

You don’t have to leave veggies in the slow cooker for too long -- just throw them in for the last hour. It’s a great way to cook your vegetables without over-exposing them to heat.

2. Steaming

Steaming is an extremely gentle cooking method without a lot of water loss. This helps vegetables keep their nutrients.

Vitamin C is one of the easiest vitamins to destroy. But a 2006 study published in the journal Food Additives & Contaminants found that steaming broccoli didn’t damage its vitamin C content.

Steaming is a simple way to cook without using fats. But this so-called health benefit could come back and haunt you…

Many vitamins in vegetables (vitamins A, D E, and K) are “fat soluble,” which means your body absorbs them better with fat.

So if you eat steamed vegetables without adding fat, your body won’t absorb those important nutrients!

You can avoid this by adding healthy fats like coconut or olive oil to your steamed vegetables -- they taste great, and help your body get the most out of every vegetable.

3. Frying

Did you know that frying your vegetables is actually one of the healthiest ways to cook them?

There isn’t any water to drain, so you don’t have to worry about losing vitamins and minerals that way.

Frying takes high heat, but it cooks vegetables in a short period of time. You throw them into a pan, cook them, and take them off before they lose nutrients.

A study published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition found that fried potatoes had the same vitamin C content as raw potatoes. And vitamin C is one of the most vulnerable to heat!

The biggest issue with frying comes down to the oil you choose to fry with.

Processed or hydrogenated oils (the ones fast food restaurants use) are DESTROYED by high heat. They stress your system and make you inflamed.

Coconut oil is a better choice. It’s one of the most stable healthy fats you can cook with, and holds up even in the high heat of a frying pan or wok.

None of This Matters If You Aren’t Eating Enough Vegetables (Here’s How!)

While steaming broccoli might be better than boiling it, eating boiled broccoli is light years ahead of NOT eating any broccoli at all!

Every cooking method has its pros and cons. It’s easy to get caught up in the details… and lose sight of the big picture.

A better question you can ask:

“How can I make vegetables a regular part of my life?”

If you don’t know where to get started, the PaleoHacks Cookbook can help. It’s designed to help you overcome some of the most common sticking points that keep people from adopting a healthy diet and making it a lifestyle.

It’s easy to get bored if you’re eating the same meals every day. Or frustrated when you’re exhausted from work, short on time, and don’t have any idea what to make.

But the nearly 200 recipes in the PaleoHacks Cookbook (and its valuable bonuses) set you up to thrive. You’ll find out how to make delicious, healthy meals without spending all night in the kitchen…

You’ll experience a whole new world of vegetables, prepared in different ways, that allow you to enjoy hundreds of delicious meal combinations you can make a central part of your new lifestyle. More Click Here

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Acute Renal Failure Treatment

Pointers on Acute Renal Failure Treatment That Really Point!

Acute renal failure treatment is largely based on preventing and treating its devastating effects. As with any disease process, prevention is the primary intervention. Attaining and maintaining adequate hydration and diuresis in high-risk clients is crucial, as is the prevention of contributing factors.

Once acute renal failure has developed, prompt recognition and action facilitate restoration of optimal renal function. Correction of the underlying condition, such as hydration for a client with hypovolemic shock, may be all that is necessary.

Here are some of the pointers that are being focused on the acute renal failure treatment:

Nutritional needs are also determined by the treatments that are used by the patient such as dialysis. Another determinant of nutrition and diet is the cause of ARF. There are generalized variations in patients who have trauma, burns, or infections to those who had ARF caused by other diseases. In addition, some diseases and medications affect the patient’s appetite thus increasing the need for nutritional balance.
Enough energy should be provided for patients with acute renal failure to be able to provide sufficient amount of weight maintenance and to meet the demands of stress accompanying ARF, usually 30-40 kcal/kg of body weight.
Fats, oils and simple carbohydrates, and low protein starches should provide non protein kilo calories.
In cases where dialysis is not a treatment option, protein should be regulated to 0.6 grams per kilogram body weight. While this is a well accepted value, it should not exceed more than 40 grams on any person.
When you are on dialysis, it is much less restrictive on protein as it can be individualized to 1.0 to 1.4 g/kg of body weight.
On both occasions, however, the use of biologically high value proteins is strongly recommended.
During the oliguric phase, sodium salt might be restricted to 1000 to 2000 mg and potassium to 1000 mg per day. These are two of the most vital electrolytes that the body needs and they may be lost during the period of frequent urination. Thus, replacement might be necessary.
Fluids are also monitored closely. They are replaced basing upon how much water does the body get rid of each day including vomitus, urine and diarrhea.
Acute renal failure treatment, as with any treatment, needs the cooperation and adherence of regimen from the patient. Providing an optimal quality of life involves concerted efforts by all members of the health care team with the client and family members as active partners.
For More Click Here

Mosquitoes, Malaria And Dengue

Protect Your Family and Yourself Against Malaria and Dengue

The best environment for mosquitoes to breed is in warm, hot and humid conditions. Most species of mosquitoes reproduce by laying their eggs in water. This means that ANY containment of water such as pots, or even overturned cans can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

In warm weather, mosquitoes can produce a whole new generation in just 7 days, although two weeks is a more common time span.

Do you know that some mosquitoes carry life-threatening diseases such as dengue, malaria, yellow fever and encephalitis?

