Tuesday 26 January 2016

Create An Abundant Mind Set

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When you foster a mind-set of abundance you allow your Self to appreciate your blessings and celebrate the blessings of others. Feeling envious about the good fortune of others is usually an indication that you are experiencing a sense of lack in your life.

When you are in a lack mind-set you close the channel to creating your desires. Consider whether your feelings of envy reflect a feeling of lack. When you feel that others are experiencing more blessings than you, you may want to take time to build up your sense of abundance and focus on expressing gratitude for the wonderful things in your life. The happier and more satisfied you feel, the more joy you will experience when you notice others' good fortune.

When you recognize that you are in a state of lack you need to connect with your abundance by shifting your perspective to all the blessings you have experienced and are experiencing. The more you focus on your blessings, the happier you will feel and the more blessings you will create for your Self. You will also feel blessed when you see the abundance in people's lives. Choosing to focus on abundance in your life every moment enables you to feel happy about your own blessings and the blessings of those around you.

Staying focused on abundance requires a mind-set of Allowing Abundance, Thinking Positively, Having Unwavering faith, and Detaching from the outcome.

While these four aspects of an abundant mind-set seem simple enough, each one is an opportunity to stretch and grow into who you truly are. Detaching is more often the most challenging. The ego wants to stay in control - demanding to establish when, what, where, how. Have you noticed your Self reverting back to nagging like a child, as if the universe will give in and give you what you want when you want it. You meditate, pray and visualize - begging for what you want and obsess about it frequently.

This is certainly contrary to allowing - it is clinging and grasping. The Universe hears your request the first time, and furthermore, the Universe knows what you need before you know you need it. So there is no need to keep asking. Instead, you need to remember that in due time it will show up. Remember the Universe is perfect to the nth degree. Or it is also possible that you won't get what you asked for - but something much better will appear. Be open to whatever comes your way, knowing with all your heart that it will be perfect in every way.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7153503


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