Monday 4 April 2016

3 Hidden Causes Of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction is no laughing matter. It can hit any man, of any age, but of course, is much more prevalent among older men.

Once you hit forty, you’re increasingly likely to suffer from ED. It’s important to understand, however, that not every case of sexual dysfunction is an ED problem.

Sooner or later, every man faces the occasional performance problem. When it happens, you’re going to feel bad about it.

You’re going to feel like a failure, and let’s face it, like less of a man, but unless it’s happening consistently and over a period of time, it’s not ED.

Here are some of the more common causes of erectile dysfunction:

Diet, Exercise, and Lifestyle

The sad truth is that in a significant number of cases, erectile dysfunction is a condition we bring upon ourselves.

Even when these things aren’t the outright cause of ED, they’re almost certain to be contributing factors that make your condition worse.

This is a big, expansive category that covers a lot of ground, but in a nutshell, here’s what you need to know.

Eating lots of leafy greens, whole grains, oysters, watermelon, and blueberries (most any fruit will work, really) will help you give your body all that it needs to improve the quality of your erections, while cutting out processed foods, cigarettes and alcohol will provide further benefits.

Add in a healthy dose of exercise at least three times per week, and you’re well on your way to better sexual health!

The Meds You Take

You’ve almost certainly seen various medications advertised on TV. The funny part about those ads is that they spend almost as much time talking about the side effects of their latest “wonder drugs” as they do about its supposed benefits.

Unfortunately, many of the drugs on the market today that are designed to treat various conditions, have side effects that include the degradation of male sexual performance. The most common of these are blood pressure medications, but there are many others.

The good news is that in many cases, there are often (but not always) alternatives to the meds with these side effects. If that’s the case, your doctor can prescribe you an alternative to help alleviate the problem.

Your Big Brain Working Against Your Little Brain
Many of the causes of erectile dysfunction are actually psychological. Understand that this is not the same as saying that it’s all in your head, because it’s not.

Psychological issues can easily lead to a variety of very real physical ailments. If that surprises you, it shouldn’t.

Stress can lead to heart disease, so why can’t other psychological issues lead to ED? It’s a pretty common, fairly well understood phenomenon.

Stress is, in fact, one of the leading causes of ED, which makes it a particularly nasty condition (because it also can lead to heart troubles, so it hits you twice).

Long before stress kills you though, it will impact your sex life in a major, and entirely negative way.

Our modern society is filled to the point of overflowing with stress triggers. We work too many hours. We don’t take enough vacations, and even when we do, we tend to bring our work with us, thanks to the advent of the smart phone, which is both a blessing and a curse.

Yes, it lets us keep in touch with friends and families no matter where we are in the world, but it also means that we have the tendency to never unplug. We need that. We need time to decompress and relax. Sure, you can run at top speed for a while, but if you do it too long, you’ll burn yourself out.

If you keep going much beyond that, your problems will only worsen with time. Why would you want to do that to yourself? It simply makes no sense.


Depression is another common cause of ED, and let’s face it. When you’re depressed, sex is about the last thing you’re thinking of.

Stress is a particularly nasty cause of ED, because most of the antidepressant medicines available only make ED worse.

Depression is insidious on another front as well, because it’s easy to get caught in a negative, self-reinforcing feedback loop trap.

What we mean by that is that when you’re depressed, your self-esteem is (by definition) low. If you try to have sex, your low self-esteem may lead to performance issues. Then, when you fail to perform, sexually, it lowers your self-esteem further, which makes future sexual performance issues even more likely.

Once you’re caught in that trap, it can be notoriously difficult to get out of it.

One thing you’ll note that isn’t on the list is "performance anxiety." That’s because while performance anxiety can lead to a lack of sexual performance in certain specific situations, these are generally isolated, one-off events.

The risk, however, is that a failure to perform sexually can sometimes lead to depression, which can cause ED.
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Saturday 19 March 2016

Best Spices for a Healthy Diet

One of the easiest ways of using spices for their health-giving properties is in your diet. Spices not only make food more palatable, but they offer a wealth of nutritional benefits as well. Although the nutritional value of spices we consume in our meals may be small, limited by the relatively small amounts involved, their therapeutic benefits are likely to be large by comparison

5 Spices that should be part of a healthy diet.

Pepper -

Widely used in cooking many dishes giving a spicy kick where required.

Strong anti-toxidant and anti-bacterial properties.

Boosts metabolism, decreases inflammation, improves digestion. Pepper will improve digestion, an aid to treating coughs, colds, sinusitis, heart problems, colic, diabetes, anaemia, and piles.