Here are some facts about malaria and dengue that everyone should know.

- One of the most common diseases that some mosquitoes may carry is the Malaria disease. Malaria is caused by a blood-borne parasite that infects and then destroys red blood cells. Once infected, victims may suffer from repeated episodes of fever, or anemia and even death.

The World Health Organization estimates that each year 300-500 million cases of malaria occur and more than 1 million people die of malaria. About 1,300 cases of malaria are diagnosed in the United States each year.

Malaria occurs in over 100 countries and territories. More than 40% of the world's population is at risk. Large areas of Central and South America, Hispaniola (the Caribbean island that is divided between Haiti and the Dominican Republic), Africa, the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Oceania are considered malaria-risk areas.

Anyone can get malaria!

- Another deadly disease that the some mosquitoes may carry is the infamous dengue. Dengue can cause fever, chills and skeletal pain. This disease is commonly carried by the Aedes Mosquito and is a constant and dangerous threat to home owners. Some of the symptoms of dengue include bleeding (from the nose, mouth, and gums), excessive thirst and difficulty in breathing. A lot of these symptoms also mirror another deadly virus - the Ebola virus.

Some 2500 million people (2/5 of the world's population) are now at risk from dengue. World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates there may be 50 million cases of dengue infection worldwide every year.

You can prevent malaria and dengue by:

- keeping mosquitoes from biting you, especially at night

- taking antimalarial drugs to kill the parasites

- eliminating places around your home where mosquitoes breed

- spraying insecticides on your home's walls to - kill adult mosquitoes that come inside

- sleeping under bed nets - especially effective if they have been treated with insecticide, and
wearing or using insect repellent and long-sleeved clothing if outdoors.

You need to take urgent and serious steps to prevent being bitten from dangerous mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes are usually attracted to perspiration, warmth, body odor, carbon dioxide and light. There are also several devices in the market that are supposed to attract, trap and destroy mosquitoes, along with other insects. However, the catch-22 situation is this - if these devices attracts mosquitoes, then that particular area may have more mosquitoes and hence annoy the people in that area!

Due to global warming, not only tropical countries are at risk, but so is the rest of the world. Conventional insect repellents in aerosol cans also contribute to the destruction of our precious ozone layer. Ironically, this may lead to an even better condition for mosquitoes to breed!

Keep away from mosquitoes carrying Zika virus, Dengue virus and West Nile virus disease. Keeps bugs and mosquitoes away for hours / Long-Lasting Protection / Shake well before use.
Certified Organic Insect Repellent / DEET- free / Refreshing Herbal Scent / Fine mist spray / Not sticky
Made in USA & Cruelty Free Product - Leaping Bunny Program. Not tested on Animals.
Top Quality Guaranteed by US Organic. This product is a original. NOT manufactured by private label OEM manufacturer. / Always look for USDA seal for real certified Organics. Product label must identify certifying agent name, organic ingredients and percentages information by US government's regulation.. For more information, please go to Click Here

We specialise in introducing convenient and mobile mosquito repellent that is suitable for both outdoor and indoor uses.

Saturday 6 February 2016

Holistically and Naturally Treating Gallstones

Gallstones are tiny stones that develop slowly within the gallbladder. The gallstones develop when bile (liquid substance), situated in the gallbladder solidify into pieces of stone like object. Consuming low fatty foods, primarily can likewise aid.

Shock-wave therapy treatment is the administration of ultrasound waves to dissolve gallstones so they pass by the body simpler. This type is likewise called extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy or ESWL.

Are You Looking For Kidney Stone or Gallstone Relief?

See Why Thousands of People Have Chosen Cleanse Drops as Their #1 Natural Method to Eliminate & Prevent Gallstones Safely.

What are Cleanse Drops?

Cleanse Drops are a fast acting, well-researched, all-natural Kidney Stone and Gallstone remedy which gets to work right away. Our clients are constantly amazed by just how fast they find relief from their Kidney Stones or Gallstone troubles.

Cleanse Drops are designed to help you avoid surgery and to return your body to it's natural Gallstone-free state as quickly as is safely possible. Overall, Cleanse Drops is the best proactive choice you can make in taking care of the extremely frustrating condition of Kidney Stones or Gallstones.

How does it work?

Cleanse Drops takes advantage of the body's incredible ability to interact with natural substances to promote fast, effective cleansing. By giving your body exactly what it needs to expel the cholesterol build up and excess toxins which causes Kidney Stones or Gallstones, the body can then do what it does best: healing and returning you to a state of rich, pain-free, on-your-feet-again health. During your Cleanse:

Your stones will turn from stones into sludge. If your stone is less than 5mm, the entire stone will probably dissolve within 7 - 14 days. If your stone is bigger than 5mm, it will take anywhere from 20-60 days. After dissolved, the \"sludge\" will pass through your bowels without pain!

Just imagine how happy you will be when you dissolve your kidney stones or gallstones and pass them painlessly using Cleanse Drops instead of going through painful and expensive surgery!

Acquiring the best gallstone treatment can surely lead you to good life. Seek the best gallstone treatment provider. Click Here  to obtain the best product.

Fighting the Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

In this fast paced world we many times forget about our bodies and the effect that stress has on our human organisms.

