Monday 25 January 2016

How To Stop Your Dog From Pulling

Understanding how to stop your dog from pulling is something that every dog owner needs to overcome in order to be able to walk there dog in an enjoyable manor. Many dog behavioral problems also stem from the fact that the dog is dragging you along the street. To put it simply your dog thinks it is in charge of the walk or in dog terms it sees itself as the pack leader!

There are so many gadgets, leads and collars out there but none of them can solve the problem if your dog thinks it is in charge, all these devices will do is attempt to divert your dogs energy elsewhere or cause pain in an attempt to stop your from pulling.  If you find yourself having to correct your dog every 30 seconds then there is something fundamentally wrong. The funny thing is this, your dog knows how to walk nicely on the lead it is far more than simply training it, you have to at first convince it you are the pack leader.

Think of it like this. Your dog understands that on the walk, somebody has to be the leader, and your dog is simply taking the lead! It is more of a psychological battle than a physical one, at least it should be. This first stage of the walk is actually ensuring that you are the pack leader inside the house before you look to venture out as no dog will let you simply take control over the walk, (the most dangerous place compared to the den) if you are not in control inside.

Here are some key tips to try before you venture out:

After bringing out your dogs lead wait until your dog calms down even if this takes a while and only attach it when your dog is calm. Never rush this stage.
You need to first learn how to stop your dog from pulling inside your house or property before going outside – there are some fantastic videos that show all of this.
Walk first around the house going around the tables and furniture in your house with your dog following you.
If your dog pulls out in front of you then simply change direction, leaving your dog behind you.
If your dog drags backwards then gently hold the lead firm for 10 seconds then call your dog to follow. They have no other options and so will follow you if you are patient.
Control the doorways – you should always walk through the doorways first when your dog is on the lead
Practice walking in and out of the front doorway with you going first – keep doing this until your dog relaxes and gives up waiting for you to make the next move
Check your posture – make sure that you are relaxed and calm and that your shoulder is down and arm is straight at the elbow
Of course there is a big difference between actually watching how to stop your dog from pulling and reading about it! Whilst I can give you all the advice in written form there is nothing quite like actually being shown it on a video.

One such site is run by professional dog trainer Doggy Dan who uses a gentle but very practical approach to dog training. In the site you will learn exactly what steps to take to establish yourself as the pack leader. The site The Online Dog Trainer is great for owners who want to really understand and treat the cause of their dog’s problems and not just use a band-aid solution. CLICK HERE


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