Friday 12 February 2016

Chemotherapy For Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer found in women in the 21st century. Doctors have also adopted a singular line of treatment and that is mastectomy which means removal of the affected breast. After that they refer the patient to the oncologist who prescribes chemotherapy with a promise that the patient will be totally cured and there will be no recurrence of the disease. This promise induces the patient to bear the pains of the treatment. They are promised longevity after the completion of the treatment. The fear of death and the promise of a healthy life relieve them of fear and they opt for the treatment.

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The oncologists hide the hard truth that chemotherapy cannot wipe off all the cancerous cells. It is a fact that chemotherapy does not have the potentiality to kill all the cancerous cells present in the body; on the other hand the healthy cells in the body are also killed during the chemotherapy treatment due to which the natural immune system of the body is destroyed which gives rise to other health problems as the patient suffers the attack of other infectious diseases. Patients do not ask any question about the effectiveness of the treatment or what is the percentage of survival after the completion of the treatment.

Many researches have been done on this subject and it has been proven that the rate of survival is very low. The oncologists promise their patients that if they survive for five years after the treatment then they can be sure that they have been cured of breast cancer. Recurrences have occurred within the first ten years after mastectomy, this clearly shows that a patient has to live in constant fear of recurrence and death for the first ten years after mastectomy.

Many times the patients are assured that if there is no recurrence within the first five years then they can assume that they have been totally cured. But it is a hard fact that diseases which have recurrence tendency may lie dormant in the body for years and push up its head when the body becomes weak. Residue of the diseased cell may remain in the body and slowly and gradually spread in the body without showing any symptoms and thus remain undetected for years. So mastectomy and chemotherapy is not a full proof treatment for breast cancer.

Learn more about chemotherapy and its use in the treatment of breast cancer, also called breast cancer chemotherapy Click Here

Article Source:
Location: California, Amerika Serikat

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