It is a sad fact that in this and the previous century the human body has become "maladapted" to its environment. Maladapted due to stress, poor quality of food, and poor environmental conditions. We have become so advanced that we have lowered our quality of life with poor health as we propel ourselves on an endless search for happiness and bigger and better. Only to find the reality is filled with more and more anxiety.

The adrenal glands are small, about the size of a walnut. And unless they become the size of baseballs (who knows they may evolve to this some day) we are going to have to do something to change our lifestyles. If not, we are all in for a lot more suffering. Not only individually, but globally. We can no longer survive in this kind of world and maintain a full and happy life.

When the adrenal glands start to malfunction they begin to create too much cortisol, sending our hormonal system into "system" overload, causing many of the normal functions to "mal" function. This elevation of cortisol can cause increase anxiety and depression. Eventually the adrenal glands become very fatigued from making too much cortisol in an effort to compensate from the mind and bodies exposure to stress. At this point the fatigues adrenal glands will start to produce less and less cortisol. And this is when the real fun begins.

There is a unique connection between the brain and our hormones. And when the hormones normal functionality is disrupted the brain does not work well. Leaving us in a fog or continually forgetful, not to mention the scores of people in our society that are suffering from anxiety and depression.

This condition makes life even more stressful. At this point functioning and performing the daily duties necessary to survive feels exhausting. This then becomes a vicious cycle, one that is becoming increasingly difficult to break.

The first step in breaking this cycle is to try and adjust your lifestyle, making it simpler and less complicated. Take time off or make sure that your time off is really "time off". Meditation is an excellent tool for combating stress and anxiety. Secondly become more knowledgeable about your body and get to know your adrenals! Herbal Supplements can play a large role in supporting your glandular system. Herbal "adaptogens" have been used for centuries to treat the effects of trauma. And in recent years have steeped the interest of many research scientists.

The Russians started to research adaptogens over 50 years ago and Siberian Ginseng (ginseng in name only), which contains eleutherosides as its active agent, is widely used within their culture as a natural cure for stress. Besides this Russian adaptogen, many other cultures use ginseng for similar purposes. One of the most renowned is Red Korean Ginseng. (termed Panax from the word Panacea because of its multiply healing properties) The best quality comes from the six year old root. Six years is the time frame necessary for building up the highest level of "ginsenosides" or senosides for short. This is the active ingredient that aids the body as an adaptogen, and is hailed to hold the cure for many physical ailments.

So if you are suffering from chronic stress, it might be time to start learning about these adaptogens. But it is also important to consider lifestyle changes that will make life less stressful, without these changes adaptogens are only helping you to "run a little longer on empty".

Time and research will tell, but the information regarding chronic stress and adaptogens is significant and definitely worth learning more about. You owe it to yourself to take better care of health and your adrenal glands. You deserve to live life to its fullest!

For more information on relief from chronic stress see adaptogens and natural cures for stress CLICK HERE

Article Source:

Breakthrough Therapies for Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system, PD is more commonly seen in the elderly. With most cases occurring after the age of 60, the sickness rate after the age of 65 is about 2%. Most cases are sporadic, less than 10% of the patients have family history of the disease.The main pathological change of PD is the death of dopamine-generating cells in the substantia nigra, a region of the midbrain; then it causes obvious dopamine DA to reduce in the corpus striatum. The cause of this pathological change is unknown. Many risk factors have been found, including: hereditary factors; environmental factors; aging factors; oxidative stress and so on.

Treatment for Parkinsons however, does not target the root cause of the disease, but instead aims to manage symptoms by decreasing them through various types of drugs. Your doctor may wait for your symptoms to really become a hindrance to your activities before prescribing drugs.

What physical therapy for Parkinsons disease does is that it helps you compensate for movement difficulties. A therapist may teach you how to control your muscles to be able to do basic activities, like picking up objects.

This type of non-pharmacologic therapy along with a change in lifestyle may not promise to eliminate all symptoms, but are still very important to help improve your condition. After all, you cannot rely too much on your prescribed drugs as they may add toxicity to your body.

With physical therapy for Parkinson's disease, you are empowered to naturally address your symptoms like problems in coordination, pain, and weakness. And if partnered with much more natural methods such as a healthy diet, then significant changes may be expected.

This particular illness may be difficult and you cannot rely solely on medications because often times they may do you more harm than help you with your condition. But with practicing physical therapy for Parkinsons disease  and adopting other natural methods, you are one step forward to taking control of your condition.
Click HERE to learn more about Physical Therapy For Parkinsons Disease

The Fat Burning Kitchen

Your 24 Hour diet transformation to make Your Body a Fat Burning Machine

Medical science has made such dramatic breakthroughs over the last few decades that many are tempted to think that losing weight is obviously going to be assisted by some medically developed pill or other form of prescription. However for those of us who have been engaged by our doctor to consider losing weight few doctors, if any, will write the over-weight patient a prescription for their obese condition. A reputable doctor will in most cases refer you to a dietician or nutritionist. Other than some drastic measure such as gastric banding, in the most extreme of cases, the issue of weight-loss for your GP is not a prescription but a strong recommendation for a change in your diet.

However into this arena do come the so-called health shops that do attempt to sell you a whole series of fat burning pills and prescribed diets all claiming to assist the hapless dieter lose weight. To often the pills and potions offered are claimed to be derived from some natural source, be it berries, leaves, roots or tree bark. Despite these claims few of these so-called natural remedies are really required for a natural weight-loss diet and most are ineffective and very expensive.

