Thursday 21 January 2016

The Autism Symptoms Checklist

How to Successfully Raise a Child with Autism

Do you want the autism symptoms checklist or want to see an autistic child then look at the children who you pass by, but there is not specific symptom you can identify in a child having this disorder.

Observe the children who reside around your place and observe every child you walk past on the street. These children may be having autism disorder. There is no striking symptom that a child is affected by this type of disorder.

Autism is a typical neurological disorder that no body will be able to identify it easily unless you tell them that he or she is autistic. I know parents who have an autistic child and whenever they take their son to a shop or physician, they used to receive looks of disgust to his unusual behaviour. Parents often used to get upset at the criticism from the people who don't know that autism is the reason behind it. Many times parents dare to fight with people who comment or scold the children with this disorder. But finally the only thing left is to educate people about this problem.

So, what is the definition of autism? Many people who i met have no idea about this disorder. They are of the opinion that autistic and artistic are the same. But there is no connection between these two words and both are entirely different

Social and communication skills will not be normal in children with autism. These children don't mingle with others or make friends and some have speech problems. An autistic child behaves peculiarly like pouring water from glass to glass, moving round again and again but not getting dizziness, not like to be hugged or touched, playing with toys by putting them in line and shouting for hours. However every child with this problem is different. Autism consists of changing levels of behaviour because of which it is called as spectrum.

Many children with this disorder will not be able to express properly, instead of telling something they will show what they want by showing a picture to the parents. Imaging that your child has a pain some where in the body but he will not able to tell what he or she is suffering from. Imagine how a parent would feel in such a situation if he could not get to know the problem of his child.

One has to be determined to tackle this problem and fight for the life of autistic child.

As of now, no doctor or psychiatrist is able to tell what causes autism, however the style of parenting is not the cause of this disorder. But some people argue that bad parenting is one of the reasons for getting autism. One thing is sure that the parents who are facing this problem only can understand what it is like raising an autistic child.

After a careful study, experts have come to a decision there is no specific autism symptoms checklist to identify this disorder, it is part of family's life and we have to face the challenges it gives us. The parents i know have proved that autism will not become a hurdle in their happiness and future plans to successfully raise a child when their seven year old started to speak a little better with the children invited on his birthday.

Though there is battle to be won, it is necessary to think positively and show that you are very much interested in his welfare and development to cure a child with autism. Only thing the parents can give their children is love and affection but not the behaviour therapy as the same is very costly and not covered by medical insurance. This fact disappoints many parents as they could not take them for a behaviour therapy. Some parents argue that why a different system of education which can assist autistic child is not incorporated in the present system of education. I used to advice my friends and neighbours that whenever they see such children and their peculiar behaviour, not to come to a conclusion about the parents as it might be autism.

Discover The Most Effective Parenting Tools That Are Guaranteed To Work For You And Your Child. I hope you liked the article on Autism Symptoms Checklist and the way we required to treat the children with autism. For More About Autism Chidren CLICK HERE

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