Saturday 5 December 2015

How To Eliminate Cough Phlegm So Naturally

Getting rid of cough with phlegm is often done by people as possible is to take medicine from the pharmacy or doctor. Or usually there are also people with the disease cough letting and have confidence that it would heal itself. But actually there are many ways you can do to cure a cough with phlegm, including by means of natural or traditional. The use of natural ingredients to treat cough has almost no side effects. It is also able to eliminate the cough quickly. No less quickly with modern medicine.

Here are some ways to treat cough with phlegm naturally that you can try.

1. Ginger tea

Imagine any drink you would have been able to imagine how warm and how delicious this drink. Ginger slices are mixed into the hot tea is effective enough to help overcome cough up phlegm. Getting rid of cough with phlegm is apparently already used by people in Asian countries for a long time. It is advisable to consume ginger tea twice a day so that you are immediately productive cough subsided.

2. Starfruit

For those of you who do not know what fruit starfruit, this fruit is a fruit that resembles a small star fruit, but green and sour taste. The fruit is also quite effective as a way to treat cough with phlegm in children or in adults. How to create a potion starfruit is to mix together a few grains of fennel, a little sugar and a cup of water. Then boiled mixtures of these and filter the water while the potion was getting cold.

3. Lime

Consuming lemon is how to get rid of cough with phlegm naturally and quickly. Lime may be a traditional medicine to relieve cough most known to the public. How to create a potion is to mix lime juice with honey and warm water. Comparison between the lime juice, honey and water is 1: 3: 5. There was also an easier way and not too much trouble, that is by mixing lime juice with soy sauce. This method is also quite effective as a way to treat cough with phlegm in children if consumed twice a day with a dose of one teaspoon.


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