Monday 28 December 2015

Stop Sleep Apnea - Prevention Techniques

If you have a tendency to snore, then left unchecked, snoring can flourish into a more serious condition known as sleep apnea. It is really in your vital, best interests to stop sleep apnea from developing. Sleep apnea is a serious health problem that can cause problems for you not only in the short term, but also lead to serious health problems in the long-term, including heart attack, stroke, and even premature death.

Sleep apnea is a syndrome in which you stop breathing several times during night at frequent intervals for several moments at a time.

So what can you do to stop sleep apnea, preventing it from occurring in the first place?

The best course of action to stop sleep apnea is strengthen your otolaryngologic muscles (the muscles in your mouth, nose, and throat) that are directly responsible for the blockage in your air passageways that results in both snoring and apnea, by performing a series of exercises.

These exercises are designed to condition your tongue, your jaws, the soft palate on the roof of your mouth, among various other related muscles, to remain rigid during sleep. Without exercising these muscles, they will be weak and flaccid. Therefore, when you fall asleep at night, they will passively succumb to the force of gravity and will fall into the path of your normal airflow, creating an obstruction.

Over time, as you perform these exercises, they will become stronger, and not only will your snoring be reduced if not completely eliminated, but your likelihood of encountering another apnea episode will diminish as well.

The best prevention techniques for apnea are to perform these exercises, a sample of which are listed below:

Tongue exercises - touch the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth and press upward. Also try curling your tongue.
Jaw exercises - Chew a stick of gum (or pretend to chew one if you do not have access to gum) slowly and gradually increase the intensity over the course of two to three minutes.
Palate exercises - Practice some of the same vocal singing techniques that professional singers use to help you strengthen the roof of your mouth.
The best way to cure apnea is to engage in preventative exercises like these above. Not only will they help cure your apnea but they will also permanently reduce and cure your tendency to snore as well.

Want to cure your sleep apnea problem permanently, once and for all?

Why haven't you tried these natural exercises Click here to stop sleep apnea

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