What Then is Natural Fat Burning?

I would suggest that natural fat burning would be any change we can make to our diet that assists us lose weight without recourse to any form of medication. There are a host of changes we can make but the most effective is a return to simple natural foods cooked in our own kitchens. In such an easy change of diet the concept of natural really comes to the fore.

The issue of diet is somewhat complex and this is not helped by the fact that we are all different and our responses and reactions to diets vary tremendously. Diets that work for one for some unknown reason do not work as effectively for another. However the good news is that we know more of foods and diets today than we have ever known and some real hard facts are becoming part of the arsenal of dietitians today.

Foods We May Have Lost Sight Of

What is known today is that there are a whole range of foods that burn more energy in their digestion than they give to the body. These foods are a dieters dream. You can eat all you like of these foods and burn energy at the same time. What is humbling is that these foods were the foods of our grand-parents and our great-grand-parents. Why? The simple fact that most of the foods we eat today were simply not to be found then. Neither were the supermarkets from which we now purchase foods that are anything but natural and the source of most of our dietary problems. We have lost sight of the dramatic changes that have taken place in western diets over the last hundred years or more.

Natural fat burning means turning back the clock in your kitchen. From the following meal plans look at the variety of foods that can be used in any of these meals.

1. A Cooked Meal of Vegetables

Cook a meal of fish or lean meat, and add three or four items from the following:- broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, green beans, lemons, mushrooms, onions, peas, peppers, pumpkin, red cabbage, spinach and turnips.

2. A Salad

Make a fresh salad out of any of the following:- apples, asparagus, celery, chives, lettuce, mangoes, mushrooms, onions, peas, peppers, pineapple, prunes, radishes and tomatoes.

3. A Fruit Salad

Enjoy a fruit salad out of any of the following:- apples, apricots, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, cranberries, grapefruit, grapes, lemons, limes, mangoes, nectarines, oranges, papaya, peaches, pears, pineapple, prunes, raspberries, strawberries, tangerines and watermelon.

Every one of the above foods is a natural fat burning food. And this is but a simple start to a whole range of foods and meals that can be considered natural fat burning. Add some exercise and you are on your way.

A change in dietary habits does not always come easy for a lot of people. You may need to work slowly on such a change. For more detail on this subject and how to adjust your lifestyle visit my website below and find two very helpful programs.

Frank Rogers writes on diet, weight loss and lifestyle. From a very young age Frank was exposed to healthy living, much of which were negative issues like the things that we were not supposed to eat. Looking back over the decades he can laugh at much of what was taught. However Frank has never lost that initial interest in health, but today sees health issues as a positive force rather than a series of negative restrictions on a daily diet.

Having lived in many different parts of the world Frank is not afraid to embrace new and radical ideas if they have a foundation in reality. Two very different programs challenge much of contemporary thinking and he feels they are worth a closer evaluation.

To learn more of these lifestyle changes CLICK HERE and find two very successful fat burning programs. Both of these programs could be life changing for those who are finding it difficult to lose weight.

Article Source:

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Yoga Face Meditation

Anti-aging Secrets of Facial Yoga

Stop and smell the flowers." This old adage holds great truth and advice especially for the over-worked, over-stressed citizens of the modern world. We fill our days with fast paced activities and chores that lead to frustration, increased weight, and depression. Trying to cram too many activities in each day can have disastrous effects. Many ask how they can ward off the ill effects of stress. Besides reducing your activities you can look to the beneficial effects of meditation.

There are many ways to meditate from deep breathing to calming exercise such as yoga. Yoga has become a popular choice for many celebrities. Celebrities have stress upon their life on a grand scale. They not only have the unyielding demands of work, but also the critical and watchful eye of the critics, fans, and paparazzi. You may not have cameramen taking snapshots of you going to the grocery store, but you can have comparable levels of stress. Therefore, why not follow the celebrity craze in yoga and see if it works for you.

Yoga comes in many forms and difficulty levels. You can practice yoga at a health club or by watching yoga videos. It is recommended that beginning yogis take classes at a gym or health club. It is crucial to perform the postures correctly. A certified yoga instructor will help you to properly align your body and point out any areas for improvement. This feedback is essential so that you can receive the maximum benefits of yoga. An instructor can also talk you through meditation helping you to clear your mind and thus reduce your stress.

The basics of yoga cover four steps: breathing, meditation, posture, and relaxation. Let's focus on the meditation aspect of yoga. The purpose of meditation is to free your mind of worries. You literally want to wipe your mind slate clean. This can prove to be difficult as thoughts about the dry cleaning you need to pick up or the work report you need to finish race around your mind. A yoga instructor or audio tape can lead you through the steps to achieving deep meditation. They will lead you through focusing on the present.

When you focus on the present you automatically release any tensions that come from activities you need to do or things you are worried about from the past. Meditation allows you to look into yourself. Your mind becomes clear as stress and tension are swept away. This is sometimes referred to as "centering" the body. Try to listen to your body. Feel how the air moves from your belly through your nose as you inhale and exhale. You are getting back to the basics of life and the building blocks of your existence.

Classic yoga meditation involves sitting cross-legged on the floor with your spine straight. Rest your hands, palm face up, on your legs. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Try to breathe from the center of your body up and out through your nose. Make sure to relax your muscles, especially your jaw. In times of stress we tend to tighten our face causing jaw muscles to become sore. Take heed of the present moment. Remove the past and future from your mind.

