Saturday 19 December 2015

Herbal Remedies for Asthma

Asthma is a condition when your airway narrowing and inflammation can occur. some symptoms are usually felt by the patient is coughing, breath ringing, until it feels claustrophobic. Asthma is divided into 2 types namely extrinsic asthma caused by dust, inhaled pollen, mold, animal dander, smoke, even breathing cold air. These patients are usually not able to sporting activities . and intrinsic asthma, namely asthma symptoms will usually appear when people feeling stress, even sometimes be triggered by viral infection. Traditional medicine is the most potent herbs. one of the reasons why it is more advisable to use types of traditional medicine, because natural ingredients will not give any side effects.

The following are some of the most powerful. traditional asthma medications that you can try.

1. Honey Bee

Honey is very good to thin the mucus that inhibits the respiratory tract, which can then be removed. you can consume honey with warm water. mix 2-3 tablespoons of honey in warm water can then be drunk. so the more potent treat asthma, you can add 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder, or add 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. if there is no powder, can be cut into pieces and put into a mixture of honey or turmeric finely ground and then mixed. honey drink can also add 1 teaspoon garlic collision

2. Ginger

 Ginger may help overcome inflammation. how to make ginger pounded halusatau to cut it, then mixed with honey. if only cut, give more ginger than if crushed. ylang flowers dry. how to make, spend 3 ylang flowers dried, then boiled with 200 cc of water to a boil. after the container tightly closed. after the cold, drinking water as well. to cure asthma, try drinking herbal ingredients every day on a regular basis.

3. Cermai Fruit

This unique fruit that tastes it also can be a potent asthma medications. first, provide cermai 6 seeds, 2 onions, 1/4 handheld root kara, 8 points of longan fruit and 2 cups of boiled water. weave, wash longan fruit thoroughly, then mash together with other ingredients, then boiled the result of collision with 2 cups of water until the remaining 1/2 cup only. cold drink after water and filtered.

4. Ki tolod leaves (Isotoma longiflora)

Perhaps you are quite familiar with the name of this leaf . However, asthma medicinal plants , it is also considered quite effective handling of asthma . First, prepare two leaves kitolod and also two glasses of water . After the leaves are washed , boiled with 2 cups water until the remaining half. Drinking potion after cold water and filtered twice a day , ie morning and afternoon , do regularly until the pain shortness of breath you resolved .

Asthma sufferers heavily rely on medicine to keep their condition under control. They use inhalers in case of emergency and specific medicine on a daily basis. However, the overuse of these medicines can significantly affect the human body, as there are many counter indications which, in time, will harm the body and make it even more sensitive to external factors. But what if you could obtain the same results as when taking medicine, but without having those dangerous side effects? What if you could live your normal life and treat your condition in a natural way, without being necessary to ingest all kinds of chemical? Would this not be great?
Well, I think that most asthmatics will surely enjoy the possibility of totally removing the medicines from their lives and start a new life by treating their condition using herbs. This thing is possible and it has been done from long time by other cultures. There are two main mixes of herbs which can help asthmatics live their life the natural way, without chemical drugs which were temporary alleviating their suffering, but had disastrous effects on the long run.

The first mix of herbs is one highly used in Middle East countries, which consists of chamomile, cinnamon, sage, black cumin seeds, cloves, rosemary, spearmint and thyme, as well as other similar herbs with therapeutic effects. This combination of herbs has been used for centuries in Middle East countries to treat asthma or at least alleviate its symptoms.

The other herb combination which is believed to have great effects upon the human body and offer great results in treating asthma is the mixture called Saiboku-To. This mixture, which has its origins in Asia contains ten herbs, from which the best known are ginger, magnolia, Baikal skullcap, licorice and Korean ginseng. Most of the patients which have been treated using this Asian blending of herbs reported serious improvement in their conditions and reductions in their steroidal medication.

If you suffer from asthma, you should definitely try at least one of these blends. They have the advantage of being 100% natural and of not presenting any side effects which may damage or affect your health in a negative way.

To find out how to cure Asthma is more effective and can definitely
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