Turmeric- Taste is similar to mustard. Often sprinkled on salads to add flavour, or used in curry powder to make Indian dishes.Turmeric is rich in anti-toxidants and anti-carcinogenic properties. It reduces cholesterol levels, aids cough, cold and flatulence, itdecreases inflammation and is antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal.


Cinnamon has a mild fragrant aroma and a warm, sweet flavour. It is often used as a flavouring agent when preparing many kinds of desserts, chocolate and spicy sweets and liqueurs.

Cinnamon has strong antibacterial qualities. It aids digestive problems and helps manage blood sugar levels.

Ginger -

Use fresh ginger in stir-fries or home-made vegetable juices.

An antioxidant, decreases inflammation, boosts immunity, digestive aid.


Is an essential ingredient in everyday cooking in the Indian kitchen. These brown aromatic small seeds give out more aroma when roasted or added to hot oil.

Cumin acts as a good source of iron that strengthens immunity it is also used for relieving dyspeptic headaches, nausea, pain and cramping in the abdomen and acts as an antispasmodic, flatulence and many problems of the digestive system.


Cardamom is an aromatic spice commonly used in Indian curries, gravies and deserts. It has a sharp and stimulating flavour.

This spice helps to reduce stomach acidity, generates appetite, alleviates nausea and cures bad breath, stimulates digestion and relieves flatulence.

For More HERE

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Friday 4 March 2016

Simple Method To Overcome Obesity

Obesity afflicts a large percentage of us and has been linked to health conditions like high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, back pain, cardiovascular ailments and stroke. Sticking to a well devised and balanced diet plan while making sure that we get some exercise as a part of our daily routine are some of the best ways to start losing weight.

Upon losing weight, the feel good factor is greatly enhanced while one gains enthusiasm towards life. Losing just a little weight makes us confident about our appearance, as our clothes fit well and we regain self-assurance to be in situations that involve interaction with strangers. Losing weight ensures that one would not be self conscious, even if he has to appear before an audience or be in a scenario where one is required to be on a stage or at a podium. While making people slimmer and more motivated, losing weight lets us put our focus on everyday activities and this helps us reduce everyday stress. We stop looking upon food for comfort and reach out to people by being more outgoing.

People are often on a lookout for easy ways to lose weight. While there is no miracle solution or a faster way to lose weight, if one plans to lose some weight and make sure that it stays off, it may call for some lasting changes in diet and practices of physical activity. One should carefully access the daily routine to recognize patterns in eating behavior, as this helps understand the areas where changes should be bought about. We could start by replacing high calorie meals with healthy snacks, like substituting ice creams for fruit salad, avoiding fried or sugary foods and maybe replacing sugar with natural sweeteners. By making sure that our goals are realistic, we ascertain that they become more achievable and are more beneficial for us. Drastic changes in lifestyle can be difficult to maintain over time. Instead of figuring out the fastest way to lose weight, we should work on taking simpler measures that are beneficial for our health in the long run and help us lose weight while maintaining a more slender appearance.

Natural sweeteners assist in weight loss and are an ideal replacement for sugar as they as they substitute empty calories for vitamins and nutrients. With a low glycemic index, they often have a negligible effect on our blood sugar levels, making them all the more useful for people suffering from medical conditions like diabetes. Some natural sweeteners like Stevia are known for their elaborate health benefits, including stabilization of blood sugar which enables people who are currently insulin dependent to eventually not require treatment for diabetes. Alternately, Stevia lowers blood pressure and has anti-viral properties.

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Tuesday 23 February 2016

Organic Natural Body

For a lot of people, skin care is very important and instead of choosing mainstream and popular brands for skin care, many are now looking for an organic natural body care product. What makes an organic natural body care product better?

First off, the skin is very sensitive and highly absorbent. Anything applied to it can cause the skin to react and it can also be absorbed into the bloodstream. A lot of ingredients used in many brands are chemicals and made from synthetic material which are bad for the health and can have serious health consequences.

Among these ingredients are parabens, dioxanes, mineral oil, and phthalates. Studies made on these various ingredients show negative health effects yet the cosmetic industry stays deaf and blind to these studies and many companies still refuse to remove these from their products.

Using an organic natural body care protect can help protect you from the toxic effects of these chemicals and synthetic ingredients. Organic skin care products are made with natural ingredients which are safer, less irritating, and definitely better for the skin. Be careful though as some companies who claim to make organic skin products actually use the same harmful chemical ingredients and just add one or two organic ingredients so that they can say it's organic.

