Monday 14 December 2015

Diabetes Reversing Breakthrough Type 2

Revealed: The Shocking Truth About Diabetes!

It seems that “money” (as usual) has blinded doctors and medical practitioners to the degree that they are now willingly *suppressing* the truth regarding diabetes – its control, management, and even its cure!

That’s right: I said it ...“cure!”

And this should shock you even more:

It seems that it’s against the law to say the word “cure” when describing anything that actually cures you.

Yet it’s very much okay to say that something “treats” or helps “offset” the symptoms of some health condition or disease.

But if you say “cure” (and even including when you in fact have a real and bona fide cure for something and can even prove it!) you can get arrested.

Ever wonder why no one ever talks about “curing diabetes”? Everyone seems to be content with finding ways to “control diabetes” or “live with diabetes”. And for good reason.

It’s simply because no one’s out to “cure” anyone because there’s little money in doing so.

No one’s out to “cure” anyone because there’s little money in doing so.

Instead, keeping you sick and marginally pain-free is all anyone’s really out to do for you these days – as doing so means you being “forced” to buy all the same drugs over and over again, and again, and … (you get the point!)

Of course, if a cure came along it would mean you buy it one time, and then you’re cured – and that’s that (over and done!)

Listen, if somebody showed you how to cure diabetes… they wouldn’t make very much money off of you. Right? But if somebody invents a pill or a shot that helps you live with diabetes… they’ll get your money week-after-week, month-after-month, year-after-year until the day you die. Make sense?

In fact, there’s a saying in the drug industry:

Cures Kill Profits!

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to have to depend on some big drug company to keep me alive and comfortable just so I can give them more of my hard-earned money every month.

I’d much rather take control of my own health and find a way to banish diabetes.

Now a number of doctors, medical scientists and researchers armed with “real answers” and “real solutions” are stepping up and are NOT afraid of “Uncle Big-Bully Brother!”

One courageous fellow by the name of Matt Traverso is doing exactly this!

Not only that, but Matt Traverso has lectured and personally helped individuals beat the disease to the point that proven sufferers have actually gotten re-diagnoses as “no longer having the disease at all!” (Something that’s pretty much always been ruled out as a possibility altogether! – and now which may even be against the law!)

But why don’t we hear about this information from the American Diabetes Association? The truth is, the American Diabetes Association are benefiting hugely from the current trend in diabetes. They are funded by pharmaceutical companies who would lose out if people reversed there diabetic conditions.

The treatment of Diabetes brings in over $10 Million Dollars EVERY SINGLE HOUR of the day to Doctors, Pharmaceutical companies, and testing supply businesses. With that kind of money at stake Big Pharma is going to extreme lengths to silence information about natural cures and alternatives for treating diabetes.

Therefore it’s not certain how long Matt will be allowed to do this because “Uncle Sambo” has actually started using “Gestapo” tactics whereby people and businesses truly offering “cures” have been raided with masked armed police who even go to the point of forcing customers in the stores to get down on the floor at gunpoint!

So, if you’re wise and want to find out about this while it’s still possible for you to do so, then just visit this link now:

But don’t be surprised if one day soon you return to find this site completely removed with a US Flag waving in its place (in the name of “freedom” no less!)


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