Thursday 24 December 2015

Naturally Treat Stroke in Southeast Asia

Stroke is included as a risky disease that can cause the paralysis on the part of body, moreover death. Many people get confused to distinguish between sroke attack and heart attack. Of course both of them are caused by the same life style, unhealthy life style. Heart attack is caused by blood supply to heart muscles stopped. Meanwhile stroke happens because blood supply does not reach brain. Those are caused by the formation of clots on one of  artery. Another difference is pain. Stroke sufferer has not got  pain just like heart attack sufferer. Stroke is caused by damaged blood vessel or blood coagulation. To treat heart disease naturally, it has discussed at the previous article.
The general symptoms of heart disease – The  symptoms of stroke should be known before the treatment.

Some symptoms of stroke are as follows :

  •  Tongue is so hard to move that the words uttered are not clear.
  •  Urinate can not be controlled, sometimes the pants are wet because of it.
  •  Sleepy feeling attacks, sleepi becomes a desire every time
  •  Difficulties in swallowing food.
  •  The part of body has got a paralysis. A sudden weakness on arms, legs, and the certain parts of  body.
  • The low ablity of eyesight.
  • The decline of keeping the body balance, walking, or moving the parts of body.
  • A sudden headache without knowing the causes

The way of treating stroke naturally and traditionally.

Some kinds of food below are good  to be consumed by the stroke sufferers:

1. Apple
Quercetin that an apple contains is benefit to relieve inflammation triggering the blood vessel harden.  The risk of stroke attack can be declined to  50% by consuming one apple every day ( Read the benefits of apple for face beauty )

2. Spinach
The content of folat acid in spinach is good for brain. This important nutrient is helpful repair due to the damage of blood vessel and clogged up in brain.

3. Sprout
Sprout is rich in vitamin A, Vitamin C, and vitamin E that bind  immunity system

4. Sweet potato
Phitonutrient that a sweet potato contains , is useful to expedite the blood circulation and damaged cell repair.

5.  Olive oil
Olive oil contains omega 9 that gives benefits to decline bad cholesterol. Moreover vitamin D in it is useful to prevent bone paralysis.

6.  Garlic
Consuming garlic will make your body warm. Atsiri oil in garlic is useful to decline fat amount in blood

7.   Sambiloto leaves (Andrographis Paniculata)

There are many benefits in sambiloto leaves, including muscarinic effect to blood vessel . Put 7 sambiloto leaves into half cup of hot water. You can drink it after you add honey. Do this 3 times a day.


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