Thursday 3 December 2015

Breast cancer treatment without surgery

Breast cancer treatment without surgery
Breast kenker treatment traditionally is an alternative way to suppress the development of cancer cells in the breast. Although still requiring handling medically but traditional medicine this is as a companion to medical treatment in breast cancer.

These are plants that have benefits for you in helping breast cancer treatment

1. Soursop leaf

Soursop leaves have efficacy for treating breast cancer, this case is supported by research conducted in developed countries. Even the researchers believe could treat diseases soursop leaves breast cancer more than the strength of the chemotherapy. Soursop leaves contain acetogenins, muricapentocin, annocatacin, linoleic acid, annocatalin, gigantetroin and other compounds that turned out to have efficacy for treating some types of cancer.

How to prepare

  • Prepare 10 leaves of soursop
  • Water boiled with 300 ml
  • Wait until the water 100 ml
  • Drink 2 times daily


Rosella flower petals contain vitamin C, vitamin A, and amino acids. Roselle also contains protein and calcium, Gossy peptin glucoside anthocyanins and hibiscin that have diuretic and choleretic effect, improving blood circulation, prevent high blood pressure, improves the performance of the intestines and serves as a tonic.

How to Prepare for cancer drug
  • Take the 5 petals of Rosella and wash to clean
  • Brewed with boiling water 100 ml
  • Let stand 5 minutes to drink
  • While warm drink with regular 1 time every day

3 Mangosteen

Extract of mangosteen rind are capable of destroying cancer cells to apoptosis.
Queen of The Tropic Fruits xanthone compounds can produce, that is, a substance formed from the mangosteen rind isolation results. Simply applied reaching 123.97 mg. Xanthones have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity. Xanthone compounds can prevent damage to cells so that the process is inhibited cell degeneration.

How to present to make juice from Mangosteen Rind
  • 3 the fruit mangosteen, matches the inside his skin red, don't hit the black part of the mangosteen rind (outer skin)
  • Mangosteen peel puree using a grinding tool fruit and add honey to taste
  • Should be taken after meals.

4. Noni Fruit

Noni has the Latin name Morinda citrifolia L is one of the traditional medicine which has many benefits.
Dr. Ralph Heinecke in 1950 in his research proved that the immune system can be enhanced with the consumption of noni fruit extract.

Four Japanese scientists discovered anti-cancer substances in the extract of noni when they are looking for substances that can stimulate the growth of normal structure of cells abnormal K-ras-NRK (precancerous cells) on 500 kinds of plant extracts, Turns anti-cancer substances in noni most effective against abnormal cells.
Other studies from Dr. Annie Hirazumi show anticancer experiments on mice. Mice induced cancer cells, and then given noni juice was able to survive longer than those not given the juice.

Noni has components that are anticancer. These components may inhibit the formation of new blood vessels by breast cancer cells. In addition to the anti-angiogenesis as a component in noni can destroy blood vessels that do not function.

How To Prepare
  • Prepare 2 pace which started yellowing
  • Though into the juice and flavor enhancer for the Add honey.
  • Drink every morning for 30 minutes before breakfast.

That's some natural ways for breast cancer treatment may be useful thanks

If you are interested there are herbal remedies that have been processed and packaged like the picture below. You can message via email

Soursop leaf  remedies
Mangosteen Remedies

Rosella Tea
Prime Noni Remedies