When you become comfortable with yoga meditation breathing techniques you can move on to daily affirmations. Sit in your meditation pose and breathe deeply to allow your mind and body to relax. Next quietly say affirmations that are broad as well as personalized to your situation. For example, you can say "I will center my thoughts on the present." Follow this by saying "I will listen to myself breathe." It is important to find daily affirmations that will center you as well as revolve around the positive aspects of life. Finish each daily affirmation session by being grateful for all the joyous aspects of your life. If you have time, try to meditate five to ten minutes daily.

Your yoga postures will improve with meditation practice. Strive to engage in the deep breathing and affirmation techniques daily from the comfort of your own home. Supplement these meditation techniques with an actual yoga class. Not only will you gain valuable instruction from the yoga teacher, but you will also gain support and camaraderie of fellow yogis. This support group can help to alleviate stress and keep you interested in improving your yoga skills.

Ideally, you should attend a yoga class two to three times per week. However, this may not work with your schedule. Check to see if your local gym or health club has a diverse yoga schedule. Many health clubs offer yoga classes for varying difficulty levels in the morning, afternoon, and evenings.

The combination of daily meditation and yoga classes will bring you closer to a stress free life. Your mind and body will flourish from the healthy benefits of meditation and yoga. Now take a deep breathe and get started on your journey to stress free city.

Jump Start Your Way To More Love, Health, Power & Wealth! To receive practical and easy to follow techniques that will dramatically help you create a more happy, healthy and positive life visit the Subliminal Self Help Tapes Innertransition website.Click Here

Article Source:

Monday 1 February 2016

How to Lose Weight Quickly

Thе Fastest Wау Tо Lose Weight In 4 Weeks

Week 1
Aftеr awhile I dіd ѕоmе research fоr thе rіght weight loss cure, tо gain ѕоmе confidence аnd self-esteem wаѕ а goal I hаd іn mind. I wanted tо lose weight rеаllу bad, аnd I hаd trіеd аlmоѕt everything. Frоm diet pills, tо eating healthy foods, аnd gоіng tо thе gym TWO times а day! I wаѕ barely shedding thе pounds аnd I wаѕ working HARD аt іt too. Fоr thе amount оf time I put іntо mу workouts аnd thе bland food I wаѕ eating fоr thе lаѕt fеw weeks. Losing 1 оr 2 pounds еvеrу thrее days wаѕ nоt еnоugh fоr mе аnd I wanted tо ѕее real results FAST. Sо thіѕ іѕ whаt I stumbled uроn bеfоrе I gave up.

Week 2
I wаѕ tоо embarrassed tо gо tо thе gym anymore. I соuld hear people snickering аnd making comments аbоut mе аnd mу weight. And wіth thе lіttlе results I wаѕ gеttіng іt wasn't worth іt tо mе anymore tо pay fоr а gym membership јuѕt tо gеt insulted everyday. Sо I decided tо defeat thіѕ оn mу оwn іn thе privacy оf mу оwn life. I tооk thе time tо dо а lot оf research оn thе internet аnd I fоund а fеw programs thаt caught mу attention. This particular program changed mу life forever. It's lіkе аѕ іf thеѕе people held thе key fоr а weight loss cure аnd hаvе bееn waiting fоr mе tо find them. At fіrѕt I thought thіѕ wаѕ а scam, аnоthеr stupid "weight loss cure" program thаt wоuld teach mе whаt I аlrеаdу knew. WRONG, its а completely unique diet program thаt ran mе thrоugh step-by-step techniques оn hоw tо live а healthy life. Fоr thе cost оf а cup оf coffee реr day (or еvеn а whopper cheeseburger реr week) I hаd nоthіng tо lose. It wаѕ mу lаѕt shot оn trуіng tо lose weight ѕо I wеnt fоr it. And OH MY GOD I соuld nоt bе happier than I аm today! Thіѕ wаѕ thе weight loss cure thаt I hаvе bееn lооkіng for! I ѕаw results wіthіn days, I wаѕ shedding pounds аt а fast rate thаt I thought mу scale wаѕ broken. I hаd tо еvеn run tо mу neighbors house tо uѕе thеіr scale tо mаkе ѕurе I wasn't ѕееіng things.

Week 3
It's bееn аbоut 3 weeks ѕіnсе I started thіѕ nеw diet program аnd I can't bеlіеvе hоw muсh healthier I аm rіght now. It worked fоr mе ѕо I hаd tо trу оut ѕоmе оthеr programs. I weighed аbоut 350 pounds (I wаѕ scared tо check mу weight bасk thеn tо bе honest) аnd nоw аftеr 3 weeks I lost аbоut 30 pounds аnd ѕtіll losing! I аm аbоut 6 feet аnd 5 inches ѕо I аm а big guy. I thіnk аftеr а fеw mоrе weeks wіth thіѕ program I саn start working оut аgаіn аt thе gym.