Aside from being safe ingredient-wise, organic skin care products are also packed with nutrients like vitamins and antioxidants which truly provide the skin with what it needs. Nutrients in their natural form are easily absorbed by the body for maximum utilization which explains why skin care products made with organic and natural ingredients produce better results. Synthetic vitamins found in many skin products do not provide the nutrients that the skin needs and produce poor results.

Examples of ingredients you should look for in an organic natural body care product are shea butter, grapeseed oil, manuka honey, and avocado oil. These have been used for skin care for years and years and have proven beneficial in solving a wide range of skin problems including wrinkles, dryness, acne, stretch marks, sun damage, and many more. Check the list of ingredients to ensure that the product contains only natural ingredients.

Aside from organic skin products, you can also whip up your own natural skin care treatment at home. Many recipes for facial wash, masks, and scrubs are found on the internet using things you can usually find in your kitchen like oatmeal, egg whites, and yogurt.

Clearly, natural skin care is the best. Choose organic and natural skin products and you will not only be helping yourself but the environment as well. If you are interested in finding out about more natural and organic ingredients there are available and how they are effective, visit my site today. You can also check out my recommendations on skin care there too!

Celebrity Trainer Thomas Delauer and Dr. Mike Brookins Reveal How to Dramatically Reduce Inflammation With These Body Hacks. She gives the public informative information about how you can take care of your skin. Visit her site CLICK HERE.

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Thursday 18 February 2016

Self Rehabilitation to Stop Alcohol Addiction

It is really terrible when I heard that alcohol is one of killer for people. Most of alcoholic die tragically. There are many cases that are noted nowadays. Every year, people who die because of alcohol have increased. It can be ignored by society.

Some people say that it is very difficult to be free from alcohol. It is just like you stuck with the alcohol content and you cannot do anything except drink and drink again. Actually, people have power to stop it. If they have strong willingness to quit, the result will be good.

You can quit from this dangerous addiction drinking by asking support from your family. I know that you cannot do it by yourself. You need them to protect and give advice. They will give you a chance to return from dark place.

Beside that, try to find activity that will make you busy. The important point here is preparing your activity positively. You can visit health club to do yoga, or sport. Research has proved that positive activity will keep people's mind positive. You will forget to drink alcohol.

It is better for you to continue your healing by creating anti alcohol club. You can ask you friend to join your club. You can try to make preventive alcohol program for many people. You can socialize it together in many ways such as seminar, newspaper, magazine, internet, and other ways.

You will not be a patient in alcohol rehabilitation if you can handle it by yourself. Basically, to get rid of alcohol comes from your intention. If you believe that you can heal and back to your previous life, you can do it. I know it is not easy, but you can make it step by step.

Do not ever give up to be free from alcohol. You have to quit as fast as possible. Your intention needs strong effort. Sooner or later, you will get the best result. Fortunately, you can do your normal activity successfully.

Stop alcohol addiction right now, CLICK HERE.

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Tuesday 16 February 2016

Organic Natural Health & Wellness

A healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition is what we strive for, but a lot of us come up short in this department. Improved health, which seems never-ending at times but possible, is what we'd like to accomplish. Our bodies are out of balance and very complex; so we look for wellness to obtain more energy. Your energy most likely is already there, it just needs to be restored.

Glutathione is the body's most powerful antioxidant and more effective than if you ingested vitamin C and E. And for those of you that aren't familiar with Glutathione, it is tri-peptide (three proteins in one molecule); very critical to cellular function. It fights inflammation, increases your energy, improves concentration, and boosts your immune system; just to name a few of its benefits! As we approach our twenties our supply of Glutathione drops in our body's 10% to 15% every ten years. This lowers our energy levels, compromises our immune system and so much more.

Our energy, healthy organs and skin require healthy cells. Now if you'd like to introduce antioxidants to your diet that is perfectly fine. It's a great way to support your health, but Glutathione is a natural antioxidant and produced by our bodies which are more important for protecting healthy cells.

So basically age is not always the culprit when we complain about things we use to do, but aren't able to do them as well anymore. Stress, injuries, infections, and vigorous exercise not to mention the toxins in the air, are just some of the factors that significantly reduce or Glutathione levels.

You want to live your life to the Max! To be able to do that you have to ward off all of those damaging things that affect our bodies. Increased energy, strong immune system, and peaked athletic performance, is the way to go!

Click here to see the kind of natural organic

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