Friday 29 January 2016

Workouts For Flat Abs

Before you read this article, I recommend to you to read this 5 tips to lose stomach fat, get flat six pack Abs, Ab workouts,Abdominal Exercise   to learn more Visit Website Click here

Women Click Here  to get a flat sexy tummy and sculpted abs like hers

Men Click Here  to burn off stubborn belly fat and build rock hard abdominals like his

For many of us, having flat, toned abs is like the quest for the Holy Grail. Here are some really practical tips and easy-to-follow workouts for abs to help you achieve great-looking and tight abs.

Flat Abs Tip 1: Set Realistic Goals

Flat Abs Tip No. 2: Think 3D

Your abs may become very strong but unfortunately the toned abs muscles continue to lie beneath a layer of tummy fat. If working any part of the body in isolation really works, all of us would have hollow jaws by now since we work our jaw muscles by talking and chewing more than any other muscle groups. We need to visualise the abs as a 360-degree torso and train the various core muscles.

Torso or core muscles are found deep within the abs and back, attaching to the spine or pelvis. Major core muscles reside in the area of the belly and the mid and lower back, and include the pelvic floor muscles, transversus abdominis, multifidus, internal and external obliques, rectus abdominis, erector spinae (sacrospinalis) especially the longissimus thoracis, and the diaphragm. Minor core muscles include the latissimus dorsi, gluteus maximus, and trapezius. These muscles are where most movements originate and help keep our body stable and balanced.

Effective workouts for abs involve working the core muscles - front, back, left, right, upper and lower.

Flat Abs Tip 3: Watch What You Eat

The truth is regardless of the grueling abs workouts you put yourself through, if you are carrying excess weight, your toned abs muscles will be hidden by a layer of fat. When the body sheds fat, it does so proportionately throughout the body.

Flat Abs Tip 4: Exercise Equipment Are Just Nice-To-Haves

The lack or absence of exercise equipment and gym memberships is no excuse or hindrance for not achieving toned, developed abs. There is no denying that equipment such as stability balls, BOSU, resistance bands, abs rockers work the abs more readily and make your workout routine more interesting by adding variety. But even without these gadgets, we can still achieve flat abs through calisthenic exercises that require minimal or no equipment and can be performed anywhere. Even in our daily activities such as standing and sitting, we can work our abs by consciously maintaining a good posture and contracting the abs muscles and drawing them inwards to the spine.

Flat Abs Tip 5: Be Patient And Persevere

Flat Abs Tip 6: Improve Your Posture

Pull back your shoulders, lift your chest up, draw your navel to your lower back and distribute your weight evenly on your balls and heels.

Easy Workouts for Abs


Start position: Lie on your back with knees bent at 45-degree angle, hands behind your ears and elbows facing outwards.

Return to start position.

1. Bring knees towards chest.
2. Extend legs skywards in the air.
3. Place arms (from easy to most difficult) by the sides, across chest, hands behind head or hands stretched above head

Curl-ups / Sit-ups

Start position: Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Cross your hands and arms over your chest.

Breathe out as you curl upwards. Lower your torso until your shoulder blades just lightly touch the ground. Breathe in as you lie down.


Start position: Get on your hands and knees in a push-up. Align your wrists under your shoulders. Maintain a straight back and keep abs and glutes tight so that your lower back does not sink.

While exhaling, tighten the abs and draw the navel to the lower back.

Lying Leg Raises

Raise your legs off the floor until vertical and slightly bent at the knees.

Lower your legs until your lower back is back on the floor and then lower your feet such that they are almost touching but not touching the floor. Keeping your feet off the floor maintains tension and works your abs by keeping the muscles tight and contracted.

Broomstick Twists

Rotate the upper body from side to side, keeping the pelvis fixed. You can also perform this exercise while seated which helps to fix the pelvis and focus your efforts on the abdominal core. The journey to flat abs begins with the very 1st crunch! For more ideas and inspiration on simple and effective workouts for abs, visit Workouts for Abs Click Here

Article Source:

1 comment:

  1. Extraordinary , I Already Try and the results were very ok