Week 4
Ok, аftеr а fеw days оf uѕіng thіѕ nеw program I hаvе tо admit. I hаd mу doubts, but іt trulу worked. Mу arms аrе buffed аnd I hаvе а lean cut аrоund mу shoulders. I ѕtіll hаvе mу belly, but thаt іѕ slowly disappearing аѕ wеll folks. Thіѕ program іѕ located аt thе еnd of this write up . I hаvе bееn gоіng оut ѕо muсh mоrе nоw tо parks, beaches, clubs, thе gym, аnd оnсе аgаіn mоrе blind dates. I thіnk I fоund thе special оnе fоr me. But, whо knоwѕ it’s tоо early tо tell. But fоr nоw I wаnt tо leave everyone, mу advice аnd thіѕ іѕ thе bеѕt weight loss cure thаt іѕ guaranteed tо work fоr уоu аnd anyone. Nоthіng іѕ impossible, it’s mind оvеr matter, set уоurѕеlf goals, bе determined аnd dedicate уоurѕеlf tо thеѕе programs аnd уоu wіll change уоur life forever. I аm sharing thіѕ wіth thе public bесаuѕе I knоw whаt іt feels lіkе tо bе rejected аnd lose confidence. I don't wаnt аnуоnе tо live thаt life аѕ thаt іѕ mу раѕt life аnd nоw I hаvе а whоlе nеw life tо lооk fоrwаrd to. Tо follow thе ѕаmе AMAZING diet аnd exercise plan thаt I uѕеd рlеаѕе refer here

How Stress Affects Your Blood Sugar

The cold hard truth

By living with diabetes and by taking your prescribed medication, you are under the constant daily threat of dying of a heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, succumbing to blindness, amputations, neuropathy, hypertension, nerve system disease, high cholesterol, depression, and falling into a coma. Those are just the side-effects of living with diabetes.

Now lets add the side-effects from the drugs that are supposed to "help" you; hepatitis, liver problems, acidosis leading to death within hours, heart attacks, stroke, increased risk of cancer, weakened immune system, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, heart failure, etc.

Everyone knows that diabetes, both Type 1 and Type 2, involves properly controlling the body's blood sugar level. This can be affected by the type, frequency, and amount of foods that are consumed. But there is another factor that is also a major contributor to blood sugar levels and complication: stress. In fact, it has more to do with managing diabetes than you can imagine.

When your body is under stress it will automatically respond in the only way that it knows how... which is to release hormones. Hormones run everything from a woman's menstrual cycle, to a person's moods... to body functions. But when hormones are released, so is sugar. That's why under extreme periods of stress our bodies are able to perform some extraordinary acts as it is burning up the excess reserves of sugar that are stored in it.

But instead of rapid bouts of stress that are soon over, what about stress that continually builds over time? If short bursts of stress release extra sugar into the blood spontaneously, what does a continuous level of stress release? That's right: it releases sugar too, but over a longer period of time. And to a diabetic, this is not good news.

Releasing additional levels of sugar due to stress, in addition to what is extracted from your food intake, only ups the limits of sugar that is present in your bloodstream. This is the one thing that diabetics don't need. Now, stress is not only causing the diabetic to worry more, but it is now affecting their overall health.

One common side effect form stress is to either skip meals or skimp on meals. Skipping them altogether is disastrous for anyone, but the effects are amplified in diabetics. This is one thing that they cannot afford to do. This results in blood sugar levels plummeting and brings on an onslaught of complications too numerous to mention.

Almost as dangerous is skimping on meals. Taking the easy way out by consuming unhealthy snacks or fast food is equally as effective in sabotaging your blood sugar level. That's why eating healthy is so critical for Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics. Healthy food helps to equal healthy sugar.

Stress can also affect the body by cutting out exercise. People think they simply do not have time. But a healthy cardiovascular system is essential to maintaining optimal blood sugar levels.

Sleep, or lack of sleep, is another way that stress can creep into our lives. Not getting enough rest taxes the body, which causes stress, which causes insomnia, and so forth. It is a wheel in a gerbil cage that you won't be able to get off of until your body gives out. For an average person, this would mean exhaustion. For a diabetic, the consequences can be much more severe.

To discover answers to questions you may be asking yourself about Type 2 Diabetes, Click Here
Article Source:

Sunday 31 January 2016

Killing Excess Stomach Fat

If you want to burn fat and fix joints the right way, please Click Here

How to Get Rid of Lower Belly Fat

Killing excess stomach fat is something we all strive for. To kill excess stomach fat we must change our diet, exercise program and decrease our stress levels. Making changes to these factors will help us achieve six pack abs.

Nutrition plays an important role in our diet. Eating foods rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals and avoiding sodas, fast foods, processed and fatty foods will help with the overall caloric intake and helping our body burn excess fat.

By eating more often throughout the day as well as decreasing the portion size, we can help stabilize our blood sugar levels and maintain our energy throughout the day.

Exercises that involve resistance training help to increase our overall metabolism. When our metabolism is increased, we allow our body to kill the excess stomach fat. The body will utilize the excess stomach fat to fuel the increased exercise activity.

Increasing our lean body mass allows us to increase our metabolism. The increased muscle mass that we develop will need more fuel to function, as a result it will help fuel our activities and burn excess stomach fat.

Stress plays an important role in the storage of fat. When we are in a stressful situation, the body goes into a flight or fight condition, which releases Cortisol into our system. Cortisol helps store fat in the stomach to make it readily available for the body to use during an emergency situation.

Simple ways we can help decrease our stress levels are activities that help calm us. Activities like yoga, meditation, tai chi and deep breathing allow our body to reduce the amount of stress in our lives.

