Monday 11 January 2016

Lose Man Boobs Naturally

In the past decade male breast reduction has become increasingly popular for treating man boobs. During the last year alone over 23,000 man boob, or as it's medically termed, gynecomastia surgeries were performed in the United States. About 11% of these surgeries were done on teens. Surgery should always be a last resort. It is estimated that in more than 90% of males with gynecomastia the condition will correct itself within 1-3 years.

Before considering male breast reduction surgery all other options should be tried. In many cases the cause of gynecomastia or pseudogynecomastia is unknown. It is frustrating for those who do not have a definite cause to work on. For cases when the cause is identified working to correct that condition is a bit easier.

In some cases gynecomastia is caused by an imbalance in hormones, more specifically a decrease in production of androgen and an increase in estrogen. When the breast tissue has a decreased sensitivity to androgens and an increased sensitivity to estrogen breasts take on a more feminine appearance. Use of steroids and some medications can be a factor in this.

When hormone balances return to normal the breast tissue should also return to normal. If this doesn't happen naturally then hormone therapy may be needed to get the balance back to where it should be.

Certain drugs, including marijuana and heroine, can cause breast enlargement as can over use of alcohol. Decreasing use of these substances is another way to reduce breast size without having to resort to surgery.

Obesity can cause pseudogynecomastia. If weight is an issue a change in diet may be all that is required to return to a more masculine looking chest. For more extreme cases of obesity skin may be stretched and have a saggy appearance after weight loss is achieved.

Aerobic exercise is another way to help reduce adipose tissue in the breast area. It is important for everyone to have adequate exercise. If obesity is a factor then increasing your daily exercise routine to include 15 to 30 minutes of aerobic exercise can help your overall health as well as decrease your chest size.

Bodybuilding routines including lifting weights can help you to achieve a more masculine looking chest. It is important to do lifts that will incorporate your back, arms, and chest muscles.

If you have tried diet and exercise as well as working on getting your hormones into proper balance and decreasing use of drugs that may cause gynecomastia and you still aren't happy with the results you ,may want to discuss having surgery with your doctor. Surgery is costly and isn't usually covered by health insurance. All surgery is risky so before you choose to have a procedure done you should weigh the risks and benefits.

Find out more about male breast reduction CLICK HERE 

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