Sunday 20 December 2015

Bacterial Vaginosis Natural Treatment

Bacterial Vaginosis Infections are the most common type of vaginal infection, and an estimated 8 million cases are diagnosed each year. The symptoms of a bacterial vaginosis infection include severe itching, white, fishy odor, clumpy discharge, yellowish-gray discharge, pain while urinating, and pain during vaginal intercourse. Unsurprisingly, many women are searching for bv home remedies every day
There are a number of effective prescription and over the counter medicines that can be used to treat a bacterial vaginosis infection, but some women prefer to treat this ailment in the comfort and privacy of their own home with natural remedies.
Fortunately, there are a number of effective treatment options to choose from:
The most popular natural bacterial vaginsosis home remedies include:

- Douching with vinegar
- Douching with peroxide
- Tea tree oil
- Garlic supplements
- Boric acid
- Yogurt and a diet rich in probiotics (healthy bacteria)
- Lavendar oil
- Oregano oil

Early clinical trials show that each of these options offers a promising treatment option, with the exception of douching. Most medical experts strongly advise against douching when one has a bacterial vaginosis infection because the douche also removes, along with the "bad" bacteria, healthy bacteria that the vagina needs to fight off the infection. While there are a small percentage of women who swear by this practice, doctors caution against it because the vinegar can cause internal damage to the vaginal walls.

There are numerous other natural treatment options for vaginal infections that can be found on the internet

Due to the sensitivity of the vagina, it is recommended that a woman consult with her primary care physician or gynecologist before using any natural remedies. A doctor should be able to determine if it is indeed a bacterial vaginosis infection or if it is actually a yeast infection

Find your Natural BV Home Remedies today at


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