Wednesday 16 December 2015

A cure for depression!

Depression is an awful illness. If you suffer from it, it can make your life a living hell. Thoughts of self-doubt, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, insomnia or oversleeping, feelings of anger or irritability, loss of energy, strong feelings of self-loathing, worthlessness or guilt, problems concentrating and suicidal thoughts are all common symptoms and can all make life seem pointless.

Then there is the stigma, that even in the 21st century is still attached to mental illness. People with depression are sometimes thought of as weak and stupid and told to “just get over it”, which of course just makes the depression worse. 350 million people suffer from depression globally, and less than half of them get any kind of treatment for it because of this stigma, which is just terrible.

Then, those that seek treatment are given antidepressants to treat their illness. The trouble is, antidepressants have a very low success rate, and even what is considered to be a ‘success’ is just a lessening of symptoms - they don’t cure depression at all. Plus, these pills come with awful side effects. These include a risk for increased hostility, agitation, anxiety and sexual dysfunction. The worst side effect has to be a risk that suicidal thoughts will increase. Yes, that’s right, for a depressed person who may be having suicidal thoughts, the usual course of action is to prescribe them a drug which is known to increase suicidal thoughts! Antidepressants can also cause severe withdrawal symptoms if you stop taking them abruptly.

These drugs also cost a small fortune. Even if you are lucky enough to live in a country with a National Health Service like the UK, you still need to pay for the prescription to get them from the pharmacy. That’s around $15 every 2 weeks, or roughly $400 a year - all without any guarantee of success.

The other options people with depression have are talk therapy, counselling or psychotherapy. While these sessions are known to have a better success rate than antidepressants, they have one major drawback: They cost a fortune! It is not unusual for a top psychiatrist to charge over $800 for an hour of their time, and will usually mean a visit every week. And do these forms of treatment come with any guarantees of getting your money back if they fail? Of course not!

There has to be a better way to treat depression than just throwing pills at the situation or charging ridiculous amounts of money for an hour of someone's time. There has to be a cure for it, rather than something that ‘might’ lessen the symptoms. We put a man on the moon, we invented the Internet where the answers to almost any question mankind has ever asked can be found at our fingertips, we live in the 21st century for Pete’s sake! There has to be a way to actually cure this illness doesn’t there?

Fortunately, there is....

A guy from the UK called James Gordon believes he has found the cure. He had suffered from depression for over 20 years, and had previously spent years on antidepressants which gave him all manner of side effects without helping, and spent thousands on therapy sessions without success. He finally snapped one day and decided to find a cure for depression himself.

He then spent years researching everything about depression that he could possibly find. He trawled the Internet and read thousands of articles on the subject, searched through dozens of medical books and consulted countless specialists. He even downloaded dozens of e-books and systems written by life coaches and gurus, watched hundreds of hours of videos, talked with people who battled with depression themselves who had recovered, and even met with people who had attempted suicide and survived to hear their stories.
What he ended up with was a 7-step plan which eliminated depression from his life completely in just 8 weeks, and never returned. He has now packaged it into what is called The Destroy Depression System™  For Information Click Here


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