Sunday 6 December 2015

4 Kinds of Traditional Medicines for Chicken Pox That can be found easily

What are the traditional medicine for chicken pox ? Before we discuss about traditionally chicken pox treatment, we are going to discuss about the chicken pox itself. Now, Who doesn’t know what chicken pox is ? Chicken pox is a  kind of contagious disease caused by virus infection. The virus of disease is called varicella zoster.

Chicken pox usually attacks children of 2 – 5 years. The initial symptom of chicken pox  is indicated with  fever, weak, as well as cold. On the serious case, it is usually indicated with joint pain and headache. After a few days, red spots appear on skin in small size. It is usually found first on around stomach, back, and chest, until finally spread to around face. Usually the sufferer  will have chicken pox in  2-3 weeks. This disease has got a quite long recovery period. Because this disease is contagious, the sufferer should be isolated at home in about 1 week. So, are there traditional medicines to relieve chicken pox easily and effectively ? Though, this disease can remove by itself after 2 – 3 weeks, but to prevent the disease more serious, we should use traditional medicines to relieve it.

However, the traditional medicine for chicken pox that we can use are as follows :

1.  Noni fruit
Who doesn ‘t know this very bitter fruit ? Yes, Though this fruit is not nice, but don’t be doubtful about its ability. Mengkudu is a kind of fruit that is rich in special quality including able to relieve chicken pox. The way is, get 5 grams of ripe mengkudu, clean up,  pound finely in a blender to get juice. Then, drink it routinely 2 -3 times a day.

2.  Mung bean
If you don’t like the first concoction that is very bitter, the next solution is you can use mung bean. The way is by soaking mung beans in water until  they expand, pound finely, then spread it on the chicken pox infected skin

3.   Temu lawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza)
You can use temu lawak to relieve chicken pox. The way is, get 15 grams of kencur (Kaempferia galanga L.), 15 grams of tamarind, and 600 ml of water. Clean it up and cut kencur into small pieces. Mix the three ingredients and boil them until it leaves half of it. Drink the concoction 2 - 3 times a day

4.   Unripe corns
The traditional medicine for chicken pox is unripe corns. The way is,  clean up the corns, grate them, then spread on the part of the chicken pox infected skin. You can do this treatment routinely, start from the treatment step, the recovery, until the removal of  chicken pox scar.

I hope that it’s  useful

If you are Interested in traditional medicine for chickenpox have been processed and packed send an email to


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