Killing excess stomach fat is not as hard as it seems. By understanding and being disciplined to making changes in our diet, exercise program and decreasing our overall stress level, we can achieve six pack abs. For Next Click Here

Best Hip Flexor Stretches

Hip Stretches Your Body Really Needs

The result of this is that your hip flexors will become tighter and be at risk for a strain unless you perform stretches. Stretches Lying Down

This is a great stretch to start off with because it's so gentle and natural for your leg. Once you feel ready lift up one of your legs, allow your knee to bend, then place both your hands just behind the knee and gently pull upwards towards your chest until you feel a good stretch. A key thing to note about this stretch is that if you feel any hip flexor pain, stop immediately.

Stretches Sitting

Many people initially classify this as a groin stretch, but remember some of the Hip Flexor muscles are also considered groin muscles, which is partially why this is a great stretch. Secondly, if you have really tight Psoas muscles you will also stretch those in this position.

To perform the butterfly stretch sit on the floor with your legs outstretched. Begin by shaking out your legs and taking a few deep breaths. To initiate the stretch pull in both your legs until the bottoms of your feet are touching, this should force your knees out. Increase the stretch as needed by putting your hands on your feet and pushing down on your knees. Stretches - Standing

Standing stretches are amazing at targeting the inner core muscles around the pelvic region. Here are two of the best stretches you should incorporate into your stretching.


Now push your lower hips forward until you feel the stretch and hold the position for up to 30 seconds. Just 3 sets of this stretch alone will do wonders for your flexibility.

Lunge Twist

This final stretch is similar to the lunge stretch above, but with an advanced twist on it. Static Stretches

This is a special type of stretches performed using a resistance band or tube that can be used both as a stretch and strengthening exercise at the same time. You should not only feel a stretch, but also fatigue in your Hip Flexors.

Hip Flexor Stretches Summary

If you stick to a good schedule I am confident you will see incredible improvements in your hip mobility doing just a few of these Hip Flexor stretches and prevent a potential injury.

If you need more information about a hip flexor pain Click Here

The X Factor Workout

The Five Factor Fitness program is an exercise regimen that has changed the way people view fitness and weight loss. The program lead people to believe that getting a healthier physique does not require one to go through all the unnecessary practices that have minimal effects. It also does not recommend the idea that one needs to starve to death in order to fit in that bikini. The whole idea of the Five Factor Fitness program is to make people realize that weight loss is a matter of thinking smart. Putting the best exercise and dietary combinations is what guarantees one to achieve his fitness goals.

The Five Factor Fitness program is based on the book written by Harley Pasternak. It is an extensive book that discusses a highly calculated routine one must follow for a span of 10 weeks. In a week one is given 5 days to exercise and 2 days of rest.

The Five Factor Diet program provides individuals with a set list and a series of weight loss exercises, which they are free to work around with. Each set that is done per day is a combination of a strengthening exercise, cardio workout and core exercises. The combination of which will guarantee a toned body and a leaner physique that will be visible a few days into the routine. The combination is called a superset. One is to complete a series of 5 supersets per week for 10 weeks.

One is not expected to finish the entire superset during his first week into the Five Factor Diet program. The program recognizes that the body might need time to adjust before it gets used to the routine. It is okay if you decide to take it gradually as your body develops the strength to complete all the tasks required. However, people are still encouraged to constantly challenge themselves every day. That extra push is what helps you accomplish goals in the end.

If you want to see videos factor diet click here

The great thing about the Five Factor Fitness program is the fact that it was carefully planned. Each training routine has been selected because it yields the highest amount of weight loss effects compared to all the other methods available. This assures you that you aren't wasting your time on something that could've been done more effectively. The Five Factor Fitness program is a training method put together by the greatest medical practitioners in the land. This assures you the best results ever imaginable.

The most common criticism about the Five Factor Fitness program is the fact that the details in the program can become difficult to follow at times. To some extent there is truth to this, however, one must understand that all these things are put together for a purpose. The Five Factor Fitness program is the best method you can ever find. No other program comes close in terms of effecting change in ones body and physique. Overall, the Five Factor Fitness program has successfully delivered the highest success rate in terms of people achieving their fitness plan goals. If you are interested in losing weight the right way, check out this program today.

Want to know more about The Amazing Five Factor Diet CLick Here

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Eat Stop Eat

A Different Way to Lose Weight

Over the past two decades we've been bombarded with countless weight-loss diets and strategies being touted as if they are a "one-size-fits-all" kind of miracle program. The EAT-STOP-EAT diet method does several things. First off, it exposes the top five myths that confuse, confound and complicate the process of weight-loss. Secondly, it is clear that it works because Brad Pilon, the author of the EAT-STOP-EAT program, has done an ewhole bunch of scientifically based research to create his program. EAT-STOP-EAT avoids the concept, as used by many failed diet programs, of completely denying yourself a particular type of food. This is because Brad's research shows that this is completely counter to how the human brain operates. If you can picture a better life for yourself, one that it isn't restrictive, complicated, confusing, time-wasting and hypocritical, then you can make EAT-STOP-EAT work. Stop using expensive diet supplements, throw away diet sheets that don't fit with your daily life. It gives you the strategies and tactics for lasting initial weight loss and ongoing weight control - without information overload - so you can enjoy the food you do eat and live the life that are destined to live.

a key characteristic of EAT-STOP-EAT is that it will end your constant drive to find that secret nutritional fix that will be the cure-all for your weight loss goals. The simplicity of EAT-STOP-EAT is what makes it a winning battle plan, it provides you with "The Knowledge"... and as they say, "knowledge is power". The other half is you actually implementing the plan - and nothing could be easier than EAT-STOP-EAT.

