Sunday 27 December 2015

7 Tips To Make Fat Burning Meals

My name is Diana Keuilian, I’m the creator of Family Friendly Fat Burning Foods and today I’d like to share with you my top 7 Tips To Make Fat Burning Meals.

Wouldn't it be great if all your favorite comfort meals naturally promoted fat loss? My old favorite comfort meals were fried fish tacos, fully-loaded veggie burritos, angel hair pasta with mizithra cheese and cheese-smothered veggie burgers with fries. Yummmmmmmm! Unfortunately these old favorites brought on rapid fat storage.

Fat Burning Tip #1) Focus On Protein
The base of a fat burning meal is a healthy serving of quality, lean protein. Choose from organic, hormone-free chicken, pork, beef, lamb, veal, fish or eggs.

Most of my favorite meals had very little to do with protein. Most of my meals were made up of processed grains and sugar.
Fat Burning Tip #2) Ditch Grains and Refined Sugar
A fat burning meal does not contain a serving of grains or starches. Grains and sugar are filled with fat-promoting carbs, and as you saw above, my favorite meals were all carb-ed out.

There's really no reason, other than habit, to eat grains or sugar on a regular basis. Fat Burning Tip #3) Bring On The Veggies
After you remove the grains and sugars from your meal, add a bunch of fiber-filled veggies instead. Add a light homemade dressing and you're looking at the perfect, quick fat burning meal.

Fat Burning Tip #4) Quality Ingredients

Be willing to spend a little more on the foods that you eat. When choosing meat look for organic, antibiotic and hormone-free. Also avoid highly processed soy fake meats.

Choose foods that are:
Fresh, organic and seasonal
Pronounceable ingredients
Whole foods

Fat Burning Tip #5) Use A Healthy Cooking Method

The method in which you cook your meal determines how many calories, how much added fat, and the number of nutrients that survive.

Don’t prepare meals like this:
Fat Burning Tip #6) Cook With Coconut Oil
I used to always cook with vegetable oil, never realizing how harmful it was to my fat loss efforts. Unfortunately most people use harmful, unstable and fat promoting oils when they cook.

The good news is that coconut oil is an amazing, healthy oil that not only tastes great but also helps promote fat loss. Best of all, coconut oil has been shown to increase metabolism and thyroid activity, which boosts fat burning.

Fat Burning Tip #7) Enjoy Dessert of Fresh Fruit
I used to overlook fruit as the perfect dessert that it is, and instead would eat artificially flavored, cane sugar sweetened, processed desserts that encourage rapid weight gain and declined health.

By making the simple switch from refined sugar desserts to desserts of organic, fresh fruit I was able to lose weight without feeling deprived.

Hope that you have enjoyed these 7 Tips To Make Fat Burning Meals. I’m walking proof that this way of eating truly delivers results without deprivation or boring, bland meals.

I love food WAY too much to give up flavorful, delicious dinners, snacks and desserts. In fact, I’m so passionate about creating fat burning foods that, for the first time ever, I’ve put all of my best recipes and eating secrets together into a full Family Friendly Fat Burning Meals program.

This system has over 100 of my family’s favorite fat burning recipes – which I used to effortlessly reverse the weight I had gained in my twenties. Here’s a page where you can learn more about my Family Friendly Fat Burning Meals Program Click Here

I’m excited to hear your fat loss success story.


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