Adam Steer, NSCA-CPT has been researching improved products ( such as Eat Stop Eat ) and better ways of getting what you want for over 20 years. Visit and Click Here to learn more about this program.

Saturday 30 January 2016

Cleansing & Anti-aging ways to use coconut oil

Beautify With Coconut Oil

It may surprise you that coconut has been used as a medicine for centuries. Coconuts and coconut oil have proven to fight viruses and bacteria, help strengthen bones and teeth (for a pretty smile), and reduce the chances of heart disease.

Coconut oil, which is derived from the flesh of the coconut, also has proven healing qualities when used on the hair and skin.

Beautifying Nutrition

Though coconut oil is high in saturated fats, its fat is healthy according to Bruce Fife, CN, ND, director of the Coconut Research Center.

Coconuts hail much nutrition. They contain protein, calcium, folic acid, iron, and vitamins B1, B6, C, and E. The meat also contains 9 grams of fiber in a 1 cup serving. Imagine giving your body all this nutrition found in one simple food. It can only make you look better than any junk food would. But there's more! (read on)

The coconut's oil provides many unique benefits due to the compounds it contains. These compounds are lauric acid and caprylic acid. Both of these are sold as supplements, but the coconut oil itself is more beneficial as a direct source. Lauric acid kills harmful viruses and bacteria both internally and externally. Many mothers use the oil by applying it to their kids' skin to relieve symptoms of rosacea. Caprylic acid is antifungal.

Coconut oil also contains a surprising fat burner. This type of fat does not get stored in the body. Instead, it is the type of fat that produces energy which in turn stimulates and boosts metabolism. It is found in the oil's medium-chain triglycerides.

Beauty for Skin and Hair

The number of benefits are amazing for your skin. Coconut oil prevents acne and blemishes. It also helps treat rashes, eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea (as mentioned). Overall, coconut oil reduces inflammatory conditions of the skin; thus letting you treat the problem instead of suppressing it with pharmaceutical drugs that push the problems and symptoms (toxins) back into deeper layers of the body.

Coconut oil also helps your hair look vibrant by protecting it. It maintains the hair's protein as it gets absorbed into the hair shaft. For deep conditioning massage 2 to 3 tablespoons of coconut oil into hair and scalp. Leave in on overnight.

Beautify yourself with nature's gift of coconut and coconut oil with no additives or chemical preservatives.

For a limited time only, natural health expert, James Penn, is allowing you exclusive free access to his no cost newsletter where he reveals top secret natural health therapies and remedies to reinvigorate, rejuvenate and revitalise your mind, body and soul. Subscribe for free at CLICK HERE

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3 Foods That Will Make Your Type 2 Diabetes Even Worse

Did you know that some “safe” foods might be making your diabetes even worse?
You know to stay away from sweets, but some so-called “healthy” alternatives could be hijacking your blood sugar.
>>>What if you could REVERSE your Type 2 Diabetes and throw away your insulin shots? A new medical discovery makes it possible.
Keep these blood sugar-boosters off the menu to maximize your energy level:
Fruit Smoothies
You’ve been told your whole lives to eat your fruits and veggies, but here’s what they didn’t tell you…
Many smoothies contain as much sugar as three cans of soda…
…especially fast-food and restaurant smoothies.
So how can you get the necessary vitamins and fiber while avoiding blood sugar spikes?
The solution: make smoothies yourself.
Just make sure to stay away from super-sugary fruits like bananas and peaches.
Try these instead:

I know what you’re thinking:
“What could go wrong with a food that’s fat-free, cholesterol-free, and full of fiber and vitamins?”
The problem with starchy foods, like potatoes, is that they’re digested into the bloodstream lightning-quick and can trigger sharp insulin spikes.
Don’t scrap your spuds just yet, though. The key to a diabetes-friendly potato is in the preparation and portion size.
Preparation tips:
Cook them with a healthy fat, like olive oil
Add leafy greens or vegetables
Chill the potato or add lemon juice to slow digestion
As for portion size, stick to about 1/2 cup of mashed potatoes or a computer mouse sized baked potato.

White rice
In the diabetes world, white flour is like sugar’s evil minion.
Combine this with all the frying and processing involved with cooking flour, and your bloodstream is about to become a war-zone.
In fact, regularly eating white rice significantly increases your risk for Type 2 Diabetes. The risk increases 11% for each additional daily serving.
Thankfully, there is another option: brown rice.
Whole grains have fiber, which slows the rush of glucose into the bloodstream. Two servings of brown rice per week can actually lower your risk of diabetes, and help keep your blood sugar in check.
What if you could REVERSE your Type 2 Diabetes and never stop enjoying your favorite foods, here’s what you need:
A recent medical breakthrough at Newcastle University has revealed 3 Proven Steps to Reverse Type-2 Diabetes. Click the link below to find out more.
Click here to find out 3 Proven Steps to Reverse Type-2 Diabetes Discovered by Newcastle University.